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Convince my mum to let me have a bedroom door?

My bedroom does not have a door. We are renting the house and it didnt have one when we moved in. I really need a door. Ive asked my mum and she says “i like it how it is” or “you dont need one”. Jow can i convince her to give me a door without her thinking im doing drugs or something bad. I just want to be able to masturbate and get dressed in peace.

11 Answers

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Your rental contract may not allow the addition of a door. Masturbate and get dressed in the bathroom.

  • Layne
    Lv 5
    2 years ago

    You should have a door. Period!!!! Your mom is rude and needs help.

  • 2 years ago

    Stay naked when in your room and/or to the bathroom. She give in

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    you might have better luck asking her for curtains

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  • Edna
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Installing a door isn't as easy as if sounds. Your mom is renting this house. It's not up to her to decide whether or not you have a door to your bedroom - it's up to the landlord. Your mom may have already asked the landlord about it, and he might not allow your mom to install a door - it MIGHT entail cutting a hole in the wall.

    If the landlord DOES allow it, your mom is going to have to go down to building supply and buy a door with the frame attached and have it delivered. That's a few hundred dollars. Then, she's going to have to pay some one to trim out the opening where the door is going to go - they NEVER fit into an existing opening - they always need to be trimmed and fitted. (That's assuming an opening already exists in which a door can be hung). If an opening does not already exist, she's going to have to pay someone to cut a hole in the wall (someone who knows enough about carpentry work to not cut through the wall supports in a load-bearing wall), in which to hang the door, and then install the door and the frame. And don't forget the door knob to go on the door. Door knobs don't come with new doors - they're extra. That's another $25-$30 right there.

    You don't know how to install a door, and I doubt that your mom knows how to either. .

  • 2 years ago

    just warn her that she may catch you pleasuring yourself

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    You probably can't convince her, So do both in the bathroom with the door locked. But she sounds like a control freak to me.

  • 2 years ago

    You don't mention how old you are, but you could ask her if you aren't old enough to have earned some privacy. My guess you're a teenager and she might not realise this value has changed for you. Your still her child and it's possible she doesn't realise that privacy has become more important. Let her know you'd like to get dressed in private and in peace and ask her if she can see why this is important to you. If she can you're more likely to get this door so go for that option.

    If she asks you why you need the privacy then tell her the truth, that we all need to be able to have some alone time from time to time. Ask her if she doesn't want the same for herself on occasion too? She probably does and if she still gives you grief then tell her you're not looking to do drugs or something bad, but you'd like some 'you' space and be able to close the door and be alone. It's nothing personal and you could even say you're sure that at your age she felt the same about wanting privacy and then ask her if she didn't.

    There's no guaranty she will agree of course, but if you ask without whining and remind her of herself at your age, chances are you'll get a door (or a curtain) to have some more privacy.

  • 2 years ago

    depends on who else lives with you in the house , if you have a brother than you can tell her you need privacy

    or maybe you ca have at least a curtain

  • Steve
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Rent your own house, one with a bedroom door.

    Masturbate under the covers of your bed or in your sleeping bag until then.

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