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How to reject a girl I work with?
Hi I was just curious as to what you would do in this situation. A girl I work with started emailing me out of the blue one day and now she is asking me to hang out. I have been being nice and responding to her like I would any other coworker, but now she is coming on to me stronger. I want to tell her I am not interested but I also dont want to sound strange since she hasnt actually come on to me yet. What should I do?
11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoCan my present employer go to my new employer with this?
I recently accepted a new job but was not given the opportunity to give a 2 week notice. I gave my Director a one week notice and she freaked out on me. She was saying how she has never had someone not give a 2 week notice. I asked her if she would give me a two week notice if I was to be fired and she got somewhat upset. I apologized and advised there is no law saying I have to give notice. She then started saying how she knows the HR person of the company I am going to and she actually named her. I told her I apologize and I would have liked to give a notice but unfortunately in this situation this was not possible. She then thanked me and that was that. I am just curious if she could contact the HR lady from my new company as she knows her. I am nervous she may try and throw me under the bus somehow, thanks.
13 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoShould I send transcripts for all colleges attended?
A potential employer is asking for transcripts to verify I had a 3.0 GPA. Should I send just my final transcripts from the College I graduated from or should I send the other too. I attended 3 schools total. Thanks.
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoIs someone who cheats really happy?
We have been apart for a year but still talk. She has a 33 yo bf. I am 24 she is 25. We have hooked up while she is with him but yet she tells me she is so happy with him. I dont know what to do, she is a cheat yet i still care about her. How can she be so happy if she is cheating on him and is there anything I can do to get her back or should I just cut contact?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat should I do about mixed signals?
I started speaking w. the ex again a few days ago after a month of not talking. She has a bf who shes been with for 8 months. We met up a few days ago and she said she still has feelings for me and everything was nice. She was supposed to come over tonight but now she says how happy she is with this guy and there is no hope for us. I dont get t. Should I just cut her out of my life? First loves suck.
13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoShould I make a move on the ol ex gf?
My ex is coming over to my apartment for drinks tomorrow, I still care about her deeply but have no hopes of anything as she has a bf shes been w for like 8 months now. I know she still has feelings for me. We just started talking again for the first time in months. I sense this could be trouble, how should I proceed?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoSome advice on an ex?
Basically me and my 1st real love have been broken up for a yearmonths. I went on with my life for a while and did not contact her. She has had a bf for about 6 months or so now so that complicates things. The problem is she kept calling, texting and emailing me at work which I ignored. She then would leave me messages crying so I made the mistake of calling her. She was saying how she thought she thinks she made the wrong decision. I told her I dont want her to feel bad and we should move on. The following wkend she calls drunk saying how she loves me wanting to hook up and everything. This got my hopes up and we spoke the next day but she acted as if nothing happened. Saying she is happy w/ her bf and it wouldnt be fair to him as there has been no problems in there relationship for her to breakup with him. I am so confused and feel I am back to square one. How would you proceed? I care about her but cant let my heart get broken time and time again.
18 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoShould I ell my ex.....?
Should I tell my ex that I am no longer interested in being friends? I told her I would try but I really want nothing to do with her. Should I just tell her that or should I just ignore her and let her get the hint?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoMy ex keeps drunk dialing...?
Just wondering what goes through someone's head when they drunk dial. My ex seems to do this often the other night she called 4 times in 2 hours and left 4 messages. I just dont answer because she is too cowardly to call when she is sober. I am not a big drinker so I dont get the concept. I am wondering if she misses me and maybe wants to reconcile or is she just drunk and cant control herself. We went out for 2 and a half years and she broke up with me and has new bf. Every time I go no contact on her this is what happens. I ended up hooking up with her one night when she has this bf. It was stupid to do but not I am just trying to cut all contact with her as it is not good for me, but anyways any insight would be helpful. Thanks
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agohooking up with an ex good or bad?
I stopped talking to my ex-gf for about 3 weeks when she started sniffing around again. I decided I would be her friend because I do not really care if I get back with her or not. She has a bf and I have been dating other girls nothing too serious tho. Anyways last night we were out drinking and I gave her a ride home and we ended up hooking up. It was making out and I stopped it from going further because I did not want things to be awkward for her. She was fine today when we hung out. Just wondering if this was a good or bad idea. In some ways I would like to work things out with her but at the moment she has a bf so it isnt going to work now or maybe ever. Should I go back to no contact with her?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy does she keep calling?
She broke off a 2 yr relationship with me. She has a bf. I told her it is best for us to move on and not speak for a while. She tries to contact me non stop I dont get it
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoconfused about an ex gf?
My ex gf broke up with me a whole back and I quit speaking to her but then she always tries to call me and started having her sister call me which is strange. She has a new bf but the one time I spoke with her she spoke to me trying to keep hope open bw us for the future. She said things like how she could see us getting married blah blah blah. I obviously still care about her but I am sick of the game. I am thinking about cutting contact for good but having trouble doing so what should I do?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoLooking to get back into shape?
I am looking to get back into shape and decided to take up brazilian jiu jitsu because lifting and running is getting boring to me. I am not in terrible shape but also not the best of my life. Just wondering for thos of you in the know how hard is BJJ and what is it like going into with only a wrestling background. Basically any info for a beginner would be helpful thank you.
6 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade agoQuestion about finance career field.?
I am fresh out of college with a public justice degree. I obtained a job for a large corporate bank working customer service for now and I really enjoy working with the investments. My company would pay for me to get an MBA and I would really like to because I do not have the business background I would like to go as far as I can with this company. I know I am entry level now but it is a foot in the door and I was just wondering any ideas what I should study for an MBA and also any career path advice. Thank you.
5 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade agoShould I keep speaking with the ex?
Me and the ex are on friendly terms and she tells me she does hope sometimes we can get back together. She is seeing someone else but says she is confused about it and thinks about me everyday but she also says she is too confused to make a decision now about getting back together because of the hurt and all this. She told me she wants to remain friends for now because I was one of her best and see if she can get over these hurt feelings and work things out. I do not know how to take this. Deep down I would like to work things out but do not want to hold onto false hopes. I am going to just go on and if I find someone new thats fine but I was wondering for anyone with experience in this how do you read into what she is saying and any suggestions on what I should do?
25 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDo you still headbang?
Im 23 with a college degree and a sweet job but I still find the time to throw on some Pantera or old Metallica and go apeshit once in a while. Anyone else out there like to get a little crazy?
13 AnswersMusic1 decade agoAny metal fans know what the band Down is up to?
I know they are creating new music just wondering if it will be out anytime soon or anyone know any other info.
1 AnswerMusic1 decade agoGetting back together with an ex?
My ex is making advances like she wants to get back together. She tells me she thinks about all the time. She is hanging out with another guy but she says it is not the same things like that. I treated her extremely well but we were not getting along so we decided to call things off for a bit and see what happens. I have basically moved on and dated others but there is still a part of me who will always love this girl. I am torn because I feel like if I do not give her another shot I may regret it in the future but I worry she has not changed her ways from before. Any advice for me would be great thanks.
9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoGirls or guys?
Why do exes call when they have broken up with you and started seeing someone else. I do not answer but it is annoying. You try to keep your mind off them but they keep calling. Its like damn you broke up with me leave me alone hahaha. Just wondering your opinions.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy does the ex keep calling?
Now we went out for 2 years and our love was strong for a while but not strong enough to last. She ended the relationship and is seeing another guy she swears is a friend. I have told her to please leave me alone and stop calling but she always calls and I just stopped picking up. She is 25 and I am 23 isn't she too old for this kind of crap. Why is she tormenting me?
19 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago