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I am a stay-at-home mom living in New England. I enjoy spending time with my children and participating in their various activities. I also enjoy weekends in the mountains, crocheting and watching Days of Our Lives, Ghost Hunters, and American Chopper (when I have time to watch them).

  • DOOL: Question regarding Chad?

    I didn't watch Days during the summer because of my children so I missed a I thought. When I resumed watching in September not too many story lines had progressed and those that did were easy to figure out. What I haven't really figured out is Chad. I know that he is Stephano's son and that Kate is the one who gave him the info but how did this come to be? What is the story between Stephano and Chad's mother? And where are the Woods'?

    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • What to do about this neighbor?

    There is a neighbor down the street who seems to have a problem with everybody. He has reported other neighbors for too much noise (they are not noisy at all) and complained to the police about yardsale traffic (they had a permit for the yardsale). Yet this same neighbor has very loud domestic arguements with his wife which are heavily laced with offensive language and crude name-calling. They remain in their home when they argue but the sound does occasionally reach us. I have a small child.

    Another thing this neighbor does is use his leaf blower to blow all his leaves and yard trash into the street. It is a heavily travelled intersection where drivers tend to drive to fast. I believe this is very irresponsible and possible illegal.

    So, in these two situations...should the police be called on them?

    2 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Is there a website where I can enter certain food items I that I have and get a recipe to use them?

    For example, I bought salmon today and have ginger root and lime on hand. I would like to be able to enter these items and find a nice recipe that uses them together.

    Thank you in advance for any site info (or recipes if that's what you would prefer to provide).

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How much should I pay a house/dog sitter?

    I have asked a young cousin to stay at my house while we go on vacation. She is in her early 20's and just has to care for the dog and be here overnight while we are away. During this time she can still come and go as she pleases as long as the dog is provided for. I did this a few times when I was her age but I forget how much I was paid (plus it was about 20 years ago). I remember that the most valuable benefit to me was the fact that I was out of my parents' house for the week.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is savory? An herb or an herb group?

    I have an old recipe that calls for 1T Savory. Is that an herb all it's own or it a general term for a certain group of herbs? If it is a general term, what should I use? It is Tourtiere Pie (pork, beef, potatoes, garlic, onion, clove, and savory).

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Days...Does anyone think Melanie could be Maggie's grandaughter?

    Maggie's daugter Sarah left Salem long ago and we do not know what happened to her since. It would leave us wondering where the name Layton came from but that can be explained somehow. I'm just itching for a great twist like this.

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • What do you do with the Christmas cards that you receive?

    Do you display them? Make them part of the holiday decorations? Tuck them away? Throw them out unopened?

    We hang them up along our entry stairway to decorate the area.

    What do you do with them after Christmas is over?

    We keep all the ones that have pictures of loved ones in a box and the rest are used for next year's Christmas crafts.

    7 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Question about today's Days episode?

    I missed the first half today. Why was Rafe listening in on Hope and EJ and then later on Hope and Julie? Why was Sami allowed from the safehouse...or if not allowed how was she able to get out?

    2 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Christmas cookie swap?

    I decided to organize a cookie swap with some family and a few friends. This is the first time I have been involved in one of these and I'm wondering when would be the best time for a swap date? A week before Christmas?

    3 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Why are so many people shocked that Days of Our Lives is a real show?

    I see this comment in so many Days answers. "It's a real show?"

    I know the show was mentioned on Friends...Joey was supposedly an actor on the show (funny, I never watched Friends) so many people think it was made up.

    You would just think that people would have heard of a show that has been on the air since 1965. IDK, maybe I'm the one that's clueless...

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Days? What are they doing!?!?!?!?!?!?

    First Jay Kenneth Johnson, now Drake Hogestyn and Deidre Hall (all confirmed). I also heard that Blake Berris will also be let go (unconfirmed). I know they have to trim the budget but JKJ and BB are currently their moneymakers and DHx2 are long-time favorites (especially John's new personality).

    I love that they brought on some nice new talent recently but I didn't expect it to be at the expense of my favorites.

    3 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Days: What do you think of the new additions so far?

    Specifically Rafael (Galen Gering) and Brady (Eric Marstolf).

    6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Should Days recast Philip now that Jay Kenneth Johnson has walked out?

    As far as I am concerned he IS Philip and nobody can replace him. I wasn't too impressed with Kyle Brandt when he played him and I don't think I could accept anyone else. But I also think that Days needs Philip. I'm a huge fan of Victor's but he is too old to have any or the juicier storylines...Philip is truely his father's son. What would you like to see them do?

    4 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't most doctors have this book available for breastfeeding mothers?

    Thomas Hales Medications and Mothers' Milk. I need to have a gastroscopy tomorrow and the GI nurse didn't know if the sedation meds were safe for breastfeeding. She said to call my pediatrician. They didn't know either. I had to get this info from a breastfeeding support group, one member has this book.

    With the growing number of mothers who breastfeed shouldn't we expect that our doctors have this information available? Especially the pediatricians. It just boggles my mind that I can get this reliable info from a non-professional but not the ones who should have it.

    Oh, and pharmacists should have it, too.

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Old dog? Question in the details...?

    My dog is getting old...he's over 10 years old and his breed averages about 12 years. I'm sad just thinking about it. He's been having trouble with his hips for a while now, likely due to age and chronic Lyme disease and recently he's been having trouble getting into our car. I know that can be solved by a simple ramp but recently he's been having trouble with the stairs. The only ways for him to get in and out of the house to go to the bathroom requires him to climb stairs to get back in. It is only once in a while now but I know his discomfort will only get worse. I've never been through this before as the only other dog I had when I was a kid had to be given away due to a jerk of a landlord. So my question, finally, is at what point will I need to decide that his suffering outweighs my love for him and let him go? I know it may be a bit soon for that but I just want some insight into the process. My husband wants to see if friends who are stairless will take him in but I don't want to stick them with any vet bills or the inconveniences of a geriatric dog... they have already gone through this with five ferrets and it was heartbreaking for them.

    So, how do I know when my dog is having too much pain?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What does this symbol mean?

    Red box with a red x inside. This is painted on a very rundown house that is on the market. I assume it means it is condemned. Am I right?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Should I tell my neighbor?

    My neighbor is away for the week and left the house to his adult children. I just noticed his 'pride and joy' backing into their driveway. It is a '76 Mustang that he never drives and spend much time working on it every weekend. It appears that his son decided to take his new cutie out for a spin in his Dad's cool car.

    Should I tell him about it when he returns?

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Passions fans: Will you watch Days of Our Lives...?

    when Galen Gering (un-named FBI agent) and Eric Martsolf (Brady Black) join the cast?

    8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Days: Long time vet leaving?

    I heard a rumor that Days will be axing a long-time vet. Does Kate have lung cancer? Will John die from Dr. Rolfe fiddling with his brain? Will Stephano off Abe now that Lexie ran her mouth about Abe having plenty of time to go after him?

    4 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade ago
  • Should my hubby worry about a five pound weight gain?

    He has fluctuated between 145 and 150 for years and now he is 155. He is so worried about it that his doctor has prescribed tests. He said it is because he has gained 5 pounds in one year. During this year he has travelled extensively for work (and eating very well while he was at it), is working more hours, visited the local bakery more often than in the past, bought donuts for breakfast twice a month, frequented a local dairy/ice cream bar more often, and since our son was born in 2004 slacked off on physical activity (used to hike and x-c ski often). Personally, I don't think he needs all these tests (except to eliminate the possiblitiy of major problems but they are just adding stress) and he just needs to get back to his old lifestyle.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago