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HOw do I do a Christian Fast... Please Christians answers only!?

I feel in my heart to fast and pray, but during the week its sooo hard for me to do so sense I work! Do any of you guys go through this? and if you are working what can you do to keep yourself into true worshiping and fasting? usually I'm distracted because of phone calls. I sometimes feel like I'm doing it wrong! can you help?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Fast on a day you don't have to work...that way you can just spend time with God without interruptions - food or phone calls! :-) Or fast during a certain time, from sundown to sunup. You can also do a juice fast or liquids only fast too. The point is to sacrifice something for youself, and spend the time you would spend eating in prayer and worship. If you can't do that at work just do it another time.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are several ways to fast..

    The most common way is a one day fast. When you get up in the morning you don´t eat, but drink water and plenty all day long. most people break this fast at 6 in the evening-

    You are also taking time to pray during the day and instead of eating.

    The second way is a 24 hour fast and you just get up and don´t eat until break-fast the next day.. Always drinking plenty of water.

    The third way is a longer fast and most do this with drinking vegetable broth instead of eating and some very strong people will go up to a max of 40 days.


    1. You must drink water

    2. If you take meds you have to consider the effect and whether you can fast or not.

    3. On a long fast you really need someone to help a little that has experience.

    4. People that have health issues should just fast from, favorite foods, or going to restaurants, in this form so as not to put their health into problems. Mainly setting time out for praying. Fast from Golf and spend the time praying.

    # You are 20 & probably have no health issues, first try the shortest fast, and see how your body responds, then try the 24 hour fast. You may feel a little weak, but it won´t do much as the time is short.. You will also find that your mind is clearer and you have a better communication with God..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Leeny, Personally I would not try fasting beyond a 24 hr period of time when you first start, And if your really having a hard time you can try just fasting by skipping a meal or something you enjoy doing for the day. If you do the 24 hr fast, You can fast eating bread and drinking water which is what I do when I do fast. ( which has not been for a very long time) Fasting when you have the time should also be accompanied with prayer and bible reading if your in a position or place to do so that is. God bless !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Fasting starts at sun down and ends at sun down if you do it for 1 day. So just go by that X the number of days you want but one shouldn't really go more than one day for your health. As far as being distracted because of phone calls and other things you don't have to pray 24 hour straight, just as much as you can. Remember God knows what is in your heart so don't get so upset on doing it a special way.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Fasting can be just skipping one meal a week. Don't believe me, or don't think just skipping say lunch on Wednesday is effective?

    Then just try it out! You'll see that if you make a point to not have lunch on Wednesday next week, I guarantee something will come up that will tempt you to break that commitment. a friend you haven't heard from in forever will suddenly have the urge to see you and will invite you out to lunch that Wednesday. Or your favorite restaurant will have a special, just for that Wednesday, your work place will have it's Christmas party THAT Wednesday. Something WILL try to get you to break that fast!

    And if that fast was meaningless, there would be no temptation to break it.

    Once you get in the habit of fasting just a little at a time, then try a little longer; two meals lunch and dinner and take it slow. Build up to your own pace. god knows your heart and he will honor what you do when you do it for His glory.

    Hope this helps; take care and God bless.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    WHAT! and provide up some ingesting!I stay interior the south and the customary public around me are over weight, i'm conversing approximately my Christian brothers and sisters.I moved right here sixteen years in the past and characteristic heard preaching on fasting possibly once or twice.could it is the preachers do no longer choose offend thier contributors.possibly my value on fasting is out of sink for at present's Christians

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can choose to fast from anything. It doesn't have to be food. You can fast watching tv, or playing on the computer or talking on the phone or whatever thing takes up a lot of your personal time.

    You then devote that time to prayer & waiting on G-d for whatever the issue is in your heart. It's not only giving something up but devoting that now available time to G-d.

    And, give yourself grace if you 'slip'. We are all human. Dust yourself off & start over.

  • 1 decade ago

    this is designated time devoted and consecrated to the Lord where you declare a fast before the Lord and should be accomplanied with prayer, this can take many forms:

    Daniel Fast, where one exclisively eat fruit and vegetables (recomended for first time fasters

    Esther Fast where one excludes both food and water from your diet (this fast is to last no longer than three days)

    40 day fast, these fasts were supernaturally completed by Jesus, Moses and Elijah (not recomended unless divinely directed to so)

    Your favourite television program or magazine

    Fasting Sex, (this should be done on your spouses consent)

  • Zi-Shu
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It depends on what type of Christian Fast you want to do.

    The common one or the ones that Catholics do is eat only vegetables, but no meat - no land animals. However you can eat anything from the sea - fish. You can also eat dairy products.

    An Orthodox fast, you can only eat vegetables and certain nuts. No dairy or fish or land animals.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pray and ask God for help. Plus, it doesn't just have to be food you fast off of. You can fast off anything. Might make it easier. I wouldn't make it through 1 day without food. lol

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