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feeling beautiful for amputees?
I am currently dealing with some issues. Not to sound concieted but i am a very attractive girl. I feel like i have all the physical features any good looking girl would need but i am missing my left leg. I often find it hard to accept this. In a world where people are so superficial its almost impossible for me to feel beautiful...what should i do
6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoIs this a good senior pic?
What do you guys think about this picture for my yearbook. I am a senior and i like this picture of me and my twin brother..i need more opinions
2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade agopor vs para , spanish help?
what is the difference between the two. when do you use each one?
3 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoi am really desperate for a good translation!!?
please i need a native speaker or someone with skill to translate this paragraph. i will give u 10 points and be very appreciative. it is a story. i translated the 1st part i need the 2nd part done and i dont have time to do it myself
here is the rest:
My friends and i busted into it and planned on taking it. I popped the trunk to see if there was anything of value when i came across a suitcase. The suitcase was old and worn just like the car. When i opened the brief case i was amazed to see what was inside it. There were stacks and stacks of money. I yelled in a hush tone for my friends to come and see what i had found. When they saw the money they started to go crazy. We never dreamed of seeing that type of money in our lives. We knew the owner of the money was involved in some shady buisness but that didn't stop us from taking it and running away. I wanted to keep all the money but my cousin who was with us said we should give it to the police. Before i could decide what to do with the money, the owners saw us with it. Two large men weaking dark clothes and sun glasses came after us. I panicked and started to run. The three of us ran with the money down the empty alley. WE quickly took a left and just ran. I was the fastest and lead the way. I did not know where to go but i just went where my feet took me. Lucky for me my feet took me to the police station. THe men were close to us now and i knew if they reached us we would be dead . As we rounded the corner to the police station the men realized where we were going and stopped chasing us.I did not feel completely obligated to hand in the money but we decided to give it to the cops. We each kept some money because being poor we couldn't help ourselves. All in all it was the greatest adventure i had in my 16 years of living. I guess you never know what you will find if your not looking for it.
3 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoSpanish translation 10 points!?
i have a story i needed translated into accurate spanish if u can do that you get 10 points...=)
so here is the story:
The summer was slowly fading away and the fall was quickly approaching. I was 16 and lived in the city my entire life. My childhood was not easy especially since my parents didn't have much. THe city was busy, loud, and the last place i wanted to be. There were so many people who had so little it became dangerous sometimes. One night me and my friends were up to no good when we saw an abandoned car. Seeing as we were 16 and knew how to drive we decided to steel the car. The car was nothing specical. It was a faded black color and it was covered with dents and mud. THe windows were cracked and the leather ont he seats were ripped. I would guess the car cost 200 dollars if that. My friends and i busted into it and planned on taking it. I popped the trunk to see if there was anything of value when i came across a suitcase. The suitcase was old and worn just like the car. When i opened the brief case i was amazed to see what was inside it. There were stacks and stacks of money. I yelled in a hush tone for my friends to come and see what i had found. When they saw the money they started to go crazy. We never dreamed of seeing that type of money in our lives. We knew the owner of the money was involved in some shady buisness but that didn't stop us from taking it and running away. I wanted to keep all the money but my cousin who was with us said we should give it to the police. Before i could decide what to do with the money, the owners saw us with it. Two large men weaking dark clothes and sun glasses came after us. I panicked and started to run. The three of us ran with the money down the empty alley. WE quickly took a left and just ran. I was the fastest and lead the way. I did not know where to go but i just went where my feet took me. Lucky for me my feet took me to the police station. THe men were close to us now and i knew if they reached us we would be dead . As we rounded the corner to the police station the men realized where we were going and stopped chasing us.I did not feel completely obligated to hand in the money but we decided to give it to the cops. We each kept some money because being poor we couldn't help ourselves. All in all it was the greatest adventure i had in my 16 years of living. I guess you never know what you will find if your not looking for it.
please only translate if your a native speaker or really confident your right.
8 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoFuture vs conditional Spanish help ?
if i was to describe what my life will be like in 20 years would i use the conditional or future tense?
how would i say"i will be"
since i dont know if any of these things will i use the conditional?
4 AnswersLanguages1 decade agois he too old for me?
so i am 16 about to be 17 in a few months and i really want to date this guy who is 19. i think mentally i am just as mature as he is but is that too great of an age difference? He flirts with me all the time but i am afraid he wont want to date me because i am still in high school and he is in college
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agopreterite vs imperfect?
is the verb to enjoy preterite? the sentence is "they enjoyed the evening" . that is preterite right? what would "they enjoyed" translate to spanish.
2 AnswersLanguages1 decade agospanish translationto points to most accurate!!?
i am really struggling with the preterite vs imperfect.
How would you say she became a nurse in spanish?
is that preterite?
3 AnswersLanguages1 decade agonose piercing...faker?
ok so i told everyone at school i ogt my nose pierced and they all totally believed me but honestly i just bought body jewlery and stuck it to my nose. the fake gem stays in all day and the most popular people in school have been complimenting me. i really like the look but i am too afraid to get a real one but too afraid to keep wearing the fake one because people will totally bash on me if they find out its fake. what do i do?
7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoto party or not to party? help please!!!!
i am really shy and really dont have a certian group of friends anymore because we got in a fight and i was invited to a party by the most popular guy at school. we are friends and stuff but i am not really friendly with all the popular kids. its not that they dont like me its just they aren't who i hang out with. i wnat to go to the party but i am nervous nobody will talk to me and i will look lame. should i go?
8 AnswersFriends1 decade agosexy ways to turn guys on?
what are some small things girls can do to a guy to turn him on? nothing too serious, just small things like kissing his neck or something?
1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agosexy vs beautiful?
what makes someone sexy vs beautiful? what qualities does a beautiful girl posses opposed to a sexy girl? How about a cute girl? me and my friend cannot figure out the differences in these adjectives.
8 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago1st job mean boss!!!?
i am 16 and this is my first job. it is not a bad job its just the boss. my boss is soo negative towards everyone. she makes me feel like asking her a question is asking her to donate her left kidney. i really am afraid of her and i know she doesn't like me. i am very intimidated and my evil boss makes me want to quit. her energy towards me is really intimidating. should i quit a job that i like because of my scary boss?
1 AnswerFood Service1 decade agoam i destined to be alone forever?
i am 16 and have never had a real boyfriend. i feel like its because i am not forward enough and too afraid of rejection. i really like this guy but we are not friends so i dont know how i would approach him and get to know him without lookin weird. any ideas
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoone leg, hurt feelings?
i am an amputee and have been my whole life. i am now 16 and finally i have been able to acept it and even feel pretty and normal. the other day my friend got a message on her phone from some guy and he was making fun of me because i had one leg. i know it shouldn;t bother me but it makes me soo sad and it really hurts. how can i feel good about myself when there are people like this out there?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agowork anxiety(my first job!)?
i am 16 and just started working and i am very nervous about work. in general i am a very nervous person so now i am extra nervous. i feel like an idiot when i am there and like everyone else is watching me and judging me.i am still confused about many things and i need help becoming less nervous. any ideas?
5 AnswersPsychology1 decade agomy sexuality??
i am 16 and do not feel like being in sexual situations. I know this sounds weird but i do not feel like making out with anyone or grinding with some guy at a dance. Sometimes i fear any activity that is sexual. I do like guys and i wouldn't mind kissing or holding hands but sometimes i dont like guys staring at my body and stuff. am i weird or is that normal
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoIs there something wrong with me?
i have never had a boyfriend and i dont know why. I have a good personality and am not too shy(granted i am not wicked outgoing). I dont think i am ugly so why cant i find love??
this is a pic of me(i am not ugly right?)
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoi was wondering what i could do to look better?
i need some advice on how to improve my look. if anyone has any positive or negative feedback let me know because i wanna look
with glasses
10 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago