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Lv 7

In Honor of Thanksgiving, what does Thanksgiving mean to you?

In terms of gratitude, or you more grateful on this day or express your gratitude more than the other 364 days of the year. In what ways do you make the day special.

Thank you for answering, I look forward to your answers!



Thanksgiving for my present is my one true holy day. I ignore the commerical aspect which is easy to do. Nor does it have any connection for me with what may or may not have happened between the Indians & the settlers. It is between me & God/ Source/ Divine/ Allah or any other name you favor for the One. Although I really try to be in gratitude each day, I fall far from perfect at times. It is a day of communication & the finest communication is gratitude. I can't really be grateful if I am unaware of the gifts I have been given. I have learned that even when times are tough to reserve judgment, because the day always comes when I can see the events with clearer vision for the real gift that they gave. Thank you all for answering!

37 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm involved with an all-volunteer charity, and we give out food boxes with turkeys in them for Thanksgiving. I feel very fortunate and grateful for being able to do that. I do the best I can to be thankful every day, but Thanksgiving really is a very special day, and I love the food! Best wishes to you!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have no idea anymore. I am thankful, every day for many things. Thanksgiving is sort of just another day. A day I'm expected to get up early, cook all day, and then clean. But since I'm no longer married, I'm still trying to come up with something different. At least I am totally grateful for a day without having to answer the phone as that Account Escalation Supervisor at the bank. Which means a day I get paid for NOT being yelled at, cussed at, cursed, threatened and more.

  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, I think Holidays are unhealthy. I wake up everyday & take inventory. I am happy for all I have & for my loved ones in the body or out. I say an affirmative pray for all I would like to see more of in my life. I do this everyday. I used to give power to the calender but it was horrible. November was my birthday, then my son's then thanksgiving then my mother's birthday, then the day my son was missing, then I found out he died then xmas...every year it was a nightmare....even when I made sure to not get upset I went through hell. Our body, our cells have memories. I was devastated so now I do not pretend that the calender has any meaning to me. We really need to be thankful everyday because what we appreciate, appreciates (grows in value). I think that holiday has more to do with some brutal things rather than being thankful. Why should people come together with people they don't want to be with cause it is a tradition. This is what most people do & it is not in natural harmony.

  • 1 decade ago

    The myth of Thanksgiving (aka the Indians and the pilgrims getting along and eating together, being grateful) is just a way to make Americans feel better over the genocide of Native Americans. (Yes, I do think that having 90% of North America's indigenous peoples die after our arrival constitutes genocide.) I still celebrate Thanksgiving though, because I really like the food. It doesn't make me feel any more or less grateful than any other day of the year though.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It means to me that its time to settle in for the rough, raw, dark, cold weather of winter. It means feeling the artificial heat of a home's heating system working and experiencing the sensory differences between oil heat, electric, and wood fire.

    Everyone talking about football and big plush coats everywhere with insignias on them.

    In terms of gratitude it is a reminder to be grateful and to appreciate the goodness in this life while its here. Its an excuse to tell people you care and not sound like a wimp, a reason to call, a reason to show up.

    All in all its a pretty nice set up.

  • Seeker
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Another day officially set aside to thank God/Allah for His benevolence, unconditional love and last but not least, our very breath+

    By the way, I am not from around these parts. I think my ancestors would have sunk the Mayflower and all the British abroad. This might give you a hint+ The 17th March would have more significance+

    Cheers+ and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and EVERYONE+++

  • 1 decade ago

    I probably do express a bit more gratitude than the other 363 days (I celebrate Mabon which is a pagan thanksgiving at autumn equinox). The only thing I do to make our holiday special is by spending time with family and letting them know how important they are to me.

  • Wave
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's difficult for me to honor Thanksgiving Phae, it's become so commercial. We're awash in such excess year round that the message has become lost. Perhaps with the collapse of the economy its message will become more central. As it is now, Thanksgiving is a time of anxiety for retailers, who have already begun their Christmas onslought, and what we hear are preliminary shopping and profit reports.

    I think TG is a 365 day a year endeavor myself.

  • 1 decade ago

    The original intent of the pilgrims were in thanksgiving to God only; but lately in this present time, many have been infected with the Great Me syndrome, so they pat their own self on the shoulder; or else as a group, the Great We, they are thankful to themselves, and God is not at all in their thoughts.

  • Bomba
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Every Sabbath day I thank God for my very existence. On Thanksgiving I thank God that this nation once had a heritage which acknowledged Him and we are even yet being blessed for it.

    Then I give thanks that Pilgrim Miles Standish was cross-eyed. Otherwise the traditional Thanksgiving dinner would not be turkey, but the squirrel he was really aiming at.

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