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Lv 6
Allie asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Is tomorrow the day Congress changes life in the US forever?

Tomorrow the US Congress votes on bill HR 2454. I am extremely worried this Bill will pass because. . .

It will raise your household electricity rates by 90 percent, gasoline by 74 percent, residential natural gas prices by 55 percent by 2035 (after adjusting for inflation), and will cut U.S. employment levels by 965,000 jobs by reducing economic output by $136 billion per year.

If what Congress plans to do tomorrow doesn't terrify you, should it?

This translates to a $2,000 to $3,000 increase in energy costs per American household per year over the next few years. The poor will again be called upon to carry a larger proportion of the burden.

It sets the stage to effectively kill the coal industry as it will be taxed so heavily, it will not be able to sustain itself.

If enacted, H.R. 2454 will be the largest tax increase in the history of the world. This cap-and-tax bill is simply a way to transfer wealth from consumers to big businesses.

Should we roll over and let Congress impose environmental taxes that will cripple the poor and middle class, at a time when our economy is more important than the environment?

OR, should we frantically call and write our Congressmen today, to tell him/her how terrifying this Bill is, and that they should vote NO?


OK, to the "sky is falling" wiseguy. If I have the facts wrong, why don't you share with us what you think the facts are?

12 Answers

  • Mark J
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am tired to keep fighting all of Obama's socialistic crusades to destroy our country. I am sick of Obama.

    The way the Congress tried to slide this one by the American people reminds me of the same the Federal Reserve was enacted in 1913 while Congress was on recess for Christmas Break. The same cloak and dagger tactics do not resemble the methods of a Representative Government.

    Your question is correct, but the problem is the effort to fight may come to ill will especially when you consider the numbers of representatives who have to vote against it to kill it. The fact there is little time to counter act against it, and there is much that has to be done to form an adequate opposition means Congress is trying to ram this legislation through before it is questioned openly.

    The problem with CAPP is no one understands what the bill will do. We are crusading against an enemy that does not exist in the name of a pseudo-cause that does not exist. Global Warming is a farce. It is an invention created by the Socialists who crave power and want to destroy Capitalism.

    Is it possible to draw petitions to recall the President of the United States? I know California removed Gray Davis to replace him with Arnold. Is it possible to remove this President for violating the tenants of the Constitution? He has violated the principles established by our founding fathers by going against the laws of common sense.

    Should you raise taxes when your country is in an economic recession? Hmm.. let me a think a minute. The obvious answer is absolutely 'no', and the fact that he wants to do it makes me mad. I barely make enough money to pay my electric bill, and many times although it is 90 degrees in Georgia I can not turn the A/C on because I can not afford an electric bill higher than $30 per month. I am trying to do everything I can to obtain an FT position, so I can make an adequate living; but it seems the Obama reigme fights or wants to destroy people like me who want to succeed in life.

    The feel good Obama mania stuff must die because it is time to acknowledge reality. Look up people- it is time for a reality check.

    Where is Ronald Reagan when you need him? Say what you may about him, but Reagan did not raise taxes, place our country into global position of weakness, nor did he bend over backwards to please the liberals. He and people like represent the best America has to offer. Where are the leaders who care about country? Are they dead or alive? Are they bold or do the hide like cowards?

    Obama must go! Does anyone know if there is a impeach Obama website?

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    good question, your right we should be afraid,very afraid.

    if anyone out there can't see that this guy (Obama) is going a million miles/hr to change our economy for the worst (before they prove he's not a US citizen) then there is no hope for you. the cap and trade will make Al Gore Billions, if you wonder why he's pushing it. write and call my congress people all the time with no results. I see the biggest problem is that the people keep voting in the same people so why would they listen to us. all those people who hate the Republicans should step back and ask, what are the Dem's doing to us? there is little diff between the parties except who they are going to take the money from. take the money from the rich and the poor are out of a job. take the money from the middle class and you have no economy left. what a choice. I say we should share the tax burden equally and everybody can enjoy life.

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL- But Ally, this will reduce the temperature of the earth by 4/100's of a DEGREE in 100 years!!!!! Don't you see the importance of this cap & trade bill???

    Seriously- I am calling and emailing every elected official I can on this- this is CRAZY. Maybe if this one passes the Dems will finally see their mistake since this one will hit the pocketbooks of every one of them! Of course by then it will be too late!

    Excellent question by the way. I was talking to some people I work with yesterday about this. They had no idea what this bill will do. Main stream media is definitely not telling the true facts about it. Sometimes I think we should make a law requiring people who vote to take just a basic intelligence test!!

  • 1 decade ago

    We should all call, scream, holler, jump up and down and do whatever ti takes to have Congress vote no on this bill before it is too late.

    I am a small business owner, I have many freezers and refrigerators that I have no choice in running. Our usual electric bill is almost $2000.00 a month. If this bill passes our monthly electric bill will go up to around $3800.00 a month and in essence will will be put us out of business. That will be another 20 people unemployed as well as a community without a business that has been serving our small community for over 53 years.



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  • 1 decade ago

    Technically the largest tax increase in the history of the world would have been the first tax- going from zero to 1 is, like, a major percentage hike.

    Yes, it may cause all those horrible price increases IF NOTHING ELSE CHANGES BETWEEN NOW AND THEN. Though, if the US were to build the massive western plains wind farms like T. Boone Pickens suggested, invest in solar, get more hybrid/electric cars on the road, improve energy efficiency, build any damns, build more commuter rail, increase mass transit in other ways, etc... BY THE YEAR 2035 then those numbers will be well off.

    How dare Congress pass laws that create financial incentive to create domestic jobs (notice every single item on that list creates jobs here in the states), clean up the environment, and reduce waste! JERKS!

  • 1 decade ago

    People should be very, very concerned. You know, we all get on this site and bellyache and whine and complain, but when someone posts a question like this, no one takes the time to email their representative right then, and try to make a difference.

    I did.

    Thank you for reminding me.

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesnt matter, the govt no longer does what is the will of the people, this was expected from obamas administration, all we can hope is that he doesnt f everything up too much to where it cant be fixed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank you for informing me! I just emailed my Congresswoman!

  • 1 decade ago

    I've been writing and calling for a long time. They aren't interested.

  • 1 decade ago

    They unfortunately passed it.

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