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Are these people saying that you don't have to follow gods laws to get into heaven?
Christianity is confusing.
Some folks say all you have to do is ask Jesus for forgiveness.
Others say - it doesn't matter how bad you are - as long as you "believe" you'll be forgiven anything.
The answers I got to this question proves that -;_ylt=AgKV9...
Did Jesus's death on the cross automatically absolve everyone of sin?
If so - what does it matter what anyone believes - everyone is going to heaven.
21 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
Honestly, ive lost track of what Christian's actually believe. They seem to change their mind every five seconds...
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Most Christians live in the deepest darkness. Ask yourself why so many different faiths and Churches these days. If you do a focus on them and check each ones belief, you will find that every one has a different faith, a different gospel, a different Jesus. This is in opposition to the ONLY gospel truth that Jesus gave mankind.
Ephesians 4:4-5 tells is that Jesus only gave us one faith, one gospel, one Holy Spirit, One Jesus. Why do they not all have this one faith then? I will tell you why.
Its because all of them have gone away from the true gospel called the water and the Spirit. And because of this they have made their own religion, filling it with the doctrines of Luther and Calvin, which prevents people from ever being saved and entering the kingdom of heaven.
This is not Christianity, its mere religion. This is why you are so confused. Religion like this uses the Bible to further its own ends.
The true gospel includes Jesus water baptism by John the Baptist, and His death on the Cross (1 John 5:6-11). Jesus could never have died if He did not at first take up all our sins when He was baptised.
This is why Jesus taught Nicodemus what this true gospel must be.
John 3:3-5 means, "If someone wants to be born again, they should be born of water and the Spirit. Here water means the baptism of Jesus, which does away with all the sins of the world once and for all. The Spirit means that Jesus who received baptism from John the Baptist is God Himself.”
This Christianity is the true confusion here, but only righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Grab our Free books that preaches this true gospel. Go to:
- macattakk2000Lv 61 decade ago
the death of Christ was sufficient to pay for all the sins of the world ...but the catch is one must apply by faith to receive this free pardon...if you read the bible at all there is always a line and you are on one side of it or not...jesus parable of the 10 virgins 5 who were wise 5 not 5 let in 5 were told depart i never knew you...jesus said a man must be born again...jer 31 31-34 promised a new covenant where Gods laws are written on our hearts...jesus took the cup and said this is the cup of the new covenant made in my blood....hebrews explains that the old covenant was a shadow of what was to come..the priest could only enter once a year to offer for the sins of the people Jesus as high priest according to the order of melchizedek entered once nad offered a perfect sacrifice and sat down is rev two groups those whos name are written in the lambs book of life nad those who are not...
- 1 decade ago
Eh, Christianity is not so tough to understand. Part of the problem is that Martin Luther invented an idea that caused a great problem: any tom dick or mary can pick up the bible and give you the CORRECT interpretation of the bible (Christianity). Now, we have upteen thousand groups on their own. You can check out this link for more info on my view:
There are two parts to the atonement (Jesus death): while sins were forgiven for humanity, each person needs to access that forgiveness (personal justification). Also, there are some odd ideas of what the word 'believe' means. Like many words, such as love, can have very deep meanings.
Now on this belief idea (aka faith), I see salvation as a journey for which we must continue and might turn back from even right near the end. Faith (belief) is to teach us hope in God. Hope, is to teach us to love as God loves. St. Paul is explicitly clear that faith is lead us to this ultimate love. And faith without love is useless. So, belief alone apart from love, does not get you out of hell. But that first step is belief so that we can access the forgiveness. Think of it as a $1million sitting at the post office for you. It's yours, but you still have to pick it up.
Source(s): Catholic - How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
they are wrong, yes we can be forgiven for our sins. There are some people whose sins God does not forgive. Wrote Paul: “If we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, but there is a certain fearful expectation of [condemnatory] judgment.” (Hebrews 10:26, 27) The words “practice sin willfully” suggest deeply ingrained badness, a truly wicked heart.
They make a practice of sin. Second, their sins are intentional. As The Bible in Basic English puts it, they “do evil on purpose.” Deeply ingrained badness fills their heart. Third, their sins are not the result of ignorance. They have an “accurate knowledge of the truth” about God’s will and ways.
How does God view unrepentant, malicious sinners? “There is no longer any sacrifice for sins left,” says Paul. The sacrifice of Christ—God’s gift to humankind—covers the sins we commit because of our imperfection.
By their course, they show contempt for Jesus and treat his blood “as a cheap thing,” as having no more value than that of any imperfect human. (Today’s English Version) Such ingrates are in no position to benefit from Christ’s sacrifice.
- 1 decade ago
You should read about the story of the rich guy who asked Jesus what to do in order to get into heaven. Jesus told him obey the ten commandments, and be a good person (in short). The guy told him I'm all of this. Jesus told him to sell everything he's got to the poor, and help as many people as he can (like dedicate himself to that end). To me this sounds like the total opposite. I believe it's too damn hard to get into heaven, at least that's what most christians around me believe. what the folks told you was a form of defense gone wrong :D
I personally think the whole idea of punishment is wrong, I believe in rehab :D If Jesus (or any other religion figure) was talking about rehab I would have found it more sensible.
- 1 decade ago
Everyone is not going to heaven. God will make sure of that. Do you think that people who reject the sacrifice that Jesus made for them so that they could go to heaven will be allowed in? If you had a son that gave his life so someone else could live in a way that they could not if he had not sacrifice his life, and they had an "Oh Well" attitude, would you let them have what your son died for?
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6 NIV).
Source(s): The 14th chapter of John, verse 6 of the New International version of the Holy Bible. - 1 decade ago
Whenever human beings were going astray Almighty God appointed a prophet on earth and guided him what he wanted to let others know about the wills of God, Jesus (pbuh) was there to guide people what God wanted, but after his death for some years it went good, people were somehow obedient, later again as of today human beings started to bring choas on earth and do wrong, so Almighty God appointed Muhammad (pbuh) to guide people, but remember that Muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet so whatever God wants us to do we have to since we are slaves of Him Almighty, that's why the right path is only shown by God through Muhammad (pbuh) at present, Jesus will return to prove this truth when it's close to Day of Resurrection.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Yeah that's one of the things I don't understand about it either. They say that Jesus supposed to have died for everybody and he paid for all our sins, then they say only they could get in heaven because they believe. It should be for all of us anyway even if we don't believe.
- 1 decade ago
God loves everyone and wants everyone to be saved. But not everyone will be saved, because as the Bible tells us we are saved by repentance--admitting that we sin and becoming willing to turn from it--and by accepting Christ's payment for our sin by putting our faith and trust in Him alone. Christ's death made salvation available to all, but it must be accepted persoanlly by faith in Christ (Romans 4:22-25, Rom.10:8-10).
The other part of your question concerns whether or not it matters how you live. If you are truly saved, your life will change. You will still sin, but you will feel conviction from the Holy Spirit and will want to turn from sin. That is one sign of true saving faith. Your faith is proven to be true by your desire for the things of God, His Word, fellowship with other Christians, for a desire to overcome sin, by the good things you do for others because of your love for God and others, such as charitable work or being active in church activities, witnessing or helping the poor. None of those things save you; but they are indicators of a changed heart. ( Romans 6:9-20, 2 Cor. 1:22, Rom. 8:9 Eph. 4:17 through chapter 5). Those who love God can still fall into sin, but their heart's direction is toward pleasing God and loving Him and others. If a person's life isn't changing, their salvation may not be a true conversion, but empty words or belief in the head but not in the heart, where true change happens. That's why faith without works is dead (James, chapter 2). There must be life, a relationship with Christ, not just words.
- ?Lv 61 decade ago
No ; the demands of the Law of God still need to be met ; what changed was the method used to meet these demands. In the Old Testament, God's Law was fulfilled by the People of God through their own discipline and holiness ; in the NT Jesus met the demands of the Law for all of us who would remain in communion with Him until our death ; this communion (or state of Grace) is necessary in order to participate in the Righteousness and Holiness of Jesus. Now in order to enter and remain in communion with Jesus one needs the Sacraments ; starting with the Sacrament of Baptism which grafts us on the Olive Tree (Christ) so that His Sap will be flowing through us and it is no longer us who will be living but Christ Who will be living in us ; we thus become a member of the Body of Christ (the Church) and are kept alive in the Spirit through both the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation ; participation in the Sacraments sanctify and transform us to become more Christ-like ; if people neglects the Sacraments, they will become more and more distant from Christ until they are no longer in communion with Him and risk to loose their Salvation ; this is where the Sacrament of Reconciliation comes in to restore us in a state of Grace ; the " it doesn't matter how bad you are" theory overlooks the fact that being "bad" causes us to drift away from Christ and communion therewith and if we are really "bad" we might even neglect the Sacrament of Reconciliation and never make it back to that state of Grace that is a requirement for our Salvation ; and if we die without being in a state of Grace then we are toast. So it does matter what you believe and "how bad you are" because although Grace is free for the receiving if you refuse to avail yourself of the Sacraments (as so many Protestants do) you are essentially refusing to follow the path that God has provided for us to freely receive Grace. Similarly, if a man offers a rose to a woman, she still has to willingly extend her arm, open her hand and receive the flower ; if despite of the fact that she wants that beautiful free flower (Grace) she neglects to take the flower from the man's hand then she sends a very clear message to that man who will respectfully walk away sad.