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Have those who have been spanked alot still land successful jobs and lives?

I've read that spanking your kids actually make them dumber but my parents told me that those who weren't spanked end up being disrespecful to their employers & other authorities.

37 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    i was spanked as a child and I'm consider myself successful. I came from a family of 3 girls and we were all spanked every blue moon depending on what was done or said. I have five children and I give them spankings as well, I wouldn't consider it abuse. I work in a school, mostly with 2-6 year olds and I believe a few spankings will fix some of the problems they give their parents. They disrespect us teachers as well as their parents, and do not listen to no authority figure. But the children who do receive spankings at home are well behaved for someone their age, I don't expect them to be perfect angels but one or two warnings will stop whatever wrong behavior they were doing, and they respect authority and overall I think they are well rounded kids.

  • Loulla
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    I was raised in the 80's where spanking was pretty much the norm!

    I was spanked, but only got it twice, and I was in my early teens both times.

    I've never been unsuccessful per se, I went to school, then college, then took a gap year for uni and worked full time, got used to the money and didn't go back for wise I'm successful, I'm happily married, with two children (who I don't spank) and I'm currently happier now than I've been in a while.

    I don't look down on those who spank their kids, but I do feel sorry for them because they clearly have no restraint and are like children themselves in that sense.

    There are other ways to parent, without using physical force :)

  • Sligo
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Parents say a lot of things to their children. I was told that if I ate my bread crust it would give me the ability to whistle.

    I was spanked quite a bit as a child even though I was the 'good one' because my parents believe that you even if you do well you can always do better. So far it hasn't affected my ability to work a respectable job and I am an A student at uni.

    I do wish my parents would have tried other forms of punishment before resorting to physical pain. Inflicting physical pain on another person should be reserved for self defense.

    Respect is earned through action. I did not nor do not respect my parents due to their poor life choices. I do not respect authority figures who act selfishly or foolishly. I am polite and professional to others around me but that is vert different from respect.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    A lot of parents who spank don't really understand how discipline works. So they think no spanking = no discipline. This is simply incorrect.

    No discipline at all is certainly a poor way to raise a child, and can result in poorly behaved adults.

    Spanking instills some discipline, but overall has been proven one of the least effective methods. Spanked kids are actually more likely to become aggressive and confrontational adults than kids who are not spanked.

    This does not mean that all kids who are spanked are doomed... of course that would be silly. We're just talking about statistics and variations-- individual, personal situations will vary.

    Ideally, discipline should be enforced without violence-- starting with setting firm boundaries, setting a good model for behavior, being attentive to the child's needs, using praise and reinforcement, and, if warranted, punishment or correction.

    Unfortunately, a lot of parents simply don't know how to do this, or don't make the effort to do it because it takes more time and patience than spanking. Again, how successful a person will be depends on the individual case, but when discipline without spanking is applied properly it is far superior to spanking.

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  • 6 years ago

    I was never spanked as a kid (I'm 27) and my parents were really strict with me they had a lot of rules bet they never spanked me they do the same thing with my little sister now(13) and I'm a school principal I think it's better to give kids rules and put boundaries it was always tough love for me I could never do the things my friends did I had to be up at 5 AM every morning to do chores (so does my sister now) my dad is also in the army so I always had to say:yes sir,No sir

    You don't need to spank your kid to teach them discipline!

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Your parents dont know jack sht. I was spanked a lot and nowadays I'm a professional shoplifter. Never ever got caught.

    To bring up a good kind citizen you need to be a good parent, have good family members and friends and the children your children socialise with at school and at home cannot have trampy parents. Trampy parents raise children with poor self control, poor thinking skills and anger issues because trampy parents are like that themselves and don't know any better.

    A good thing is that you can actually stop your child from mixing with the wrong crowd. NO trampy parents can send their children to private schools 1)because they cannot afford and 2)private schools wont take in a child who hasn't been toilet trained and have behavioural problems due to bad parenting.

  • S
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Of course. There are also people who weren't spanked who are successful.

    My sister and I were both spanked as children. My sister more so, but that has more to do with the fact she wasn't as behaved as I was. We're both successful and unsuccessful in our own ways, depending on your definition of "successful". My sister dropped out of college and isn't planning on going back, but she is working. She doesn't make enough money to move on her own, but she just about works full time and currently makes more money than I do. I have a bachelor's degree, and usually did very well in school, but due to some mental issues my employment has suffered. I'm doing better through medication and professional help and have started a new job, though it's part time and not in the field I studied for. I'm working on getting a better paying job so I can move out on my own.

    This is just anecdotal evidence though. You'll see stories like this, and situations that are better or worse than this, in all sorts of people whether or not they were spanked.

  • 6 years ago

    Spanking and getting successful jobs has nothing in common. To be successful in life you must be disciplined now spanking is a good way to discipline.

  • Anna
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    All my siblings and I were very loved and cherished. We were also spanked on occasion. We are all successful people (each of us had a doctorate or the equivalent in their field of study).

    However my brother (there were 4 kids) was the least disciplined out of all 4 bc he was the most emotional and my parents felt sorry for him and didnt punish him enough. He still struggles to this day with being an A##hole. Idk if that's a chicken or egg situation.

  • 6 years ago

    I was just thinking about the implications of spanking yesterday... It seems taboo these days, but was normal when I was a kid. I don't think it affected me at all, except that I learned to respect my parents. It really only takes a couple of swats before all you have to do is threaten the child with it. What else are you supposed to do with a child who won't cooperate and doesn't respond to timeouts or other alternative punishments? I wish my brother would spank his kids. They are out of control.

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