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Why all the gay questions today ? are there any others on here who have felt Gay but with stood it? would you?

in my teens I had felt I was in the wrong body and thought of a sex change but decided against it. I am now happily married with 3 children and very glad I did not go along that root are there any others like me who although having those feeling with stood them. I have been reading the bible since a teen and was raised christian.


sorry I am not a troll I have 3 adult children and a step daughter who I hope will be with me soon she is not 4 yet. currently she is with her father in pakistan.

Update 2:

sorry you missed teh point I felt I was atracted to men and that was one reason I felt I should have a sex change.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You were probably just going through puberty when you felt like you were in the wrong body and when you had homosexual thoughts. Happens to everyone, and no "withstanding" is needed. All anyone has to do is wait a year or two and chances are those feelings would be gone.

  • 1 decade ago

    I also questioned my gender in high school (while being abstinent and not dating), did some research, and feel like multi-gendered culture makes more sense than the gender binary. Though I am currently dating a man, when I identified strictly as a lesbian, I couldn't tell you how spiritually fulfilling it was. I felt more like a woman as a lesbian. Right now, I feel like a fraud and very resentful. He and I are in a drawn-out process of breaking up because we forced romantic potential between ourselves. My attraction to men is social conditioning, not natural at all. It always reeks of effort and I don't think I'll pursue this bisexual path in the future. So I've withstood heterosexuality.

    To some it's a phase, others an awakening, but always a learning process. Don't inflict your own experience as the average for everyone else.

    Source(s): To pre-empt the thumbs down: sexual orientation and sexual identity are two different concepts. Vaccilating between the two in times of uncertainty are why so many now reject labels altogether.
  • Gay people don't want sex changes, that's transsexuals. Odd that you experienced something and don't even know what it was.

    In any event, I've been a Christian since my teens and a gay man all my life. The Holy Spirit led me to the conclusion that being gay is just fine. The Holy Spirit has led thousands and thousands of others to the same conclusion.

    If anyone ever considers getting recruited into an "ex-gay" scam, please check out first before you invest all that money in a lie.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, that is not homosexuality but gender identity disorder. I have two, pre-op female-to-male transsexual friends who describe themselves as "in the wrong body." It is possible that you have suppressed your gender identity. There are many transgendered individuals who suppress their gender identity by marrying and reproducing with the opposite sex.

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  • Ray G
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Is there a day when there are not a lot of gay questions? Its one of the most popular subjects in here.

  • 1 decade ago

    Teens often have mixed feelings about sexuality. That it perfectly normal. It's not a matter of withstanding being gay; but it's a matter of who you really are. Often we don't know who we really are until we've reached adulthood.

  • 1 decade ago

    no but that is why it so dangerous for the agenda people are saying that being a homosexual is being nornal it is too easy for someone who is beset with those feelings to win them over to become gay.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You would have been better as a woman.

    And, yes, I know you are a troll. On your profile, it says 4 children, and in your question it says 3 children.

  • 1 decade ago

    @ Ethan: Nice catch. I wouldnt have noticed that otherwise.

    Go troll somewhere else, little troll.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I can't say I ever had homosexual feelings.

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