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deer_doe2005 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

When do I put my dog to sleep for good?

My girl has been diagnose with a anal cancer and it has gone from a small lump to the size of a orange

For those who don't know this, let me tell you that this cancer grows very quickly and once they have it, it is not successfully operated on when found later as opposed to sooner

Your best chances of saving you pet is to buy pet insurance

Have a annual done regularly and someone who knows how to examine the anal glands regularly but not to squeeze them as this can cause more problems than solving them

Now I do know that animals like to go away and die alone, but since my girl can not do this, has anyone out there gone through this and knows when to put the pet down before they begin to suffer

This is not like a sore leg or sore where you can see the pain and animals are very good at hiding their pain

I just can not stand to see her suffer, she has been a wonderful dog



11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all, I am so sorry. Losing a pet is so hard :(

    The main thing to look for is quality of life, if she's still happy, eating, going to the bathroom normally, able to accomplish daily functions she's probably alright right now. I know it's hard to say but you'll probably know when the time is - you'll see a general decline in her attitude and her daily functions.

    I work at a vet clinic and a lot of people have told me that once they book a euthanasia, that day they'll give their pet a special meal or special treats to make them have a good last day. We had one bring an animal in and they said they gave her Reese's peanut butter cups for a special treat :)

    In dogs it's easier to see when their time has come - they are quite a bit more expressive than cats. Keep an eye on her and discuss it with your vet as well, together you should be able to ake an informed decision.

    Thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.

    Source(s): Work at a vet
  • Lane
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I had a small house dog that did have breast cancer. I would bring her to the vet every six months for a check up. The vet told me that my small dog was a happy and loved pet and she lived to be 11 years old. I was with the pet every day and by age 11, I could sense that the pet was suffering and at that age and from the cancer, the pet begin to suffer from bladder failure, so we put the pet to sleep. It was very sad but I did not want my pet to suffer. I think that you can tell when a pet is suffering.

    Source(s): Life.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You will know when, you are just trying not to yet,I'm so sorry but just find a good day and have a talk with her and she won't blame you at all. she will surely suffer soon and that's not what you want, It may be better if someone picked her up for you and you say goodby from home, it may be a lot easier that way. It is very quick and humane if this helps. you have my best wishes and hope this helps you.

  • 1 decade ago

    its really hard to put your dog down. i would spend as much time with her as possible. I would talk to your vet and ask how much longer she would live for and how much pain she is in. if she is almost gone then let her die naturally, but if she will spend more than a few more months suffering then i would consider putting her down. im very sorry about her.:(

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think on something like this you have to trust your instinct - or your vet. If you have great vet that will advise you what's best for your dog rather than their cash register - you need to go by their guidance.

    If your vet is driven by profit you have to go by your own instinct - your girl has been in your life a long time and you know her better than anyone.

    Good luck - god bless xx

  • 1 decade ago

    my dog had the same thing but with no help from the vet or medical treatments she lived happily for 3 more years. when you feel she is truly suffering that is the time to put her to sleep and let her rest in peace.

    Source(s): dog owner
  • nickle
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    my dog was diagnosed with anal cancer-----------------she of course showed no signs of pain, but when you looked in her eyes, there was a totally different look in her eyes than when she was not sick. Plus she had some blood from the rectum which told me it was time to put her down so she didnt suffer

  • Tigger
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Gutted for you. Very sad. You will know when she's ready to leave you. Spend as much time as you can with her & when she seems to be sleeping more or whining then it will be time. Once again sorry.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am so sorry. Ask your vet how much time she has to live(but be careful because some vets just want to make money and they will probably tell you one month).=(

  • 1 decade ago

    that's so sad its want to cry u should do it soon before she starts suffering more and spend a lot of time with her on her last days

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