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What could be a possible reason for excessive bruising?

I bruise so easily. For example, I might slightly hit my arm or leg on something and then almost immediately, I'll have the bruise the size of a half dollar. The bruises I get are very dark, too not light. It seems to be extreme considering the injury. I was wondering if that's a symtom of anything or if it's just me. Any ideas?

4 Answers

  • Lepke
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    some people bruise easier than others. It's probably nothing, but if you're worried you should ask your doctor at your next check-up

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    What you're experiencing would be no longer some component extra useful than unintended/twist of destiny. although, unexplained bruising alongside with petechiae(those little dots you have been seeing) and diverse indicators you have been describing would be extra approximately by potential of means of an underlining ailment countless which would be intense. The checklist of possible illnesses is very long and would desire to be ruled out by potential of means of blood artwork. those illnesses decision from low blood plateletes(the stuff that makes your blood clot), an infection, to clotting undertaking concerns or maybe particular cancers which contains leukemia... i'm no longer attempting to scare you, because of the fact it maximum probable isn't some component, yet you need to tell your father and mom approximately this, and you need to artwork out a doctor... ASAP

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Women get bruised easier than men. They are excesive Cortisol producers, due to stress. Women carry a lot of stress inside and try to hide outside. Learn relaxation exercises like Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you have alway been like this it is probably nothing to worry about but if this has just occurred recently I would suggest you see a doctor immediately. Easy brusing is a principal symptom in leukemia.

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