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were the 10 plagues IN Bible real and can they proved why was it done this Way?

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10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you take the bible as history, which a lot of people do, then yes the 10 plagues happened. There is evidence supporting the bible but I won't go into it here. I would like to say though that there is scientific evidence showing how each of these plagues could have caused the next, not saying that God was not involved but simply showing why they may have happened in this order.

    The first plague was 'the water turned to blood and the fish died'. The water turning 'to blood' or red could be caused by volanic pollution or by a red algae, both which would have made the water undrinkable and caused the fish to die. Earthquakes could have caused a limnic eruption which would have the same effect.

    The second plague was the dead frogs. Anything that caused the fish to die would also have caused the frogs to leave the river and die, causing the second plague.

    The third and fourth plagues were the flies and biting insects, which could easily have been caused by the lack of frogs which would normally keep the insect population in check.

    Plagues 5 and 6, livestock disease and boils, would have been caused by the same thing, biting insects. Anthough there are few insects that affect both humans and animals, they are around and exist in the Nile region.

    Plague 7, the fiery hail, does not fit in the series of enents but could be explained by volcanic activity which alters the weather system, causing hail and brimstone. It could also be a storm, which hail and lightening, which would explain the fiery hail.

    Plague 8 is the locusts. Hail would have damaged the crops, leaving less food for the locusts which would cause them to move in a swarm to the habitated areas. Also, the lack of predators caused by earlier plagues could have caused there numbers to grow significantly. Even without these explanations, swarms of locusts in that area are not uncommon.

    Plague 9, darkness, could have been caused by a number of reasons like a solar eclipse, sandstorm, volcanic ash or even just swarms of locists so large they block out the sun.

    Plague 10, death of the firstborn, is the hardest to explain. Not only was the plague selective to first borns, but only the Egyptians were affected. The most likely explanation for this has to do with the food. Wheat could have been carrying disease from the locusts or a kind of mould. In times of trouble, the first born would always recieve a much bigger share of the food so that at least they can survive. This would have made them sick and therefore cause the death of the first borns. The Hebrews were not affected because of tradition. They would regularly clear out all of there wheat due to a certain religious practice. This would have prevented the growth of mould or disease and they would not have been affected.

    I hope that this has helped someone. I would like to say again that although this is scientific evidence, it in no way suggests that God was not involved in twisting nature his way. As thomas_tutoring2002 explains in his answer, the plagues were a perfect fit to punish the Pharoah.

  • 1 decade ago

    No they were not real. Not only is there no evidence for the plagues, but there is no evidence for Moses, Joseph, the Hebrews living in Egypt for over 200 years, or the 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine.

    Also consider that while the exact route they would have taken out of Egypt is disputed, several of the locations they camped at are well known. These have been extensively excavated with no sign of them being used as a camp sight for a large group of people.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. There is no confirmation of the plagues anywhere outside of the Bible, so no, it CANNOT be said that they are real.

    2. They were done, because each plague represented a different deity in the ancient Egyptian family of gods. When a plague came, it was like God destroying the Egyptian gods. It showed the power and wrath of the Hebrew god against Pharaoh.

  • 1 decade ago

    These plagues also relate the bowls of anger that Revelation chapter 16 brings out.

    Revelation 16:3 And the second one poured out his bowl into the sea. And it became blood as of a dead man, and every living soul died, [yes,] the things in the sea.

    There is more info on these bowls being poured out that relate to the Ten plagues.

    Please read abolut them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There have been some interesting studies done on the succession of plagues and how they happened.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep as real as the nose on your face. They are part of the accurate bible account. To believe any part of the bible is to believe all of it because they all have been inspired of God, who cannot lie.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't see what the moral of the story is. God hardens the heart of the Pharaoh, then punishes him for that. And again. And again. And again. What do we learn except that God is a sadist?

  • 1 decade ago

    EACH PLAGUE was designed to humiliate the false god's of Egypt , since Pharoah deliberately belittled the True God:

    *** sh chap. 3 Common Threads in Mythology

    --Egypt’s Gods and the Ten Plagues

    Jehovah executed judgment on Egypt’s impotent gods by means of the Ten Plagues.—Exodus 7:14–12:32.

    Plague Description

    1 Nile and other waters turned to blood. Nile-god Hapi disgraced

    2 Frogs. Frog-goddess Heqt powerless to prevent it

    3 Dust turned to gnats. Thoth, lord of magic, could not help the Egyptian magicians

    4 Gadflies on all Egypt except Goshen where Israel dwelt. No god was able to prevent it—not even Ptah, creator of the

    universe, or Thoth, lord of magic

    5 Pestilence on livestock. Neither sacred cow-goddess Hathor nor Apis the bull could prevent this plague

    6 Boils. Healer deities Thoth, Isis, and Ptah unable to help

    7 Thunder and hail. Exposed the impotence of Reshpu,controller of lightning, and Thoth, god of rain and thunder

    8 Locusts. This was a blow to the fertility-god Min,protector of crops

    9 Three days of darkness. Ra, the preeminent sun-god, and Horus, a solar god, disgraced

    10 Death of the firstborn including Pharaoh’s, who was considered to be a god incarnate. Ra (Amon-Ra), sun-god

    and sometimes represented as a ram, was unable to impede it!

    This idea always applies to the false gods:

    (Psalm 96:5-6) “. . .For all the gods of the peoples are valueless gods; But as for Jehovah, he has made the very heavens. 6 Dignity and splendor are before him; Strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.”

    How can any occurrence be proved that happened 3,000 years ago. We either accept Bible history as any other history, by those trustworthy in their reporting it!

    For instance Rahab & a Moabitess, a direct ancestress to Christ gave credence to the incident in Egypt:

    (Joshua 2:10) “. . .For we have heard how Jehovah dried up the waters of the Red Sea from before YOU when YOU came out of Egypt, and what YOU did to the two kings of the Am′or·ites who were on the other side of the Jordan, namely, Si′hon and Og, whom YOU devoted to destruction.”

    LUKE the Physcian and a biographer of Christ worte this report of Israel in Egypt:

    (Acts 7:34-36) “. . .I have certainly seen the wrongful treatment of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their groaning and I have come down to deliver them. And now come, I will send you off to Egypt.’ 35 This Moses, whom they disowned, saying, ‘Who appointed you ruler and judge?’ this man God sent off as both ruler and deliverer by the hand of the angel that appeared to him in the thornbush. 36 This man led them out after doing portents and signs in Egypt and in the Red Sea and in the wilderness for forty years.”

    Pauls reference to the deliverence gives more credence to the actual happening, in its completeness:

    (Hebrews 11:27-29) “. . .By faith he left Egypt, but not fearing the anger of the king, for he continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. 28 By faith he had celebrated the passover and the splashing of the blood, that the destroyer might not touch their firstborn ones. 29 By faith they passed through the Red Sea as on dry land, but on venturing out upon it the Egyptians were swallowed up.”

    --SO THEN Biblical history should indeed be as equally considered proof as any other history as has been attested:

    “I find more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane [secular] history whatsoever.”—Sir Isaac Newton, renowned English scientist


    Pharoah harden his own heart, the incidents of each plague showed his pride and lack of humility!

    --IS IT NOT interesting that the plagues started off as minimal and esculated each time Pharoah stubbornly rejected that Jehovah was the true God--hardening his own heart, simply because he was super prideful!

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, they were very real.God decided to do it that way.He is sovereign.He can do what he knows is best.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes all real

    Source(s): FORMER Atheist
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