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Ms. Pickles

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  • Bossy coworker making work hell?

    I have a coworker that is of equal "rank" as I am. The only difference is that I've been given slightly more responsibility over the past couple of months. In the last couple of weeks, my boss has been training her on some of the same things.

    I've heard my other coworkers complain that she's been acting like she's the boss for months now, and that she's on a "power trip". Recently, she's been bossing me around and saying things like, "oh well, I'm head clerk and..", etc.

    The other day, it was just the two of us and she spent the better part of the day telling me what to do. I know what needs to be done and I am perfectly capable of doing it without her trying to tell me.

    A few months ago my boss told me that I was #1 in her mind for promotion, but now it seems like my bossy coworker is being groomed for this position. All of my other coworkers hate her, since she is so bossy and power tripping.

    They've all talked to the boss but she just makes excuses for my coworker and doesn't actually do anything about it.

    After her and I worked together the other day, I went home and cried and was up all night upset about the situation.

    I really like my job but am finding it difficult when I have her constantly telling me what to do.

    Most of the time I just ignore her or get really passive-aggressive.

    I don't mind someone telling me what needs to be done, but telling me what to do is a completely different thing.

    I plan to talk to my boss tomorrow. I have to be very careful because my boss and bossy coworker are very close and I worry that my boss will "have it in for me" if I say the wrong thing.

    Your thoughts and suggestions please? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Bossy coworker making work hell?

    I have a coworker that is completely equal to me in terms of rank. The only difference is that I was given slightly more responsibility a few weeks ago. With in the past 2 weeks, she was also given more responsibility.

    I always heard my coworkers say that she is on a "power trip" and thinks that she is the boss. I didn't really see it myself until recently.

    For example: We both were the only 2 working last Friday. It was my job to open and close the work place, since I am keyholder. The whole day, she would say things like, "You can do this and this while I go and do this".

    She basically acts like she is running the place when in actuality, we are all equal (except for the actual boss).

    What I want is to work together toward a common goal; I know what I am doing and I know what needs to be done, and I don't need her trying to boss me around and making me feel like I am incompetent.

    Another thing she does is waste time. We worked together a couple weeks before halloween and on a very busy day, she spent the better part of an hour putting together a decoration for halloween. We had several other WORK things that needed to be done, and here she is taking her sweet time putting together a frigging decoration. So of course, that day we had to stay late to do what actually *needed* to be done.

    I really like my job and she is making it very difficult for me to like it there. The problem is that the boss and her are very close and the boss really likes her. I know the boss likes me too but I don't think she has quite the shine to me as she does my bossy coworker.

    Anyway, my question is: how do I approach this?

    I don't really feel comforable discussing it with my coworker, because she is highly oversensitive and will probably go crying to the boss about it. Also, I am so frustrated and fed up with her that I will probably say something very harsh to her and end up making it worse.

    What should I say to my boss?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Dream meaning, dreaming about an ex?

    I had a dream last night that my ex-boyfriend was involved with a new lady that he liked a lot. She was very gorgeous and talented, successful, etc.

    Anyway, his new girlfriend was friendly with me and asked me to hold her drink. I was left holding her drink for the entire evening.

    What does this dream mean?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • quick sex question, need advice?

    I slept with a guy last night that I had also slept with once a few months back. Both times we were both drinking a lot and he initiated it both times. I was pretty hesitant last night but I gave in to his aggressive advances since I wanted it too..

    The problem: He got a slight erection but had difficulty maintaining it. I gave him oral and manual simulation several times but he was still barely able to penetrate me. We tried for well over an hour.

    My first reaction was that he's not attracted to me.. but if that's the case, why is he trying so hard to have sex with me? Could it be the alcohol that is making it difficult for him to get a solid erection? Or is he just not attracted to me?

    Bah! What a confidence wrecker, lol..

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I have a sex question..?

    I slept with a guy last night that I had also slept with once a few months back. Both times we were both drinking a lot and he initiated it both times. I was pretty hesitant last night but I gave in to his aggressive advances since I wanted it too..

    The problem: He got a slight erection but had difficulty maintaining it. I gave him oral and manual simulation several times but he was still barely able to penetrate me. We tried for well over an hour.

    My first reaction was that he's not attracted to me.. but if that's the case, why is he trying so hard to have sex with me? Could it be the alcohol that is making it difficult for him to get a solid erection? Or is he just not attracted to me?

    I know that none of you can say for sure, I just appreciate the advice. Thanks!

  • Quiet girl told boss off?

    There is this really shy and quiet girl at work. This manager, that is overly aggressive and a bit of a jerk in general, tried to make her look like an today idiot in front of everyone. He basically blamed her for something she didn't do and insinuated that she was an idiot.

    She stuck up for herself, which I didn't really expect her to do since she is normally so quiet. I guess I'm happy that she kind of put him in his place.

    Isn't that crazy?! Lol.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Does employer have to pay for training?

    I started a new job and the shifts were called "training shifts", even though the job I was doing required very little training and was basically just cheap labour.

    I ended up hating the job so I told them after my first two shifts that I wasn't going to be able to stay on.

    My question is.. Is the employer legally obligated to pay me for my training shifts even though I quit?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • 2 weeks notice for a job I had 3 days?

    Picture this.. you've had a job for 3 days and you really hate it. You come home wanting to cry and you don't really need the job, since you have another job already that you've been working at for a year.

    Your cousin referred you and you really don't want to screw him over.

    Would you offer 2 weeks notice or simply thank them for the opportunity but tell them it's not for you.. ?

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • Quitting job after 3 shifts?

    Long story condensed into a short one...

    I started a new job this week and have worked a total of 2 shifts. I really hate it. I was thinking and I figured out that I would rather die than work there, so quitting sounds like a better option than death.

    I am not going to use them as a reference or put it on my resume (obviously), but I was referred there by a friend that works there, plus the boss is a somewhat nice lady, so I want to be nice about my departure.

    How should I quit gracefully and should I offer to give any type of notice?

    I was thinking of saying to the boss in private, "I appreciate the opportunity to work here but unfortunately the job just isn't for me".

    What do you think?


    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • I hate my new job (advice needed)?

    I took on a second job to earn some extra money.

    I was basically hired on the spot after a short chat with the boss. It involves a lot of heavy lifting and I am on my feet for most of the day, which is pretty tiring to say the least.

    My co-workers think that I am strange/crazy/snobby/stupid/etc. because I don't talk to them much or make stupid mistakes because of my social awkwardness... they think I'm "just shy" but the truth is that I have pretty severe social anxiety, something I have been working on recently, and my first experience with them was listening to them talk **** about our fellow co-workers.

    The pathetic thing is that all of these women are at least 25 years older than me.. you'd think they'd have learned by now to have some compassion and stop being so judgemental.. I know I learned that as a child, for f$#% sake.

    Anyway, it's not that I am "afraid" to talk to them, though I do get anxious, but I simply have nothing to say, and don't find much value in small talk.

    I basically come home and I cry or want to get very drunk to deal with the stress that this job is causing.. I've only been there 2 days! Lol.

    My question (finally :D) is, if I've worked there only 2-3 days, do I still need to give notice that I am quitting, or can I just thank her for the opportunity and tell her that the job is not for me..?

    Any other job that I hated this much and didn't really need, I'd probably just never go back and perhaps call to let them know that I wouldn't be back.. however, I was referred by a friend that actually happens to like it there, and I don't want to screw it up for him.

    Anyone else I've talked to has basically said to just quit since I hate it so much, while others have said to stick it out a little longer and see what happens.

    Thanks for any advice you can give :D

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Need advice please (want to quit new job)?

    I took on a second job to earn some extra money.

    I was basically hired on the spot after a short chat with the boss. It involves a lot of heavy lifting and I am on my feet for most of the day, which is pretty tiring to say the least.

    My co-workers think that I am strange/crazy/snobby/stupid/etc. because I don't talk to them much or make stupid mistakes because of my social awkwardness... they think I'm "just shy" but the truth is that I have pretty severe social anxiety, something I have been working on recently, and my first experience with them was listening to them talk **** about our fellow co-workers.

    The pathetic thing is that all of these women are at least 25 years older than me.. you'd think they'd have learned by now to have some compassion and stop being so judgemental.. I know I learned that as a child, for f$#% sake.

    Anyway, it's not that I am "afraid" to talk to them, though I do get anxious, but I simply have nothing to say, and don't find much value in small talk.

    I basically come home and I cry or want to get very drunk to deal with the stress that this job is causing.. I've only been there 2 days! Lol.

    My question (finally :D) is, if I've worked there only 2-3 days, do I still need to give notice that I am quitting, or can I just thank her for the opportunity and tell her that the job is not for me..?

    Any other job that I hated this much and didn't really need, I'd probably just never go back and perhaps call to let them know that I wouldn't be back.. however, I was referred by a friend that actually happens to like it there, and I don't want to screw it up for him.

    Anyone else I've talked to has basically said to just quit since I hate it so much, while others have said to stick it out a little longer and see what happens.

    Thanks for any advice you can give :D

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Computer game constantly crashing?

    I have been playing this computer game (Combat Arms) for about 3 years off-and-on. In the past 4 months, it crashes every time I try to play. I'm able to play a bit of a game, but then it crashes. I bring the game back up, it crashes again.

    My computer isn't the best in the world but it meets and exceeds most of the requirements to run the game. I have tried uninstalling and the reinstalling, but I get the same problem.

    Anyone have any ideas on what I can try (besides buying a new PC :D).. I have no problem running DDO, which seems to be a much more complicated game.

    I'd love to be able to play my favourite game again so I gratefully welcome and suggestions you may have.

    Thank you! :)

    1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years ago
  • How to tell boss that I have family crisis?

    I have a family crisis in that my brother may kill himself and I am very upset and think I should be using this time to try to help him rather than going into work tonight.

    My boss is a bit of a ***** and I know she's going to be rude about it, but the truth is that I cannot go into work because I am worried sick and can't manage to stop crying for more than 2 minutes.

    What do I say when I call?

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • I think my brother might kill himself?

    My brother is being kicked out of our parent's home because he has not been going to work. My parents have told him several times that if he didn't go to work, he'd be kicked out, so he has had many chances before it came to getting kicked out.

    My brother has been battling depression for many years but hasn't been medicated in a few years. He has absolutely no friends or family members that would take him in (I can't either since I'm staying at my parents' home now).

    I think he will kill himself because he was collecting some belongings, one of them a knife, and I told him "not to do anything crazy" and he said, "What am I going to do? I have no place to go".

    I'm at a total loss. What can I do?

    5 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Is she a bad friend or.. ?

    She and I have been friends for about 3-4 years. Her long time male friend has been hanging around and I told her that I had a crush on him. She eventually hinted at him, and he said he liked me too.

    To make a long story short, we slept together 1 night and then didn't speak until the following weekend, when we hang out again. He apparently told my friend that he had a great time and really liked me, etc... a few days later, he told her that he doesn't really like me anymore and that he likes some chick he works with.

    Since then, I haven't talked to my friend much. We usually hang out every weekend but now she's hanging out with him instead of me (apparently we can't all hang out together anymore.. ?)

    My question is.. We all usually hang out together but now he doesn't want to see me at all, so they are hanging out together without me. I am the one that kind of got dumped and she's hanging out with him and not really supporting me... I know that she doesn't think I am hurt by the situation but I kind of am but I don't know how to express this to her without her telling him that I'm "heartbroken" or some BS.

    What do I do? :(

    The thing that confuses me is that he didn't even tell ME that he's not wanting to see me anymore.. he told my friend.. and just saying that he doesn't want her to invite me along to hangout.

    It's so confusing and really messed up. Sadly, I don't have a whole lot of other friends to choose from at the moment, haha.

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Is my friend a bad friend for doing this?

    She and I have been friends for about 3-4 years. Her long time male friend has been hanging around and I told her that I had a crush on him. She eventually hinted at him, and he said he liked me too.

    To make a long story short, we slept together 1 night and then didn't speak until the following weekend, when we hang out again. He apparently told my friend that he had a great time and really liked me, etc... a few days later, he told her that he doesn't really like me anymore and that he likes some chick he works with.

    Since then, I haven't talked to my friend much. We usually hang out every weekend but now she's hanging out with him instead of me (apparently we can't all hang out together anymore.. ?)

    My question is.. We all usually hang out together but now he doesn't want to see me at all, so they are hanging out together without me. I am the one that kind of got dumped and she's hanging out with him and not really supporting me... I know that she doesn't think I am hurt by the situation but I kind of am but I don't know how to express this to her without her telling him that I'm "heartbroken" or some BS.

    What do I do? :(

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Guy at school invading my space?

    There is a guy in one of my college classes.. we're friendly and chat sometimes. We have a lot in common so he's good to talk to and interesting, funny, etc..

    The problem is that today in class he was getting a little too close to my physically. He would move his chair directly beside mine (so that we were only an inch from touching).. he did this a few times, and even touched my face once (WTF?), so I eventually told him that he was in my personal space.

    He seemed a bit offended but he moved back. Do you think I over-reacted? I don't want to be uncomfortable but I also didn't want to hurt his feelings. I couldn't step back myself because I was sitting next to a wall and felt very closed in.

    5 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • This guy at school sits too close sometimes.. space invader?

    There is a guy in one of my college classes.. we're friendly and chat sometimes. We have a lot in common so he's good to talk to and interesting, funny, etc..

    The problem is that today in class he was getting a little too close to my physically. He would move his chair directly beside mine (so that we were only an inch from touching).. he did this a few times, and even touched my face once (WTF?), so I eventually told him that he was in my personal space.

    He seemed a bit offended but he moved back. Do you think I over-reacted? I don't want to be uncomfortable but I also didn't want to hurt his feelings. I couldn't step back myself because I was sitting next to a wall and felt very closed in.

    3 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • Do I still need to buy them presents?

    My cousins are 14 and 17 and I've always bought them birthday/christmas presents since they were kids. I'm only a few years older than them, and since they have no expenses but do have jobs, they actually have more money than I do!!

    I don't mean to sound greedy, but I don't get presents from them, not even a "Happy Birthday" on my birthday. I'm kind of tired of getting them presents, since I can't really afford it and they already have everything they need/want anyway.

    How do you gradually stop giving someone gifts? or am I wrong?

    2 AnswersChristmas10 years ago
  • how to deal with micro-manager/bully?

    I work at this little call center and one of the bosses is a total asshole. He's always yelling about nothing, making threats like, "I'm going to send you home early without pay if you don't ____".. and doesn't LET us take a break if we're even slightly behind on our work. I even heard him threaten to harm someone physically if they didn't stop annoying him.

    He won't even let us get water within the first 2 hours of the shift. This really pisses me off because since we're talking constantly, we drink a lot of water since our mouths get dry. Of course I get water before work, but I usually drink it all within the first hour or so.

    How do you deal with a manager like this? Going to HR isn't really an option since they're assholes too (what a wonderful job!)

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago