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Why do creationists act like they are the leading experts of biology and come up with all these reason why evolution is impossible?

When in reality it's obvious they don't know $hit about what they are plagiarizing or mouth mimicking from other dumb@sses like k. and e. hovind, ray cumfart, and other equally brain dead idiots that don't even know that Type II B receptor proteins like tyrosine phosphatases (RPTPs) have both adhesive & catalytic properties that produces a homophilic trans dimer that is unyielding and has a dimensionality that exactly match the cadherin-mediated junctions of intercellular distances.

10 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because they are trolls who want to be "scientists" with "theories" that they believe they can politically force into the system.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Its just different stages of ignorance that leads us to eventual curiosity which leads to genuine investigation which eventually leads to knowledge. I think its unfair to judge those creationists who have only ever been exposed to the Bible's standard of 'reasoning'. Their natural curiosity suppressed and therefore all doorways that could lead to any understanding of how the nature works, is diminished. Some still survive this conditioning and rise above (Michael Shermer).

    I think learning is not this one point where we can stand and say we know everything there is to know. Everyone is on different stages. Learning is a process. The more accessible this understanding becomes for children of the 'internet age', the more likely they will integrate these ideas early on in their world view.

  • 6 years ago

    Because Fundamentalist charlatans (Think televangelists) sell their religious dogma (Their Holy Book is absolute literal truth) to the gullible. If the dogma is true, then by definition, anything that does NOT conform to their INTERPRETATION of their Holy Book must be false. The gullible send huge amounts of money to the charlatans. It is a very lucrative scam and the charlatans get very rich. Creationists are lying weasels that continue to milk the faithful by "coming up with all these reasons why evolution is impossible." else the money would dry up and they would have to start doing "honest work."

  • 6 years ago

    Because creationist get their science from their holy books, to them those books are "the truth".

    In the global warming section there are a few who claim that a god has a hand on the thermostat (and kills the children of people because they do not bow deep enough to his god or do not give enough money to his god)

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  • 6 years ago

    Why do people presume that, because they can use the jargon that they are in a position to judge the knowledge of the pro-creationists against their own preconceptions?

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Apparently their masters degree in engineering makes them experts in fields like biology, physics, geology and, more recently, climatology.

  • 6 years ago

    Because they think they will burn in their fictional hell if they don't spout their utter nonsense.

    Lady M

    PS I would pay big bucks to watch you and a creationist in a debate. It would be great to see you shred their arguments into dust.

  • 6 years ago

    Would you believe that there is a university that teaches that crap? It's Liberty University, in Lynchburg, VA. Not surprisingly, its only accreditation is from a religious group.

  • 6 years ago

    This is not a question. This is a vulgar, childish rant with big words designed to try to make you look smart. As I have said before, pro-science rants are just as inappropriate for this site as are anti-science rants. Grow up a bit before you try to "help" again.

  • 6 years ago

    They've got the leading experts panties all in a bunch.

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