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  • Will Manic Panic Hot Pink fade out completely?

    I have gold blonde hair and am wanting to do something fun, but am not looking for something that will be permanent. I'm okay with it being around for a couple months, but definitely am looking for a product that is going to eventually fully wash out.

    From what I have read, Manic Panic will do just that, but I am wanting to find out for sure that it will before putting it in my hair, so I'm looking to hear from those that have had an actual experience with it!

    Thanks! :)

    1 AnswerHair9 years ago
  • Why is my Loach acting this way?

    I recently added a new loach into my tank (I am aware you should get at least 3 but the girl at the store literally was only able to catch one in the 20 minutes she was trying to get them, so will be going to get more soon!) and holy smokes is he hyper! He flies around the tank all day long!

    Is this normal? This is my first loach, he is being kept with a Betta and 6 Rummynose Tetras and has been in there about 4 days. Is he adjusting? Is this normal (I have read they can be like this sometimes if they are happy?).

    Thanks for any help!

    3 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Tattoo artists opinion...?

    Alrighty, so I already have a tattoo of The Joker from The Killing Joke (Batman Comic)

    This is the tattoo

    So, I guess what I'm trying to figure out is if I could incorporate a quote into it, or if I will have to make the quote a separate entity on it's own. The quote is "So why can't you see the funny side? Why aren't you laughing?" I do plan on talking to my tattoo artist, but until then I'm just looking for some feedback on opinions of what to do with the quote!

    Thanks for your time!

    2 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • What do you guys think of my new ink!?

    And don't come on here saying "tattoos are stupid, blah blah blah."

    And yes I'm a girl.

    4 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • what are your opinions on this tattoo for a female?

    It's the Joker from The Killing Joke

    I'm not interested in "tattoos are ugly" blah blah blah, the Joker has a LONG history for me, and this is the tattoo I'm getting, I'm not looking for anyone to approve, I was just curious how people might perceive it!

    5 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • Do a lot of vegans go back to eating meat?

    I've been a Vegan for a while now, and I don't have any immediate plans to eat meat, I'm just curious if anyone knows in general how many go back to eating meat? Or at least go to being a Vegetarian.

    I'm a Vegan for ethical reasons, I love animals more than I love eating them! So I'm not some person trying to "lose weight" through a "fad" diet wondering when my time will be up on trying to diet.

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • What may be the problem with my fish?

    I have 2 Dwarf Gouramis that I took from a friend who kept them in a 1 Gallon DIRTY tank that was kept at about 78 degrees. My blue one (I've been told the blue ones are females) is very healthy now that it is in my 20 Gallon, but the Orange with blue vertical striping (which I've been told is a male) seems sick.

    He has a bloated belly, is missing parts of his tail (from the blue one nipping, it almost seems like when the orange one is motionless for long periods of time she goes to see if he's still awake, though it's probably just bullying), and he kind of just...floats. Aimlessly. I've seen fish that have bloat (my Betta once had it) and it definitely isn't that. He isn't forced into floating, he just keeps his mouth at the surface and doesn't move. He can swim, and does eat (though not very well), it's like he just chooses to be motionless.

    Any suggestions on what I can do for him? I feel bad that it looks so miserable with life!!

    5 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • What to do about nipping in tank?

    My Betta is in a 15G tank with 6 Rummynose Tetras. They've been tank mates for about a week now, and just today the Rummy's have started nipping my poor Betta, there's a good chunk of his under-fin (don't know the technical terms) missing! I know that fins grow back, but what would be my best option? Should I invest in a 2G tank for my Betta? Will the nipping stop? Should I buy my Betta some hiding places?

    I really don't want him having to be stressed out about these silly Tetras!

    4 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Help with a chemistry question?

    During an operation, the patient is given a mixture of gas containing oxygen (so the patient can breathe) and an anaesthetic gas (so the patient is unconscious). Explain why Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures and the Ideal gas Law are important with respect to this medical application.

    Would the answer have to do with having a mixture of gases, but each acting as it's own? I'm really confused, so if anyone could clear it up for me I'd really appreciate it!

    1 AnswerChemistry9 years ago
  • Suggestions on a path to take for this career?

    Currently, I am working to become a Veterinary Technician, my ultimate goal would be to become an animal behaviourist concentrating on wolves, but also managing wildlife conservation in general.

    Wolves have always fascinated me, and I've always had a strong passion for saving animals and teaching people about them and how they live and how we can help their populations. I love the outdoors, I am a very good wildlife photographer, and my fiance is thinking of changing fields to become a Park Ranger/Warden, making this career choice even better as he would be working in conservation areas.

    I just have no idea where to start. I know you need at least 4 years in Wildlife, Ecology, Zoology, or Biology, but where would I start on specializing my area of expertise?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Why might my mind be so hyperactive before I sleep?

    Every night for most of my 20 year life I have had trouble falling asleep. I will be completely exhausted (even when sick) and as soon as my head hits the pillow...boom. Wide awake. My mind won't shut off, even when I try to, I'll have a blank mind for a second then a million thoughts come rushing back in.

    Any recommendation on what I could do to make falling asleep easier? My doctor recommended sleeping pills, but I really have no interest in taking medication. Is it possible my mattress is the cause? Could there be other reasons? I'm at my wits end!

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Why does my mind become so hyperactive before sleep?

    Every night for most of my 20 year life I have had trouble falling asleep. I will be completely exhausted (even when sick) and as soon as my head hits the pillow...boom. Wide awake. My mind won't shut off, even when I try to, I'll have a blank mind for a second then a million thoughts come rushing back in.

    Any recommendation on what I could do to make falling asleep easier? My doctor recommended sleeping pills, but I really have no interest in taking medication. Is it possible my mattress is the cause? Could there be other reasons? I'm at my wits end!

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Would anyone be able to walk me through this?

    Okay, so this is the chart that is given, and you have to fill in the blanks. I somewhat understand that you need to use P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2. What I'm confused on is what does "Constant" stand for in an equation?

    For instance, I know that for the first line you would use V2=P1V1T2/T1P2, but how to I sub "Constant" into that equation? What does it stand for?

    P1 (kPa) P2 (kPa) V1(L) V2(L) T1(K) T2 (K) Name of Law

    Constant Constant 0.45 ? 298 285 ?

    100.1 160.3 ? 3.6 Constant Constant ?

    101.3 ? Constant Constant 298 273 ?

    2 AnswersChemistry9 years ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    Alrighty, SO, to begin, I'm 20, I already have a tattoo (it's Jack Skellington, and it's going up my back and is about 12 Inches long).

    My parents paid for it as a Christmas present when I was 18 as this was something I had wanted literally since the day I found out what a tattoo was (there's a ton of meaning, ect, but that's not what this question is about).

    I live with them currently as I'm still going to school, and I want to get my second tattoo. I'll be the first to say, it's not a typical "female" tattoo, but I'm not your typical female. I've always been a little off the beaten trail, and my family is well aware of this. I don't want to just go and get it since I do live in their house, and I would never disrespect my parents for this, so does anyone have a suggestion on how to bring it up as a conversation? I want to get The Joker from The Killing Joke with the quote "So why can't you see the funny side? Why aren't you laughing?". For me, the Joker represents being fearless. Not allowing society to tell you how to be or who to be, to be yourself and to live life to its full extent regardless of what everyone else thinks.

    My biggest concern is them just saying it will be ugly, so they will say "no", and that's fine, but I would like a fighting chance at this as I've been waiting patiently since I was 12 for this, and I have been saving money from outside my work money that I am putting towards school.

    Don't just say "just get it" or "don't get it if you think they won't like it". I just want suggestions on what you might say to your parents if you were 20 and already had a tattoo they paid for.

    3 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • What might be the meaning for this dream?

    So, my dream began with me going to jail, but this wasn't like...jail jail, it was different. I had my own cell, which was lavishly decorated. I had a phone, queen sized bed, beautiful decor, a closet...pretty much it was a fancy room, but it was jail.

    Then, I went out to visit my family and my Grandparents (who in Nova Scotia (I'm from Ontario)) were there, and I was talking to everyone, then looked at my watch and said "ope! Gotta go, it's my curfew" so my boyfriend drove me back to my lavish jail cell. I then started drawing and made a phone call to my boyfriend and woke up.

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Would this be suitable for a 10 gallon tank?

    7 zebra dainos, 7 neon tetras, 2 otocinclus, and 1 betta?

    6 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Is it possible to have a vitamin deficiency while taking a multi-vitamin?

    I've been Vegan for a little over 2 months now, and Vegetarian on and off for years before that.

    I take a multivitamin everyday, and though I haven't been eating as well as I normally do recently, I have been constantly dizzy for the past month. Not fall over dizzy, just like my head is in a constant fog.

    I try to eat at least 2 fruits and 2 veggies a day, I don't drink alcohol, I generally drink 6-9 glasses of water a day, and as of late I haven't been exercising due to the dizziness.

    Could I be deficient in a vitamin? Or could this be something else?

    My dr's appointment isn't for another month and a half and I need to start getting some ideas now because I don't know if I can wait that long!

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • What could I do for my diet to feel better?

    I've been Vegan now for a little over two months, and for the past month or so I have had an almost constant dizzy feeling. My head just feels...fuzzy. I got my blood tested just before becoming a Vegan and it said my Iron and B12 levels were normal and since I became Vegan I've been taking a multi-vitamin daily, half in the morning, half in the evening.(As per the suggestion of my doctor) Also, I have not been exercising, at all. I have a naturally good physique, but due to my head I just haven't had the drive or energy to exercise.

    Could my Iron or B12 levels drop, even while taking a multi vitamin?

    Granted, the first month I was eating very healthy, and the past month (due to the Christmas holidays) my eating habits were far from good, I was not eating very many fruits or vegetables. Mostly living off of popcorn, cupcakes, chips, salsa..all homemade, but still..not exactly a balanced diet. Could one month of poor eating really throw my system off so much? I've heard you won't notice a B12 drop for (potentially) years?

    I will be going to the doctor, but my appointment isn't for another month so I was just curious if there were any tips or opinions people could give me on what Vitamin or Mineral I may be lacking? Can you still be lacking even when taking a multi-vitamin?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • How long should you date before being engaged?

    I know there's no set time limit or something, just curious if you were a parent how long you'd want your kid in a relationship for before they take the plunge!

    My boyfriend and I have been together 2 years, are both going to be 21 within a couple months, and literally are inseparable. My whole family loves him, to the point where my parents bought a car for him and I as a surprise (We both were driving trucks and the gas bill was eating a hole through anything we were saving for school), and his whole family loves me.

    We both had been in really crappy relationships before meeting each other, and I was always the girl that had NO interest in anything serious or long term until I met him, and he had problems with being mature and was kind of a dork with no goals when we started dating. I'm now smitten, and he's matured so much you wouldn't even recognize him (has goals, has dreams, wants to accomplish things). We spend all our time together, aside from when we are at work, know anything and everything there is to know about one another, and have been talking about getting married for well over a year now.

    He has a full time job and I am going to be going to school for a two year program this coming September.

    Based on the info I've given (knowing it was short and it's hard to tell how two people will fare without knowing them) do you think it would be appropriate to get engaged this year and have a 2-3 year engagement?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • What is the best hair dye brand that isn't tested on animals?

    I'm a semi-recent Vegan and my roots are starting to bother me, but I don't really know of any salon near my area that uses Vegan hair dyes.

    I'm blonde (naturally, and have put in highlights) if that helps at all.

    3 AnswersHair9 years ago