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How to stop being treated like an *** by my friends?

Its honestly terrible. At first I thought they were just joking so i laughed along with it, then it got even worse they actually started treating me like *** and it was so dumb. They try to make me feel powerless and it succeeds and it sucks, even my best friend sometimes does it. Im so pissed rn cause i dont want anyone to see that going on and every time i try to ignore them i just have to end up talking to them cause they basically make up all the dudes in our clas and i do have friends outside class, good ones, but i need good ppl w me in my class too and its rly actually dumb. Also I am terrible at roasting ppl so i dont even try cause I'm too nice for that. It honestly sucks i wanna kill myself, and also my twin sister is in my class and i get embarassed when these a**holes treat me like that in front of her. I just tell myself to put up with it till the end of the school yr but it just gets harder every single second. I'm so pissed off and i try not to be mean to anyone cause everyone knows im a nice person so i dont want to loose that reputation cause of those a**holes. I'm so pissed how can I get them to stop treating me like sh*t cause I'm not and I am better and higher then all of them and this isn't bragging, they KNOW IT but obviously do not want to admit it its so frickin dumb and I hate it so frickin much and I'm rly sad cause of it cause I had no friends up until 6th grade and I rly dont want to go back to that(8th grd rn) and so far it looks like i am.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Why do you want to kill yourself just because other people are choosing to be assholes? And that has nothing to do with you; that has to do with their choice and maybe even their poor upbringing if they get a kick out of making somebody miserable.

    These are NOT your friends. Friends would FEAR hurting you and would never put you in a difficult position, especially in a position where you're made a joke, or an item of humiliation. Don't worry about being terrible at roasting people. That's actually a good thing because insulting people is not part of your character or your vocabulary, and if you did know how to roast people, then that tells me you've probably had a lot of practice with bad relationships with people. It's good that you care for your reputation, BUT you have nothing to prove to people.

    Suggest to the teacher to move to another spot, or have a desk closer to the teacher's desk. If it really gets worse and you're depressed, get your parents/guardian to suggest moving to another school. That's a bit of an extreme move, but your comfort in a learning environment is what really matters.

    Listen, I've had rumors spread about me. I've been humiliated, called ugly, had friends turn on me, went through a whole year of loneliness and depression, and even had broken pencils thrown at me. Kids are the cruelest people on the planet.


  • 4 years ago

    A lot of people aren't going to understand you question and make you think that these friends of yours aren't your friends. But that isn't the case. This is a very common "game" guys play with each other . I call it "ragging" on each other, you call it roasting. They definitely are your friends if they included you in this game.

    But here is the deal, if you are going to hang out with these guys, not playing the game or getting upset by it is not an option. I think you are full of crap to claim you are too nice to get them back. You are afraid your jokes about others won't be laughed at so why try. Not everything has to hysterical, but you do need to defend yourself to gain their respect.

    On the offensive side, not everything you rag on someone else needs to be true, but the best ones are. Start paying attention to the stupid things your friends say or do to bring up later within the crowd. Think back to the stuff they have used to embarrass you and use the same material to get them back.

    On the defensive side, the quickest way to get the focus off od you is throw it on someone else. The easiest person to toss the attention to is the weakest member. The person who participates the least or simply doesn't fight back. You know ... someone else like you. The more you are able rag on others, the less likely you will be ragged on by others.

    And the next time the embarrass you in front of your sister tell them "yeah, my sister told me the rumor is you have a small penis" Nothing hurts the male ego than a public statement like that.

  • 4 years ago

    When I moved to a different city and went to a different school I had this problem. You did say these are YOUR FRIENDS...if they are actually are good friends just tell them your not okay with them making fun of you and ask them to stop. If they don't stop then I'd move to option 2. Punch them in the face! When this was happening to me in 6th grade, I slammed a kids head into a locker...I got in a lot of trouble, I'm not going to lie. But, NONE of those kids ever said anything to me again.

  • paremy
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    I've been bullied so much as well people threw soda cans at me on the bus called me shubacka from start wars sorry if I said it wrong. In high school I often saw my self eating in the bathroom stalls. People called me ugly and fat and no one ever asked me out like no guys. I absolutely had no friend maybe just 1 or 2 but we weren't so close. And my only regret was not standing up for my self because I was a "nice girl".

    You have to stand up for your self and I don't mean by roasting them because calling other people awful things will not solve the issue. But you let them know that there words don't hurt you because words are just that and they cannot hurt you unless you let them.

    It's always better to be by yourself then with bad company. Those people have no right to do that to you and you need to find people that will actually value your time even if it means that you get some girls to be your friends. Right now I'm out of school and all my friends are guys and I am a girl they are like my brothers and I am one of the bro's so it shouldn't matter who you are friends with as long as they respect you. And the minute they stop doing it you drop them like hot potatoes.

    I've gone through that before where my own friends treated me bad but I stuck around because I didn't have any other friends and it happened for 9 years since jr high till I a graduated high school until a few years after high school I finally told her I had enough of her bull shet.. You need to do the same you need to tell them to quit the bull shet that your not going to stand by it. And if people tell you we never wanted to be friends with you to begin with then you tell them. "thank gosh I'm kinda glad you said first because being the nice guy that I am I didn't want to hurt your feelings by saying it first, thanks for telling me" Bye"... And that's all no roasting needed.

    If you keep letting people do bad things to you then they will continue to do so. I have many times where I thought of suicide and I was depressed, but I got out of it because life is much more precious them some douche bags. Once you get older things only get better I promise. Just take a stand and let them know how worthless there actions are. Friends come and go we loose some we gain some simple.. Just hang in there good luck.

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  • 4 years ago

    They're not worth it. Plain and simple. Work on yourself to become a better person. When you are in a powerful position and successful, they'll wish they were still your friends. Then you can show me who's boss and reject and laugh in their face

  • Find better friends.

  • 4 years ago

    find new friends,those idiots aren't your friends.

  • you seem to be quite confused as to what friendship is..... those you speak of are NOT your friends...

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