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Helped ex wife. Am I a nice guy or doormat?

We have been divorced for 2 years. She cheated on me and left me for other man. Our divorce got UGLY!!!! I am over the majority part of it for the most part. Anyway, we now somewhat get along. She is always pulling stunts like using the kids front door key to come into my house at all hours of the night.

She calls me last night and tells me her car broke down. I show up to where she is and she is almost in the middle of the road. I had the kids with me by the way. I push her car off the road because it was snowing and getting bad. I take her and the kids to her house while I work on the car and wait for the tow truck. It did not arrive until 1 in the morn. I'm out in the freezing snow thinking to myself, what a schmuck, here I am out in the cold working on her car while she is home dreaming about being with Mr. Wonderful this weekend. I don't think they are still together but still, why didn't she call him? I do not think she has moved on very well from the divorce. She has asked me several times if we could try again. So what do you think. Does that make me look like a nice guy or spineless weak man for helping her?

7 Answers

  • Kate
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Every once in awhile, helping her out is a nice thing to do, but she sounds like she's taking advantage. No way should she EVER be coming into your house without your permission. That's ridiculous. I think you should only help when you want to and say no the rest of the time. There was no reason that she was the one inside and you were the one outside.

  • .
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You're allowing yourself to be used, but that's your call...she could easily have called a tow truck to get the car and take it to a shop, but she felt more comfy calling you (someone familiar)...

    You're only a doormat if this kind of issue occurs frequently and you tend to find yourself dealing with her problems more often than she is...

  • BAM
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You are a doormat. Mr Wonderful should have been the person she called...not you.

    If she had the kids at the time, I would have helped her.

  • 7 years ago

    You are a male so start acting like a MAN around this ex.DONT allow her to use you like this.Time to take control and stop being a soft touch.

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  • 7 years ago

    Although you aren't spineless, you are being used. Mr Wonderful is being used to provide emotional and sexual support for your ex while you are being used for everything else. Next time, say no for once and tell her you are too busy to help.

  • Bill
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Stop letting her use you cause that's what she is doing, And once A cheater always A cheater

  • 7 years ago

    women are crazy. can't live with them, can't kill them.

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