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Jehovah Witnesses have you already set money aside this month for the Watchtower society to collect?

I've said recently that it's becoming obvious that the Watchtower society is in financial decline ( cut back on pages per magazine, 16% of branches were closed last year, etc etc)

Now on the November Watchtower magazine, the organization made sure to remind all "Jdubs" of all the ways they can give money to the "mothership". To quote from the magazine:

"Each month, congregations forward these contributions to the office of Jehovah’s Witnesses that serves their country. It is also possible for you to send donations directly to a legal entity that is used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in your country. To learn the name of the primary legal entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in your country, please contact the branch office that serves the country. The address of the branch office can be found on The types of donations that you can send directly are the following:


•Donations of cash, jewelry, or other valuable personal property.

•Include a letter indicating that the cash or the items are an outright donation.


•Donations of cash with the condition that it can be returned if needed by the donor.

•Include a letter stating that the donation is conditional.


In addition to gifts of money and valuable personal property, there are other methods of giving to benefit Kingdom service worldwide. These are listed below. Regardless of the method or methods you would like to use, please first contact the branch office that serves your country to see which methods are available in the country. Since legal requirements and tax laws vary, it is important to consult qualified tax and legal advisers before choosing the best way to donate.

Insurance: A donation made by specifying an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a retirement/pension plan.

Bank Accounts: Bank accounts, certificates of deposit, or individual retirement accounts set up as a trust or made payable on death to an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses in accord with local bank requirements.

Stocks and Bonds: Stocks and bonds donated to an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses as an outright gift or by means of a Transfer on Death agreement.

Real Estate: Salable real estate donated to an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses, either by making an outright gift or, in the case of residential property, by reserving a life estate to the donor, who can continue to live in the residence during his or her lifetime.

Gift Annuity: Money or securities donated to an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses under an arrangement where the donor, or someone designated by the donor, receives a specified annuity payment every year for life. The donor receives an income-tax deduction for the year in which the gift annuity is established.

Wills and Trusts: Property or money may be bequeathed to an entity used by Jehovah’s Witnesses by means of a legally executed will or by specifying the entity as the beneficiary of a trust agreement. This arrangement may provide certain tax advantages.

As the term “charitable planning” implies, these types of donations typically require some planning on the part of the donor. To assist individuals desiring to benefit the worldwide work of Jehovah’s Witnesses through some form of charitable giving, a brochure entitled Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide has been prepared in English and Spanish. The brochure was written to provide information on a variety of ways that gifts may be made now or later, as through a bequest at death. The information covered in this brochure may not apply fully to your situation because of tax or other laws in your country. Hence, after reading the brochure, you should confer with your own legal or tax advisers. By using such methods of charitable giving, many have been able to help support our religious and humanitarian activities worldwide and maximize their tax benefits. If available in your country, the brochure may be obtained by requesting a copy from the secretary of the local congregation."

-- In light of this, isn't is interesting that JWs usually boast about their church not having a collection plate???

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No plate? The entire organization is a enormous plate.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have a $1 Billion dollar hold on the sale of their U.S. properties, until the Candace Conte case is settled.

    This once proud false prophet is in it's death throes, and the tail of the body is not aware of it.

    Not only have they lost revenue, they are basically asking their members to give them money and their possessions after their deaths..., before they give to their own has always been "the WTBTS first".

    Bar Anergies is using a form of diversionary subterfuge to ignore the points of your question.

    They are sadly believing that regardless of the Tribulation, and it's final outcome, they will be lifted up above all other beliefs on the earth, to rule with do all of the other churches of Christendom.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are now "professional Panderers", and their attempts to hide this are not going un-noticed.

    They have recently, in Ohio, tried to get the building rights for a Convention center, 83,000 SF, in an "Industrial Complex", paid for by tax-payers, specially zoned, and set-aside for specific business interests.

    At the town hall meeting, the JW's argued that they bring in lots of money wherever they build, so it is the "Moral responsibility" of the community to allow their project to continue.

    The real reason they want this property, is that when they are forced to sell it when the pickets arrive, they will gain the most value because of it's zoning.

    I pray that they do not get approved.

    They are merciless with children and the elderly, and they devour young-persons lives and energy.

    They are thieves of God's mercy for false gain, and now, they are beggars.

  • 9 years ago

    No collection plate true ...

    However, there is several donation boxes in the back..

    at conventions they are placed all over the place with people taking turns overseeing them..

    The congregation makes announcements monthly of their accounts.. this implies when they NEED money.. and guess what ,.that means you...

    The congregation reads letters from the society that money is needed for any given reason.. Kingdom hall building funds... helping another country with crisis etc..

    Traveling brothers come in either C.O's or perhaps an invited brother to come give a talk .. all expenses are then covered by the congregation..

    then we get to the crux of the whole organization..

    7 million people going house to house asking for a donation... this is gone over and over in the kingdom ministry in the magazine placement for the month..

    true they dont pass the plate in the local congregation .. but they do things no other religion has done.. the largest sales force working for free..

    As for BAR and his comments.. sadly he asks for proof from others and yet makes a statement of 90% is used for disaster relief and Bible printing... that is simply not true..

    The organization has property all over the world... big $$$ property .. so some money went there.... law suits have came out of the woodwork now that Ecclesiastical Privilege is out the window... so money is needed there..

    They have enormous overhead with all the property and to keep them up and running... now the properties they own are meticulously maintained by serious professionals that work for the society for free.. well not completely free .. those at Bethel get a small allowance and complete room and board... they also eat well ... as a visitor several times I was impressed with the meals and the cleanliness of everything.. THE FARM which is another place I stayed for a graduation...which they raised all their own cattle... beef .. cheese...milk... chicken... eggs... you name it... it was a very nice set up...

    But the 90% figure... ??? hmmm

    Oh another thing.. Disaster relief... unlike Others.. the Organization does not do things for the masses ... We never provided services such as .. soup kitchens.. food drives.. clothing.. temporary shelter or anything else that are provided by some of the others....

    Their Idea of relief is the local brothers.. perhaps assisting a close congregation with some needed services.. A couple of the congregations I served at helped surrounding congregations by getting the local brothers to donate items and food to help these brothers... the Society had sent out letters to many congregations encouraging them to help where they could.. as far as the Organization sending money.. ? At least with all the ones I have either been involved in or the ones I have read or heard about I dont know any one disaster that had serious financial help directly from the society... This does not mean loans to assist in rebuilding Kingdom Halls... which I am sure someone will say...

    I am tired

  • danman
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Whoever wrote this little exercise in pandering, should review the scriptures as to God's view of liars.

    " By using such methods of charitable giving, many have been able to help support our religious and humanitarian activities worldwide and maximize their tax benefits."

    What 'humanitarian activities' can they possibly be referring to? Especially since the word humanitarian has so much broader a definition than the Watchtower's idea of it's meaning.

    Humanitarianism is an ethic of kindness, benevolence and sympathy extended universally and impartially to all human beings. Humanitarianism has been an evolving concept historically but universality is a common element in its evolution. No distinction is to be made in the face of suffering or abuse on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, tribe, caste, age, religion, or nationality.

    Humanitarianism can also be described as the acceptance of every human being for plainly just being another human, ignoring and abolishing biased social views, prejudice, and racism in the process, if utilized individually as a practiced viewpoint, or mindset.

    Where in the world is the Watchtower Society making no distinction regarding members vs general public when it comes to aiding others? What organized 'humanitarian' efforts have they ever participated in, that did not involve aiding their own members? Even Bar with all his blustering about nothing (so tedious to read him anymore) can point to any time or place where such universal humanitarian work was ever performed by the 'organization'.

    Boast and posture aside. The fact prove otherwise. They do not meet one of the most basic aspects of being christian. Charity toward all their fellow men.

  • 9 years ago

    no i have not.

    but i would like to find a way to ask back the money I have given them in the past. I am still waiting for a brochure to come out about how to do that

    @BAR-ANGERES - You state:QUOTE

    The fact is that the Witnesses distribute bibles and bible based literature worldwide free of charge while other religions' publishing houses are profit making operations. It is a proven fact that, like most "charitable" organizations, most of these groups are shams...But the WTS uses 90%+ of all donations to disaster relief and printing Bibles and bible aids!!

    Actual evidence irrefutably proves that Jehovah's Witnesses are the true Christian Congregation and it alone has the Truth. On the other hand all other religions have abandoned following Christ..., in actions and morals. END QUOTE

    Brother Rutherford? Is that you? "Facts", "irrefutable"? well where are these said facts? 90+% ? where is your evidence BAR? your not just simply blurting out assumptions are you? Where are these "proven facts"? Where is your "actual evidence"?

    To follow along the rhetoric of Rutherford, I suppose the irresistible conclusion of the facts show, and these are facts, that irrefutable evidence without fail identifies conclusively that these undeniable proofs will without fail prove to be shown positively fallacious! :)

    Oh Rutherford, I love mimicking your ludicrous, ego-maniacal tirades you drunken lunatic. It always makes me so happy.

    Source(s): @ Lungboy - yes they are afraid to comment but they are sure quick to "thumbs down" any posts that they don't like. so typical
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  • 6 years ago

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    Anyone who insinuates that the Watchtower Society is in financial trouble is just trying to prejudice those too gullible to look at the facts. And proving the hypocritical and twisted thinking of these individuals is the fact that at the same time they claim Witnesses are going bankrupt they also claim that the WTS is getting rich hoarding many millions of dollars!

    Now, the Witnesses have been divesting themselves of expensive real estate in Brooklyn for many reasons. It is a fact that EVERYONE is affected by the poor economy and those properties in NYC are expensive to keep up compared to property in other areas. So it is only practical and allows us to build more efficient factories and facilities elsewhere. And they have been using more money for disaster relief which is increasing. So we recognize where the need is and will make adjustments accordingly.

    The facts are that we continue to grow and we are now publishing literature in more languages (600+) than ever before!

    Witnesses are publishing the greatest amount of Bible based literature ever published in all human history.

    Witnesses are performing the greatest worldwide Bible education program that has ever occurred in all human history.

    We are cutting down on the number of branches and workers needed because so much can be done by modern machines. So all these workers have been utilized in the more pressing work of ministering and preaching in the field.

    It is also a fact that we cannot build kingdom halls and other needed facilities fast enough to keep up with the demand!

    Witnesses know the large amounts of money which are required to carry out the tremendous publishing, teaching and disaster relief that the WTS engages in or the great expense this involves. But they also have assurances that their donated money is going to print bibles and to those who need in and not into someone pocket.

    It is impossible for anyone to gain financially from donations to the Watchtower Society! Witnesses have no monetary objectives and so you can be sure that the vast majority of any money donated to the WTS ends up going directly to pay for literature and disaster relief. So we can be sure that our money is going to those who need in and not into someone pocket. No other religious organization can make this claim.

    What a contrast to the obscene salaries and greed of other religious executives!!

    Look at the prices the so-called "Christian" publishing houses charge for their bibles! Even the few that are "non-profit" pay their executives enormous salaries!

    The fact is that the Witnesses distribute bibles and bible based literature worldwide free of charge while other religions' publishing houses are profit making operations. It is a proven fact that, like most "charitable" organizations, most of these groups are shams or actually end up giving very little to those in need. Money sent to them largely pay for the large salaries of their executives and go into church coffers. Even the best charities only between 10 and 20 percent of donated money ends up going to where they claimed. But the WTS uses 90%+ of all donations to disaster relief and printing Bibles and bible aids!!

    Actual evidence irrefutably proves that Jehovah's Witnesses are the true Christian Congregation and it alone has the Truth. On the other hand all other religions have abandoned following Christ, in actions and morals. And ALL who make common cause with these religions are unfaithful to God.

    When we see how weak, unreasonable, illogical, and downright false opposing arguments and beliefs are then we are even more convinced that have the Truth and are part of the Christ's True "Church" today (Dan.12:3; Mat.13:39-43).



  • 9 years ago

    Hey, it's hard paying for all the court costs of the pedophile elders and ministerial servants.

    They have to pay 28 mill last month and there are A LOT more court cases on the horizon. Looks like "God's visible organization" just got too visible. These sexual assaults are coming to light and I am glad that these monsters are having to pay for this.

    Pretty soon when bankruptcy is declared we can FINALLY no longer have those door knockers beating on our doors. Maybe then they won't distribute their insane literature.

  • 9 years ago

    Right now all the Witnesses are nervously looking at each other hoping if they don't comment on this, nobody else will read it.

    "We don't pass a collection plate, but here's a list of every source of income you could possibly have, and we set up a whole department for how you can give it to us!"

    Looks like the end isn't right around the corner if they are asking people to put the Watchtower in their Wills.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Holy Moly and they think the collection plate is brazen

  • Brian
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Big deal. They are telling people who to donate if they want to. This information is regularly published every couple years.

    People want to know.

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