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nosoop4u246 asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

Metric or US?

When applying volume, length, temperature, and any other applicable measurements to your fish tank, do you use metric measurements (liters, centimeters, Celsius, etc.) or U.S. measurements (gallons, inches, Fahrenheit, etc.)?


Only 2 answers? LOL. This wasn't supposed to be a trick question... I use US myself... just curious... not like it has anything to do with making a point... *whistles innocently*

Update 2:

It appears to be 7-0-1 in favor of US measurements... And no, that's my soop...

Update 3:

Ah, but Tiki, that wasn't the point! I'm polling the English speaking fish section in general to see what the majority is. :^]

13 Answers

  • Tina N
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like to use my own made up system. It works pretty well for me...until I have to talk to someone else. Then it's this big hassle of having to explain my system, make sure they understand what each measurement is, quiz them to make sure they understand, not to mention the time consuming task of getting them to throw off convention and conform to my new system, thereby systematically taking over the entire world! Ooops, I've said too much.

    When I'm not doing that, I use the US system.

    Source(s): the United States of America public school system
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was born in Canada, when we used Imperial Gallons, then we went metric right around the time I moved to the states... (late 1970's - early 1980's)...

    Some days I just don't know what to use...

    But look at this... my favorite tank size, 25 gallons. It is half way between a 20 long and a 29 in height, but the same in other dimensions. The manufacturer lists the measurements in metric, but the volume in US gallons and I never recalled using US liquid measurements, besides you can't find this tank in the USA...

  • catx
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    even though i'm in the UK, i cannot help but think in US Gallons and inches (i spent 2 years in the US from when i was 7, then came back to the UK, that period, i think, completely rogered me when it came to numbers). as for celsius/fahrenheit, i can almost do both but don't really have a preferance for either. numbers in general, completely baffle me! i've been a bit numerically dyslexic for a long while now.

  • Dan V
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    [EDIT] I use the US system because, well, because I am in the US. When I was growing up, I lived very near the Canadian border. When I was on the south side of the river, I used Imperial gallons and kilometers per hour - without complaint, because after all, that is what they use there.

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  • 1 decade ago

    US, mainly I would say because I'm in the US. And, aside from that's all I know, that small factor that I really suck at math and all that related stuff, & for me to actually try to convert anything other then 2 + 2 would give me a really bad headache lol....thank God for the online conversion calculators when needed :) Now, to be fair, post this in the UK or Australian section and see what they say.... :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I use the US measurements lol The only thing I convert well is inches to centimeters.

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in the UK but work in US measurement because I use a lot of US sites... but I use celcius in temp because farenheit confuses me :S

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry just saw the question. I always use US and Fahrenheit.

    If I notice the asker is using metric, I'll convert it for them

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm an aussie so i use the metric system. It's all we know over here.

  • 1 decade ago

    U.S. It comes out more even. (plus I was raised using that in school)

    Want some soup?

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