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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 1 day ago

Scared I'm going to go wild when I leave my parents home at 21 ?

21 year old male. My parents restrictive behaviour such as giving me unfair curfew (8-9pm) and not letting me go out often, and it's got worse because of lockdown.

I'm paranoid im going to go crazy if I move out and get into risky situations where I stay out all night by myself and get mugged, or do wild behaviour just to defy their standards, or just go out every night and let my money and studies suffer. I'm so paranoid about losing my way, and I also get negative thoughts such as me being out alone at midnight all alone.

And then worrying that I'll be bored out of my mind. All I keep doing is ruminating about what I'd do each day and each evening and dreaming of what schedule id like etc.

7 Answers

  • 4 hours ago

    Maybe depends on culture. That parental behavior is common for a lot, like south Asian (Pakistan, India, etc.), for example. The first step is that you realized that you could go wild or the reverse. If you realized this, make a plan now for how to deal with it.

    I moved out at 18, studied my *** off, never drank (even on 21st birthday) or went to strip clubs, but not utterly depressed either. So you don't have to despair. Guess what. If everyone ran wild like that, we would be living in a circus freak show. (Oh yeah, we already do.)

    As a tip for going out at night, just be shifty. Carry non-lethal weapons. Wear glasses so you can see farther. Pull your pants down a little bit in certain neighborhoods so you fit in. I been chased before and always avoided mugging.

  • 22 hours ago

    This is what happens when parents are far too restrictive of their kids.

    When you are an adolescent, you need to be given more and more and more responsibility for making your own choices and accepting success when your choices are good and failure and punishment when you make bad ones.  How else will you learn life?

    You need to cultivate friends and go out in groups.  Learn when to leave and take control of your own life.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    You are too scared and inexperienced to do this right now. But it is indeed time for you to become independent. Can you do it in gradual stages instead of all at once?  For example, what if you got room mate(s) , instead of living completely on your own? You could even go to school and live in the dorm, where there would be some security, a house parent, and some safety measures.  

    It would be foolish to behave in a risky fashion just to defy your overprotective parents. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water !  

    If all else fails, consider joining the military. It would be a step toward independence, yet with all kinds of security , standards for behavior, supervision. You could even learn a trade or get a g.i. bill to go to college. Only don't get into active duty, where you might kill or be killed !

    Good luck, if none of these ideas appeal to you, just go. Just do it. You'll learn fast enough. Good wishes,


  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    i would move out if you want more freedom

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  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Your life is what you make of it.  

    So if you want to go crazy and knock up girls and do drugs and flunk out of school, go for it.   You won't be the first and you won't be the last.

    But know that you are 100% responsible for your own behavior/choices and at the age of 21, you can no longer blame your parents.

    "do wild behaviour just to defy their standards, or just go out every night and let my money and studies suffer"   As I said before, there is no reason to "fear" this because this is 100% within your control.  If it happens it's because you choose it to happen.

  • 1 day ago

    Unfortunately your parents seem to have kept you on a tight leash, and haven't really prepared you very well for adulthood. Is it possible that their own parents were this way when they were around the age you are now? In a quiet period take them back to their own younger days and how they felt when treated unkindly by their parents. Do this sincerely with genuine interest - probably best not during an argument. That said, it might perhaps be effective when emotions are high. It is usually better to ask questions than to say things. 

    As for you, it's time for you to make some plans and decisions about how and what you are going to be and do. Currently you seem to be planning to fail by the sound of things. So switch! Decide what you are going to do when tempted to throw your money away, for example. Aim high, and take the steps to create a great life for yourself. One step at a time. Catch a Tony Robbins video on Youtube. 

    Good Luck!

  • 1 day ago

    Go ahead and go wild.  You're young and moving out on your own.  Enjoy your life.

    The fact that are already worrying about the negative consequences leads me to believe you will keep yourself in check from getting too crazy.

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