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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationMaintenance & Repairs · 1 decade ago

high engine oil level in acura integra?

i accidentally put twice as much engine oil in my car. its a 95 acura integra. its about 2 times as much as there should be when i checked the dip stick. is this bad for the engine if i wait until next oil change which is in 2000 miles. or should i take some out. if yes could anyone explain me a way of taking it out

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes you should drain the oil out. The real reason why is, when you have too much oil in your motor, it pools up around the crankshaft, as the crankshaft turns, it looses momentum, which will hurt performance. Yet that's still nothing to the fact that, as the crank turns and slaps the oil now at it's level. The oil will begin to foam up, as more and more oil foams, your oil pick up tube, will suck up this foam vs actual liquid oil. when it does this you will have foam running through your whole motor where oil is supposed to be. What does this matter? Well oil is needed not only to keep metal parts from touching each other completely, but it also helps cool the motor. Foam in a motor will result in the motor blowing due to either overheating, or the metal parts rubbing directly against other metal parts. (ie: rod bearings rubbing directly against the crank) which will cause them to wear and break.

  • 1 decade ago

    THATS REALLY BAD for the engine! I hope you didn't start it! I'll develop sludge really quick along with a bad crank and if not a blown motor! Yes you can take some out. There's a drain plug underneath the car on the oil pan. get a socket and ratchet or wrench to loosen it up and take it out. Most likely u will be doing a whole new oil change and draining all the oil. In less u know some what, what your doing. u can just let a it drain for a second or 2 then put the drain plug back in the check it. if it's still 2 high drain some more. And remember check the oil while engine is cool and on flat surface. Hope this helps

    Source(s): mechanic
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes drain it right away, just pull the drain plug and drain it into something clean and refill with the right amount, then keep the rest for the next time. Overfilling your oil is bad for an engine and it can hurt your performance as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    it could be very bad for your engine like blow your seals so either open up the drain and let some out and check it until its right or just change your oil again and put the right amount in

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  • too much oil will not stay in there for long, you will blow a seal and the oil will come out pretty fast after that. drain the excess out immediately if not sooner. other wise you will find your self trying to kick yourself in the backside. just do not over torque that drain plug. you will hate your self for that one also.

    Source(s): ase certified master tech, lube tech for 17 years, honda owner.
  • BFH
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There's a thing called a drain plug on the bottom of the oil pan. I hope you didn't start it that way, you'll probably blow all your seals out.

  • 1 decade ago

    For sure drain the oil! You'll ruin your car!

  • 1 decade ago

    loosen the 17mm bolt on the oil pan and drain some/check....drain some/check...until you are at the proper level

  • 5 years ago

    im assuming you have a wiring diagram, check the circuit see what it ties in to it also may be the switch or sensor itself

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