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If all churches were abolished and replaced with secular groups...?

Since the secular groups would normally not be based on unsubstantiated claims and a deity that has no evidence for it. Would it be a big enough plus to overcome any small loss from losing that theistic belief?

Would people get the same amount out of the time in those facilities? Why wouldn't they, when there is no empirical evidence for god?

When the equivalent to a church is a group who worships unicorns, why would it be a problem to remove that deity from it? Why would anything else gained through that group be any less?

Logical and rational answers only please. Do not use logical fallacies(appeal to populous, appeal to authority, begging the question, appeal to consequences, the bandwagon fallacy, etc)


The question is not what Churches do wrong. It is why wouldn't they be better if they were purely secular organizations. Also I did not say anything about removing religion. I am talking about public worshiping facilities.

You are all strawmanning my question and therefor have not even answered the question.

Update 2:

Keri, you said "world religions have principles related to helping others, especially the poor, and especially the vulnerable in society"

This is exactly my point, why would such activities not continue if their deity worshiping were out of the picture? Since 100% of the population would be able to take part, instead of only the people of that religion. Would it not bring even more money for such activities? Your answer does a good job at showing why there is no need for theism in Churches. Thanks.

Update 3:

It is strange that everyone misunderstood or intentionally strawmanned the question. Churches do not = Religion and having a Theistic belief is not dependent on on their Facilities. In the question title where it says "If all churches were abolished" this is theoretical. Basically in the scenario where "all churches were abolished and replaced with secular groups" ... (continue to main section of question). This should not be hard to understand.

Is no one able to logically answer why a lack of theistic beliefs in all churches would hinder their other activities and charities?

Update 4:

Matthew, that is incorrect. Not only am I not asking about "destroying churches", but correlation does not imply causation

Waycyber, that is not a logical answer. All you are doing is begging the question of whether "spiritual needs" can really only be fulfilled with theistic beliefs. You are also suggesting that Buddhists are not spiritual.

You said "The characteristics needed to make these groups effective are all spiritual and would be obstructed by the predominately self centred nature of humanity." This is also incorrect, state your evidence for this. Not only is it incorrect but we are not talking about spirituality, we are talking about theistic beliefs. Do you not understand the difference???

Again, is no one able to logically answer why a lack of theistic beliefs in all churches would hinder their other activities and charities?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You won't get that straight answer. The point you're making is a perfectly sound one, but it only addresses the 'doing some good', community aspect of religion.

    The whole thing with religion is the luuurve factor... With God in their lives, the religious feel motivated and moved in a way they can't possibly imagine without 'him'.

    It's like an addiction to painkillers. That's not being snide, that's literally what it is... Without the morphine of their god, the world seems threatening and vulgar and painful. Therefore hanging out to do good for the community would be well off the dial.

  • 1 decade ago

    A secular organisation cannot fulfil the functions of a church by definition, because it denies the spiritual needs of people. Also, if it was not driven by a spiritual imperative it would not have the dedication and sacrifice needed to be genuinely effective. The characteristics needed to make these groups effective are all spiritual and would be obstructed by the predominately self centred nature of humanity. If you look at those charities and organisations most involved with humanitarian aid and relief, you will find that they are predominately faith based.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's interesting that you are requiring logical and rational answers to an illogical and unrational question...but I guess faith people aren't the only ones capable of self-delusion. It's interesting how people who like to denigrate religion like to overlook, or willfully ignore the fact that all major, world religions have principles related to helping others, especially the poor, and especially the vulnerable in society. Take away all the churches in your city and see where the hungry would go, deduct the millions of dollars given by people of faith to world relief agencies, erase all the organizations founded by faith groups and every city loses Union Gospel Missions, YMCA's, YWCA's, soup kitchens, refugee resettlement, advocates for social justice issues. Remove religious facilities and that leaves millions of various support groups without the support systems provided by churches and synagogues. The list goes on and on. Atheists purport to be "rational," and base their belief systems only on evidence, but it seems to me many have a huge blind spot when it comes to looking at religion with a dispassionate view.

  • 1 decade ago

    that actually goes against what a person who wishes for a more secular nation would want. freedom of feligion is necessary and keeping it the hell out of the government is more necessary. i don't wish to abolish any religion, just get rid of the control that these beliefs have over entire nations. abolishing religion is essentially letting the government have more control over what people do. i want the exact opposite.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence !!! You are displaying faith in the fact that your dogma is correct and all others are wrong ! Therefore, YOUR belief would be the one which people should have faith in ... wouldn't it? You are simply, replacing the tenets of others with yours, then !

    Hitler had a similar "final solution" removing all Jews (and others, who wouldn't support him) from Germany then, from life itself. Rationalization was a very common trait among the German populace both, prior to and during the Nazi's reign of terror.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's been tried before in history.

    During the French Revolution they closed all the churches, burned all the Bibles, and banned religion, for secularism.

    But they quickly brought religion back after law and order broke down everywhere.

  • 1 decade ago

    What harm does a Church do? Why does it sound crazy to "worship" now when there was never a problem in the past?

    It would seem that people want to remove God so they can fully "Control" the masses.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    secularism has already made inroads into society , just look at the anti christian laws that have been hoisted on the communities, no nativity scenes depicting the birth of christ,classing bible quotes as hate speech,no outward show of recognition of ones faith, but will allow the wearing of veils at jobs and schools, and if things do go wrong the taxpayer will fork out the money to right their wrongs

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you abolished churches (religious institutions), that would

    be stupid. Thats why you dont get to decide public policy.

    When people have no more use for religion, religious

    institutions will fade away. Society isn't ready for that yet.

  • 1 decade ago

    feel better now

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