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  • Opinions on my Pokemon team (Black version)?

    I need some advice about my Pokemon team in Black. I just got to Icirrus City (haven't challenged the gym yet) and I feel like my team is missing something. They're all level 37, except for Simisear, which is level 38.




    Water Pulse

    Razor Shell


    Take Down



    Ice Fang



    Fire Blast


    Flame Burst




    Flame Charge

    Shock Wave


    Air Cutter

    Mirror Move


    Fly (ATK stat is really weak, tho, so Fly never does much damage)

    1 AnswerComics & Animation6 years ago
  • Legal question regarding Disney and copyright issues: "The Little Mermaid"?

    Basically, I'm writing a novella based on Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Mermaid" and I wanted to call my novella "The Little Mermaid" as well, as a tribute to the original, but I was wondering if there would be some sort of legal issue. I know that Disney owns the rights to the movie "The Little Mermaid," but is the title in and of itself trademarked, or can I also call my novella "The Little Mermaid?"

    Thank you so much for your help!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Title for my book: help me narrow down my choices!?

    So I just finished writing a novella based on "The Little Mermaid" by Hans Christian Andersen and I'm thinking of various titles, but can't decide. I'm hoping that someone might be able to perhaps help me narrow down my list. Here are the titles I've thought of so far.

    1. "Above the Blue and Windy Sea"

    2. "Halfway to the Stars"

    3. "The Little Mermaid" (I'm kinda iffy about using this title; on the one hand, this is the title of the original fairy tale and it makes the most sense to call it this, but on the other hand, I don't want to have my book confused with the Disney movie.)

    4. "Return to the Sea"

    5. "Underwater"

    6. "Down to the Sea"

    7. "Daughter of the Water"

    8. "Daughter of the Deep Blue Sea"

    9. "Deep Sea Daughter"

    10. "Heart of the Sea"

    11. "The Seven Seas’ Wish"

    12. "Trial of Tears"

    Thank you so much!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Clarification on some issues?

    So I have a couple of questions about the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG... it would be great to get some clarification.

    First, the card "Ribbon of Rebirth"... this might sound kind of stupid, but could I equip it to an opponent's monster, destroy said monster, and summon it to my side of the field instead? For example, if I had a Dark Magician on the field and my opponent had La Jinn... could I equip Ribbon of Rebirth to La Jinn, attack it with my Dark Magician, and bring La Jinn to my side of the field?

    Also, I was recently in Japan and bought some Japanese YGO cards on a whim. I was wondering if, in a tournament or whatever, it was legal to use them if I maybe brought a photocopy of the English version of the card as well to prove that the card does what it says it does?

    The cards I'm especially interested in using are the Japanese versions of these cards:

    Hazy Flame Hippogriff

    Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders

    Granmarg the Rock Monarch

    What about Japanese cards that I already own in English? I own both Pixie Knight and Spirit Reaper (English versions) but I also have the Japanese versions, and I was thinking it might be good to have two copies of those cards in my deck.

    Sorry for the n00bish questions, but I haven't played the game for a while so I just needed some clarification on this. Also, is Monster Reborn still banned?

    3 AnswersCard Games7 years ago
  • Is this a legal Youtube giveaway?

    So I want to hold a giveaway on my Youtube channel of a $25 Itunes gift card that I found while cleaning... I don't use Itunes myself and I feel bad throwing it away, so I wanted to give it away instead. I've added the video here where I talk about the giveaway (I haven't uploaded it yet to my channel), so if you could please provide input on whether or not this would be allowed, I would be very grateful.:)

    1. You have to be 18 years of age or older

    2. You have to be a subscriber to my channel

    3. You have to leave a comment on the video about what your favorite Ghibli film is and why. (this is going to be a companion video to a movie review I do of The Wind Rises).

    I've seen other Youtubers do similar things, but usually they're homemade jewelry or a custom T-shirt or something rather than an actual gift card with monetary value.

    Also, I've Googled this and it seems that whether or not you're a Youtube partner makes a difference. I am a verified Youtube partner.:) Is it legal for me to hold this giveaway?

    Thank you so much in advance!

    1 AnswerYouTube7 years ago
  • Need help choosing a new name for my character?

    Okay, so I need help picking out a new name for my character. In the story, she's about eight years old and the daughter of the main character. She's a very bubbly, bright little girl who absolutely loves her father and is very optimistic about life, despite the fact that she doesn't have a mother. For reasons I won't name here, I have to change the name I've given her. I originally wanted to call her Maemi, which is Japanese for "honest child." The main character names her that because he wants her to remain pure to herself and her own feelings. Her mother essentially is out of the story (for sanity's sake, let's say she's passed away), and I want to give her a similar name of a different language of origin.

    -I want to give her a name of English, French, American, or maybe Italian origin

    -Originally, I had chosen the name "Kaitlin" because it had a similar meaning, but it just doesn't seem to fit her.

    -I want her name to mean something along the lines of:



    Love (her mother's name means "love" as well, so it would be cool if she had a name of similar meaning)


    or something along those lines.

    -The name also should be not-so-common (Kaitlin and other related forms are actually not that rare (I've met a couple of "Katherine"s in my life and one "Kaitlin"). Even in Japanese, Maemi isn't the most common name, which made it kind of special. So her new name should have that air of "not everyone has this name so you deserve it because you're a special sort of girl," I've consulted several baby name websites and such, but there wasn't a name that stood out as "the one." If you could provide me with some suggestions, that would be awesome. I will choose best answer.:) Thank you very much for helping.:)

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Japanese language/culture questions (best answer will be chosen!)?

    I hope you wouldn't mind answering a couple of questions for me. My friend and I are collaborating on an original manga (she asked me to try translating it into Japanese for her, just for kicks because it's set in Japan) and we had some questions. I'm currently studying Japanese at university, but I don't know these quite yet. :/ Here's a basic overview of the plot:

    -The main character is fifteen years old

    -She has a childhood friend that she likes

    -She can't ask him out because she doesn't want him to discover her secret (we haven't figured out the secret yet, but my friend says she's got some ideas)

    -Her father doesn't approve of her going out because of her secret (she doesn't have a mother)

    -She runs away from home (we're thinking she runs into her mother and her mother convinces her. Her mother and father separated right after she was born and she was raise by her father. She spends the night at her mother's place and goes back the next day)

    -Because of this, she misses out on a day of school, but she tells her secret to the guy (Kazuhiro-kun) and gets a happy ending

    1. How would you say "don't keep secrets from me?" (this is the main character's father talking to her) I thought it would be "Papa ni himitsu wo kakusanai de." but I'm not really sure; that sounds kind of weird.

    2. "Kazuhiro-kun to tsukiaihajimeta kara ikkagetsu gurai tatta." - This is how I translated "It had been about a month since Kazuhiro-kun and I started dating." Is this correct?? (Kazuhiro-kun is the name of the guy the main character likes)

    Also, a question about Japanese culture - in the manga, the character misses a day of school, and the way we wrote it was that she gets scolded by her teacher for being absent without permission, but does this often happen in Japanese schools? We thought it would be a good interlude of sorts to show the scene where she makes up with her dad and then her getting scolded in the teachers' lounge, then she seeks Kazuhiro-kun as she leaves the teachers' lounge, and she talks to him. Is it reasonable to have this happen in terms of Japanese culture? Do teachers often scold their students for missing school?

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Japanese grammar: Explain please!?

    So I'm currently taking a Japanese composition course at my university, and our professor recently handed back an exam we took the other day. She deducted a point for this, which I thought was rather unfair. The question asked us to offer advice to a friend who doesn't know what he/she wants to do after college, and I said

    "Mou ichido kangaenaoshitara dou deshou."


    and she said that was wrong because I used "deshou" (in her eyes, deshou is too formal when talking with friends.) I was under the impression that you could use either one when talking with your friends, even when using informal speech otherwise. I tried Googling it, but I couldn't find anywhere that stated whether it was one or the other. Can someone please help me to figure this out?

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Is this appropriate for a children's novel?

    I'm writing a novel right now, and while I haven't yet thought about the audience, I'm hoping to market it to the 8 - 12 year old market, because, in essence, it's told in the first person POV from the perspective of a father speaking to his eight-year-old daughter. Anyway, I was just wondering if it was okay to use the word "crap" in my novel in the following context.

    One of the characters says (per the main character's love interest) that "She came in this morning looking like crap." because the love interest has spent the weekend crying and is sleep-deprived and has red, puffy eyes and all that other stuff. I tried Googling it, but it seems that A) it's such a hot topic of debate as to "swearing in a YA novel," and B) no one can really say for sure whether or not it's okay to have characters swearing. Can anyone offer some advice for this conundrum?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • What should be my fifth Pokemon? (Black/White)?

    I'm trying to figure out what I should use as my fifth Pokemon in Pokemon White... I'm thinking either Grass (because I'm totally helpless against Palpitoad) or else maybe Ground. Here are my Pokemon:


    Aqua Jet, Water Pulse, Razor Shell, Revenge


    Crunch, Retaliate, Take Down (and an empty slot for a fourth move, if necessary)


    Flame Burst, Acrobatics, Bite, empty


    Volt Switch, Spark, Stomp, Flame Charge

    All of these guys are level 33. What type or type combination do you recommend and where should I go to catch it? (This is actually my first time playing through White; I bought the game when it first came out but only got my Pokemon to level ten or so before I stopped... I just recently got back into it a few weeks ago.)

    Thank you! A best answer will be chosen!

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Is it time to buy a new camera?

    I have a lovely little Panasonic PVGS-320 camcorder that my parents gave to me for my birthday. I did not use it until about actually a year after I got it because I didn't have any videos I wanted to shoot until then. But since then, I have misplaced the original charger and the USB cable that were included with the camera (both are needed to transfer data to the computer for editing), and have replaced them. The camera is quite old now (I got it in 2007), and I have not been able to put the videos on my computer to edit them. I can connect it to the computer just fine, and Windows Movie Maker recognizes the device and automatically asks if I want to import from my camera. But every time I say "yes, import from device," my camera starts acting funny and starts flashing the "please press the reset button" message on the screen; of course, when I do this, WMM stops the import process because the camera was disconnected. I've played around with it a bit and found that the problem is that the video camera is having trouble playing back the video while it's attached to the computer. Has anyone else experienced this with their camera? I was thinking that I'd just replace it, but I'm rather poor at the moment and would have to wait a few months until summer (I'm going to be a counselor at a summer camp and then I'll get paid). Do you suppose that my camera can be repaired, or should I replace it? If so, should I get another PVGS320 or should I switch models and/or brands? (My price range is about $100-200, and I'd prefer a Mini-DV model so that I can rescue the videos I have already recorded.)

    1 AnswerCamcorders8 years ago
  • What sorts of programs are there for hosting foreign students?

    My family and I would like to host a foreign student in our home, specifically, one from Japan. The student would have a private bedroom, laundry, Wi-Fi, and two meals a day (breakfast and dinner), which I believe is a requirement for most programs, anyways. Our problem is that we can't seem to find a good program that would fit us. We would prefer to host the student during summer vacation (June-Septemberish), and we would prefer to have a Japanese student (gender does not matter). All the programs I've found are either a longer commitment than summer or have countries other than Japan, or are not available for our area (San Francisco Bay Area), maybe because there's already a large multiethnic community here. But if you can suggest one that has a summer timeline, is hosting in CA and has students from Japan, that would be most appreciated. Best answer will be chosen.^^

    1 AnswerStudying Abroad8 years ago
  • Is this fair of my teacher to ask this?

    Okay, so I took a course this semester that is technically my university's upper division English requirement; the idea is that it's a course taught in your major to teach you how to write based in the major.(my major is Japanese, but all the foreign languages are clumped together into one class.) So our class was in the Foreign Languages department, and it was taught by a French prof, who based the course around the study of fairy tales from different cultures. Recently, we had to find a peer-reviewed article discussing a certain fairy tale or a specific culture and write a 300-word review of it. Here's the exact instructions copied from the syllabus:

    Find a scholarly article (via the school database for instance) related to folktales/fairy tales about a specific country/geographical area studied this semester, or about a specific tale (read for the class or not). For example, you could find an article about the French version of Little Riding Hood; or about the history of the Chinese folktales, or about specific storyteller such as the Grimm Brothers in Germany. Write a critical review of this article (a short summary of the article, then an analysis of the argument of the author). You cannot use the articles read for the class for your critique (300 words).

    So I searched on the database and found the dissertation (271 pages, including acknowledgements, introduction, etc.) written by one of my Japanese professors about the tale of Urashima Tarou, addressing the essential problems with the tale and relating the history and background of it. It was a very interesting thesis, and I naturally assumed that since I found it via the database, I was allowed to use it for my assignment. So I wrote a review (around 400 words) of the article, following all of the instructions the teacher gave to us (you needed to summarize it in one or two sentences and state the author's point of view and then review it, etc.) and submitted it right on time. She also wanted us to e-mail her the link to the article, and I did that, as well.

    In all of her instructions, she never told us that we couldn't use a dissertation. We turned in the assignment this Tuesday, and yesterday, she e-mailed me and asked me to re-do the assignment because I had reviewed the wrong type of material, even though the reason I used the dissertation was because I couldn't find any other good articles. (I tried searching for articles about several different fairy tales and couldn't find anything else that was within the perimeters for the assignment.) She also didn't provide us with very clear instructions concerning this. (this isn't the first time she's done this, either. A few weeks ago, she wanted us to rewrite a fairy tale, basing it in a certain culture and time period, and make it at least four pages. I rewrote Sleeping Beauty in Edo period Japan, and it turned out to be nine pages. It was due today, but I turned it in last week and she rejected it, saying that it couldn't be more than six pages, even though she never stated a maximum when she gave us the instructions for the assignment, either verbally or on the syllabus.) I ended up rewriting the fairy tale, but because I had to cut so much out of it, my story turned into a big pile of mush.

    Right now, I'm basically hating on her for giving us misinformation about our assignments and then changing her mind after they're submitted. I've been e-mailing her and trying to convince her that she shouldn't make me redo it because I followed all of her instructions, but she seems stuck on the fact that I used a dissertation instead of a shorter article and won't budge from her mindset. I think it's especially unfair because I've already had to rewrite my last paper to follow guidelines that she didn't tell us about until after I turned it in, and I feel like it's the same thing this time.

    It's not like I'm not already doing well in her class; I've been getting "A"s on all my assignments so far, and if she just took off five or so points for this misunderstanding, I wouldn't care at all. But I think it's very unfair to make me have to redo this when final exams start next week and everyone's busy studying for them.

    Sorry for making this so long, but I'm just really frustrated with her. We also didn't do teacher evaluations for this class, which we're supposed to do for every single class at the end of the semester, and I couldn't let her know that she was very vague with instructions and needed to give more information about what sorts of stuff she's looking for when she teaches this class in the future.

    Is it fair for her to ask me to redo this assignment, given that it's so late in the semester and she didn't give us specific instructions regarding it?

    6 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • A question about the JET programme... (alums are more than welcome, best answer will be chosen!)?

    I'm thinking about going into the JET programme once I graduate college (in two years or so) and I had some questions. My major is Japanese, and there is about a .000000001% chance of me changing it. LOL So I'm pretty confident that I'll be accepted. (I actually spoke briefly to a representative who visited our campus a few months ago and he was really excited that I was studying Japanese.) So I wanted to figure some things out before I apply...

    1. For all those that applied, whether or not you were accepted, what was the application process like? I'm especially interested in the interview portion: what sorts of questions were you asked? Were you surprised with any of the questions they posed to you?

    2. What sorts of preparations did you make after you found out you were accepted? How did you decide what to pack/not to pack? Was there anything you packed that you later realized you didn't need or that you didn't pack and realized you needed after you arrived?

    3. How about health care? What kind of health care did you get while you were at your site?

    4. How did you stay in contact with your family and friends back home? Did you have computer access so you could Skype with them or e-mail them, or did you write letters instead?

    That's about all the questions I can think of for now. Also, do you know of any blogs or anything that any JET alums wrote about their experiences in the program? Something like that would be a big help for me. Sorry about all the questions, but I'm a very anxious person by nature and this has been bugging me for a while. I will choose a best answer, so please help me!

    3 AnswersJapan9 years ago
  • An idea for an addition to Yahoo! Answers!?

    How does this sound, as an addition to Yahoo! Answers languages: to prevent people from using Google Translate to answer questions, and therefore to prevent incorrect answers from being provided, in order to answer questions in the Languages section, you have to take a language test to prove that you can speak the language. And make it impossible for people to use Google Translate to pass the test, but make the test easy enough that if you're good at the language, you can easily pass it. Like the one found on Animelyrics:

    What do you think about this idea? Comments on its usefulness?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers9 years ago
  • What are some riddles with more than one answer?

    I'm writing a story and it just so happens that I made one of the characters pose a riddle with two equally correct answers. I'm wondering if there are any riddles that are like this, that have one answer that could work just as well as another. Thanks in advance.^^

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles10 years ago
  • How do you say "thank you" in your native language?

    I'm making a thank-you card and I thought it might be fun to write "thank you" on it in all different languages. (It's for a friend of mine who's really into linguistics.) Please post how to say "thank you" in your native tongue, excluding English (obviously). I also have Spanish, French, and Japanese covered. Best answer will be given to the one who posts the most languages.

    20 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Do I really have to download Maplestory again?

    Here's the situation:

    About two years ago, I stopped playing Maplestory, but I recently decided to return to the game. Two months ago (or so) I spent an entire day sitting at my computer, waiting for the game to download. (Our Internet connection at that time was horrible.) Yesterday, I logged in to the game and successfully played for over an hour after downloading yet another patch. This morning, I clicked onto the game and I got an error message: "Please download the game in order to play Maplestory."

    ...It just patched yesterday and now they're telling me it didn't work. Do I REALLY have to download the game AGAIN, or is this just a glitch in the servers or something? Also, I just downloaded the client for Secret of the Solstice and it took about an hour. Will I have to wait all day for Maplestory to download, or will it be as fast as SoS?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Cannot buy from the Cash Shop in Maplestory?

    I recently got 1,000 NX credit through the "free NX" offers on the Nexon website, and I want to buy the "Special Discount Package 4" from the Cash Shop for 950 NX. I click on the "buy" button, tell them I want to use my NX credit, and click "Ok." Then an error message pops up that says "Please check and see if you have exceeded the number of cash items you can have." But I don't see how this is possible, since the only Cash item I have is the Snail you get from the Ellinia quest. I don't have any Cash items on my other characters, either, and I can't buy it when I log onto my other characters. Has anyone else experienced this problem, and how did you fix it?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago