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For YOUR religious belief, what is the most precious document and what must YOU do to be "Saved"?

I had a near-death experience and you may find my story among the answers that I have given. My files are always open and shall remain so. I have been very proud to have been acquainted with many different denominational friends in my home town and online. I never try to push my beliefs on anyone no matter what their beliefs and I generally am rather quiet about my beliefs. Please share with me what your beliefs are and what is necessary to be "saved" according to your beliefs. I will share mine a little later on today. After you answer, please come back and visit if you are interested in what I have to say. You are welcome to share whatever you are comfortable sharing but PLEASE do not attack others for their beliefs. Last, but not least, Have a wonderful day and a GREAT WEEK!

Thank YOU,



There was a time in my life that I did not believe in GOD and began to question whether or not we were a product of "chance" (evolution). I had a grandfather who died about 6 months before I was born. He made my dad promise not to leave my grandmother alone. My dad attempted to do so but was unable. Instead, he left me with my grandmother each and every weekend to stay with her. She was a Methodist and we attended the nearby Methodist Church every Sunday morning. She and I sang The Old Rugged Cross every weekend. She got cancer and was hospitalized and cried to see me until she was so bad off that she did not know anyone. That was when they finally allowed me to see her. She died when I was nine years old and it was a terrible thing for me to go through. I saw what I believed was either her or an angel one evening right after her death and that made a definite impression on me. I eventually began reading about different beliefs and all kinds of crazy things.

Update 2:

At age 17 while I was a high school senior, I stopped taking insulin under the care of an acupuncturist and ended up in a comatose state. I had a near-death experience which made me realize that there is a GOD! I began searching for HIM and attended many different religious services (for years). I also read and studied about all kinds of religious matters and beliefs in college classes, books, and through friends who I knew were interested in religious matters. My wife and I had a Bible Study with an older couple who were very knowledgeable and spent many weeks answering questions and discussing Biblical matters with us. At the end of the study my wife and I decided it was time to dedicate our lives to GOD. We were baptized and have been faithful members of the LORDS CHURCH (Non-Denominational) for over twenty years. I believe that the experiences that I lived through were stepping stones for me to find my way to HIS' TRUTH. Have a great week.

Thank You,


Update 3:


Olorinth the Younger has asked that we pray for Earl Jesse Stevens (Lavengro60).

He is very ill indeed and has asked everyone to pray for him - he hopes to finish his third autobiographical book if he is 'spared' for long enough. He is an inspiration to all of his many friends and readers.


38 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Bible is our only inspired message from God.

    Several people have mentioned Belief/Faith that Jesus is the Son of God. He is the rewarder of the faithful.

    Repentance is where we are sorry for all the wrong in our lives and causes us to turn around and go in a different direction toward God.

    Confess that Jesus is God's Son, the personification of God on earth is necessary.

    Baptism washes away our sins and through water baptism we enter into Jesus' body as we "put on" Christ.

    After baptism, we must walk in the new life and attempt to live without sin. When we do sin, which we will, we have to pray and ask God to forgive our sins.

    These requirements for the free gift is like us winning the lottery. If our numbers are drawn, we win the free gift of the money. However, there are certain things we must do in order to receive the free money. We must take our ticket into their offices. If we do not take the ticket in, we will not receive the money that is there for us. If we do take it into the office, we must sign paperwork in the office. If we refuse to sign the paperwork, we do not get the money we won. The same is true of our salvation.

    There is not one part of the Bible that is not true. It does have to be divided correctly, in that the Bible is divided into 3 sections or eras. The Patriorichal, the Law of Moses and the Christian era. The Christian era begins with the book of Acts and goes throught the rest of what is called the New Testament.

  • Lynn C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The Bible is the most precious document, because it is Gods Written Word, But We must Have Jesus Christ to be saved.

    Some think if they have the Bible and the law they can be saved, but the law is here to teach us, and convict us so we know, we are not saved until we have Faith and Belief in Jesus Christ as our savior. We will then also be convicted through the Holy Spirit,Just by knowing the Bible or knowing the words, will not help, it is only when you have accepted The Lords Give that you are washed in The Blood and Saved.

  • 1 decade ago

    The most precious document is THE BIBLE THE INTEGRAL WORD OF GOD. Now the new bibles but old ones like King James, or any old bibles before 1912. The NIV and many like those are perverted, cut off and had been translations that come from the roman catholic church (which main goal was to make them the saviour through Mary, or church or baby baptism)

    What must I do to be saved: It says if you believe and CONFESS that Jesus died for your sins and if you walk in the SPIRIT and not in the FLESH you will be saved. The new bibles have many versed removes or perverted, but as it is written THOSE WHO WILL OVERCOME WILL BE SAVED so we have to NOT ONLY BELIEVE AND ACCEPT JESUS but also walk as HE WALKED as it is written. IF WE JUST BELIEVE, we will not be saved for we are known by our FRUITS and so it is with God. That is why HE speaks of the 10 virgins: 5 will lack oil, those are 5 that believe they are saved because they believed in Jesus as their Saviour, but didn't live in the Spirit (Oil) that is an every day life style. Also Jesus that THOSE WHO LOVE ME AND KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS will enherit Eternal Life. For we are STILL UNDER THE LAW otherwise why would we need and advocat before the Lord when we sin ? The only law that was cricified with Jesus is the "sacrificial law" which Jesus accumplished once and for all, but you will find in ALL the NEW TESTAMENT it says "those that keep the law" and "Those who walk in the SPIRIT and not in the FLESH" are those that love Jesus.

    Source(s): The WHOLE WORD OF GOD
  • 1 decade ago

    For me, the Bible is the most precious document, both spiritually and in the case of family Bibles that have been read and cherished by my Grandmother, Father and Mother. These are precious.

    I believe that I am saved by grace through faith in Christ, for me that is my salvation.

    Please do share your experience, I know that others will want to read it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have a great testimony

    I believe in the God of the bible and for my salvation, I submitted to Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and confessed my sins before Him by which I am saved by grace.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi there Dale!

    "Do not be afraid for I have redeemed you;

    I have called you by your name, you are mine."

    "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you through and through, I chose you to be mine ...."

    So we should not worry, should we, but we do - because whilst God is in a position to be CERTAIN, we are not! We doubt - and so we fear!

    Thanks for the prayers for Earl Jesse Stevens (Lavengro60).

    He is very ill indeed and has asked everyone to pray for him - he hopes to finish his third autobiographical book if he is 'spared' for long enough. He is an inspiration to all of his many friends and readers.

    Bye for now,


    xxx (((dale)))

    Source(s): Hymn : DO NOT BE AFRAID [modern] by Gerard Markland Laudate Hymnbook, publisher Decani, #972 ISBN 1 900 31401 05 3
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a cancer survivor and I too have had a NDE. I am Roman Catholic but believe that as long as others believe in something they are better off than believing in nothing. I do not bash other religions. As a Catholic we per say are not "saved". We are baptized shortly after birth. We have seven sacraments that we receive and follow throughout our lifetime. All it really boils down to is that a person be lives in something. I have to agree with you on the fact that respecting one another and their freedom of religion or whatever they choose. The world today is harsh enough that we need something to use a tool to guide us.

    A star for you!!!!

  • Mawm
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The Bible is what I use as my guide, I believe it is the inspired word of God. I believe in following the New Testament as our guide. I believe to be saved once you are at the age of accountability you have to hear the Word, believe the Word, repent for your sins, confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he did die for our sins and rose again. I believe according to the New Testament that once you believe you are to be baptized as an outword sign of being dead to sin, buried with Christ and to rise again to a new spiritual life. I believe you should continue to grow past the milk of a new babe in Christ and continue to grow in knowledge and faith and have to live your life faithful to the end. I believe you can loose your salvation because you grow weak, I believe Christ did say that any branch that does not produce fruit will be cut off. I do believe we as Christians do have the responsibility to teach others. I believe in only one church and that is Christ's church, no other way to the Father but by Christ. I believe you have to follow Christ's example of how to pray, live, baptize, commune, give and love and not in a creed or committee's decisions on the current way to do it. Man can not improve, change God's ways and think that they have a better understanding of it. The Bible says the plan of salvation is so simple that a full can't err in understanding it. I don't cram what I believe down people's throats and I do believe in the end we will all be surprised at how many points we missed, how much grace we will be given and do not believe only one denomination will enter...I know all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and that has to include worship.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son and whoever believeth on should nor perish but have everlasting live. John 3:16

    All u have to do to accept Jesus Christ as your savior is say a little pray and tell him that u know that u are a sinner and that u want for him to come in your life as your savior and to for give u for your sins, The next step would be to follow in Jesus Christ footsteps and that is to get baptized. God bless you. and I will pray for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible is the only document or book you need.

    You are saved by the blood of the Lamb (uh oh, hear it comes) and the word of your testimony.

    You MUST accept Jesus Christ as you Personal Lord and Savior, walk with Him for the rest of your life. When you fall (sin) ask for forgiveness and go on with life.

    Your testimony is something that you always have with you and the more you give it away the more it sinks down inside of you and solidifies your beliefs.

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