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do you guys realize that many of the problems you have with the bible are a result of bad translations?

here is a MECHANICAL TRANSLATION of Genesis 11:4-6. (mechanical meaning, this is what the Hebrew in the text LITERALLY SAYS in HEBREW.)

Gen 11:4 and~they(m)~will~Say !(ms)~Provide we~will~Build to~us City and~Tower and~Head~him in~the~Sky~s2 and~we~will~Do to~us Title Otherwise we~will~Scatter.abroad Upon Face~s All the~Land

Gen 11:5 and~he~will~Go.down YHWH [He exists] to~>~See At the~City and~At the~Tower Which they~did~Build Son~s the~Human

Gen 11:6 and~he~will~Say YHWH [He exists] Though People Unit and~Lip Unit to~All~them(m) and~This >~make~Pierce~them(m) to~>~Do and~Now Not from~them(m) All Which they(m)~will~Plot to~>~Do

(see how translating hebrew requires INTERPRETATION?)

the King James Version says there is (were) unicorns, not the hebrew.


@ 1st response - Exodus 10:1:

"Exo 10:1 and~he~will~SAY "YHWH he~will~BE" TO "Mosheh PLUCKED-OUT" !(ms)~COME TO "Paroh GREAT-HOUSE" GIVEN-THAT I I~did~make~BE-HEAVY AT HEART~him and~AT HEART SERVANT~s~him to~THAT >~SET-DOWN~me SIGN~s~me THESE in~WITHIN~him"

Update 2:

@ daniel - the new testament was written in GREEK, and is much more like english. the old testament was in Hebrew and looks like the above samples.

Update 3:

@athiest cat - God didnt traslate the 20+ bible translations we have in english. thats just ENGLISH. God gave man authority on earth, and doesnt do every little thing for us. the people who follow the spirit of Jesus have no problems breezing through what some struggle with. but there are reasons for the things some struggle with.

16 Answers

  • Gary
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I realize that. I didn't know the Hebrew Bible authors were teenage girls, though, with all of that ~~~ everywhere.

  • Sue
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    The Bible was written in the language of that day in Hebrew / Greek and some Aramaic. It does require translation into present day English or whatever language is being spoken / read by any given person. to know what God has given to us in His Word.

    The King James Version is one of several printed in that time of history. It was written in the King's form of English at that time. Whether or not there were animals existing called unicorns / wild beasts is really incidental. The fact is that God created a variety of animals both on land and in the water. A variety of those went into the ark and a variety exist today. The FACT of importance is that God created - they did Not evolve over millions of years.

    Actually the Biggest problem with the Bible is our lack of reading it - lack of believing it's really God's Word to us.

  • 10 years ago

    The King James version is the worst English translation still in common usage, with more than 3,500 translational errors. The translators appointed by King James simply were not expert in the ancient languages, and it shows on almost every page. Translation of the Hebrew phrase for "horned beasts" as "unicorns" instead of the correct translation found in every other version of the Bible - "oxen" or "cattle" - is just one of the more egregious errors.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    King James Version is the most accurate. It took 47 experts in Hebrew and Greek 7 years to translate it into English in the 1500s.

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  • 10 years ago

    So the King James Version is a really bad translation?

    Tell that to those King James Only-ism fruitcakes...see how far that gets you...

    Maybe you should get those folks who speak in tongues to translate the Bible for you...they're filled with the Holy Spirit, aren't they?

  • 10 years ago

    I don't have a problem with the KJV Bible, i have a problem with people who teach the doctrine of men as the doctrine of God ie... christmas, easter, sunday worship, holy father or pope, bowing to a man, kissing a ring, praying through mary instead of directly to JESUS, making people saints who are unworthy at best....these are well documented abominations and anyone who believes different is deceiving themselves.

    You ever heard of Balaam?

    And NO i am not protestant, mormon, sda, jw ,baptist, methodist etc.......

    America Bless God

    Source(s): KJV Bible
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    So the original bible didn't say that the universe was created within 6 days, 6,000 years ago? That some guy 2,000 years ago didn't raise himself from the dead after 3 days? That he didn't perform miracles? That some guy really didn't live 900 years to build a giant arc? That a talking snake didn't trick some girl into eating a bad apple so we are all bad people from birth?

  • Josh6
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    The only interpretation of the Bible comes from the Holy Spirit. Only God can interpret His own Word.

  • Jon
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Unless you are perfectly fluent in ancient form of hebrew, you have no basis for your claims. You can not translate something word for word from one language to another and still retain it's exact meaning.

    As a linguist myself, I can assure you that there are many things you do not know about translating. Something can't even be translated from one language to another.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    So your god wasn't powerful enough to make sure its holy texts were translated in a way that there would not be any bad translations? Doesn't sound like a very powerful god to me.

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