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DonnaB asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Malnourished Rescued Kitten?

On Thursday Sep. 9th, I rescued a 5-6 week old kitten I found on the streets where I work. She is horribly malnourished, yet was very alert. She had an appetite at that time so when I got home, I fed her Purina kitten chow. I gave her .02 mls of strongid that I had received from the Vet a month ago for another rescue kitten that I have. On Friday at dinner time she began to vomit and coughed up so many round worms that I literally had to pull them from her mouth to prevent her from suffocating on them. I then gave her some Panacure that I keep around for my rescues. (I hope I didn't do the wrong thing by giving her the 2nd drug) Since then she is very lethargic, refuses to eat, and just lays there in a crouched position. She hasn't defecated, but has urinated a little. I have been force feeding her and even smooshed up the kitten chow with warm water and put it in a bottle to force it down her. After keeping an eye on her all day, she is finally starting to stretch out some and lay on her side, though it bothers me that she just stares out into space while laying there. She tends to feel cold to me so I put her in a training cage that I keep for isolating my rescues and have given her a soft warm baby blanket to lay on that is on top of a quilted waterproof bed pad,though she prefers to lay on the cool tray of the cage.

If anyone can give me any advice as to if I should be doing something more than what I have been doing. Please tell me. She will be going to the Vet tomorrow but I have to make sure she makes it through the night. Any suggestions!

Thank you!



She just passed away in my arms. Liam, thanks for the info concerning the combination's of Strongid and Panacure. I also read that severe cases of round worm can affect the heart as well. She had so many for such a little kitten. I, too, foster homeless cats/kittens and I've never seen a case so bad in all the times that I have rescued. Sarah, I have been wiping her genitals to no avail. Dr Phibes, you were right. She tried so hard to pass a stool yesterday. But just couldn't. All that came out was bile. BiPetual, unfortunately the only Emergency Vet is 2 hrs away. I loved her, stroked her, kissed her and we had named her Lily, because I found her hiding in the Lily of the Valley's at a house. Bless her little heart, she put up a struggle to live. She didn't die under a porch. That's all I care about. And she will be placed in my Garden of Bleeding Hearts next to Star, a rescued Tuxedo, who showed positive for feline Leukemia. Thank you all for your concerns and advice.

Update 2:

How can I give the best answer to anyone in a situation such as this. Everybody's answer was the best. What one person didn't advise the other did. I'll let the officials decide. Please accept my apologies. All I can do is give you thumbs up for being there in my hour of need. Thank you all again for being here.


7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I really hope I'm wrong, but from the crouching position you describe to the coldness to the vacant expression, I'm not sure she'll make it through the night. Maybe an emergency clinic?

    It was very sweet of you to bring this kitten home, and it sounds like she was really sick when you got her. I honestly wish you the very best of luck with her.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I understand where you are coming from, but giving kittens drugs at all is a bad idea.

    Since its obvious the cat has worms really bad, I think the cat is just infested with them so badly, the cat isnt getting any nourishment from the food its been eating, as well as being clogged up by the worms, so it cant potty.

    The vet should be able to give it something strong enough to get rid of the worms, but the cat will more than likely be very lethargic and sleepy for a month or two, until it gets better.

    If this is the fact, then all you can do is keep it checked up at the vets until its all clear, and while at home, hold it, pet it, and talk to it as much as possible. Sick cats need a lot of stimulation, so holding, petting, and talking will do a lot of good.

    Maybe leave some classical music on the radio when you arent home.

  • 1 decade ago

    Panacure after the Strongid maybe have been too soon to give her another medicine. I did a little research and everyone's saying it's not very good, even more so because she's so young. I would keep a close eye on her, I know she's just lying about but if you see anything that alarms you then take her to an emergency vet ASAP.

    Just try to keep her hydrated and keep trying to make her eat. She's likely just staring into space because she doesn't feel good. I would keep a close eye on her.

    Source(s): I foster kittens and volunteer at the ASPCA.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You can also give them baby formula it may be cheaper than the kitten milk. If they are too young lick it up from a dish use an eye dropper do not tube feed them. The vet told me to do that one time and that litter died. However, I have had success with an eye dropper. When they are able to lick out of a saucer put kitten chow in it with warm baby formula or whole milk and let it get really soft and mush it to a liquid. If they are tiny newborns every time you feed them before and after wipe their butt with a warm cotton ball or whatever until they pee and poo until they start going by their selves. If they don't pee and poo they will die . Newborns must be stimulated in order to pee and poo usually the moma cats lick it and eat it. I'm sure you would prefer a cotton ball or napkin. It may take a few minutes for them to go. Usually after feeding is more successful. If you don't have a heating pad; I don't like heating pads they can cook them if not done right. I use a small glass jar like a salsa jar and fill it with hot water and put it in their small box under the lamp with a towel over it and them leaving some room for air. Every few hours when you feed them change the water bottle with fresh hot water. If they die don't feel too bad. Tiny kittens are not easy to keep alive but it is possible. A vet will only take your money. He can't save them only you can try unless you can find some other kind soul that has plenty of time. I wouldn't give them any drugs.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Not much to do besides keep her warm and hydrated. Sounds like the Panacure was a little much after the Strongid. I would call an emergency clinic and ask what they recommend.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you notice any bite marks on her? One of my kittens was acting the same way and it turns out that he had a lethal bite on his rear and died a few days later. As for not defecting you can try to rub her butt with a warm wet paper towel and see if that helps. I hope everything turns out ok!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Put her down plz. She's in pain can't you see? She might have AIDS I'm not even kidding! I would get her euthanized it morning.

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