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  • How does one find the owner of an out of business bar/ restaurant?

    Looking to find the owner of a bar restaurant that was popular in 1987? Any ideas?

    1 AnswerSmall Business10 years ago
  • Where are all those people who love to renovate old houses?

    Where would I find someone to buy an old (1790) farmhouse on long island? ?

    House is currently lived in but needs a bit of work. Rooms are large. 2 and 1/2 baths 4 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen, den, living room, formal dining room. No poltergeists....but the house has a warm caring feel (presence?) about it....2 staircases, 2 fireplaces, large lot with fields as next door neighbor. Property is worth $. Stone foundation, basement, original beams (you can see ax marks) tongue and groove roof. Tree trunks used as beams in basement. Can easily be restored to original circa. Engineer's report: "House hasn't fallen in 200 years and isn't going anywhere in the next 200."

    More info:

    People on Long Island want a home not a project. This house while it is a home right now is a rennovators do I find a person/or/group who loves to redo old houses? I know of some wealthy people who own many homes and have even bought project houses in VT just to rennovate it and bring it back to its original state (with hidden modern conveniences like a/c heat and of course hot/cold running water. How do I find these kind of people?

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Divorced with moving restrictions....?

    I have a 75 mile radius limitation in my divorce agreement....My children are 10 and 13. Living in NY, the magic number for kids is 14 (no judge will force visitation on a kid 14 and older). My ex does NOT take full advantage of his visitation rights...nor is he current in his support obligations....My doctor has reccommended a change of location for me....New York is too stressful, and financially we would be better off in another state. I have never withheld visitation...this is not about escaping the sperm donor. However, it took 5 1/2 years to divorce him because he couldn't earn his right to UNsupervised visitation. (The courts and a psychologist as well as social workers monitored his visitation.) He is not approachable to seek an agreement outside of court. So, my question is.....can I based on medical/financial needs seek to move out of state and win in a NY court?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • elder care? My husband's mom will be moving in with us and we will convert our den into a room for her?

    complete with a private bathroom. I think we should hire someone to check on her daily. She has two hip replacements and recently shattered her shoulder. She refuses to go to a sr. citizen home (she would have to share a room) and she is too well for a nursing home. She cannot afford to live in assisted living and we cannot pay for it either. She is also bulimic (throws up her food) and I am uncomfortable with her being alone in the house even with the emergency button on her person in case she needs help. My husband and I both work and the kids are in school and I'm just afraid we will come home to find Grandma sprawled on the floor unconscious or worse. She has been falling on flat surfaces as of late and I just think some kind of companion who will make her a meal and help her with her laundry or take her to a store would be in order. Just a couple of hours a day to make sure she's as independent as she can be but not alone. My husband doesn't think its necessary.

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How can you find out if someone has had their name expunged?

    My ex is a criminal and has contact with our children. I did a criminal check on him to see if anything recent has occurred and nothing came up....I know he's been convicted of an A and B misdemeanor in the past and God knows what has happened since our divorce. But the criminal record says he's squeaky clean!! Please help, I have young children.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Besides color is there a difference between black labs, chocolate labs and yellow labs?

    I heard a yellow lab was more mellow than either a black or chocolate lab. I also heard that a chocolate lab was more high strung? Is any of this true? I do know (from experience) that golden retrievers have a very loving and gentle nature. I also owned a black lab for 8 years who was very playful and loyal up until his death at age 12. Thanks for your input.

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do dogs cross over?

    My black lab was recently killed by a car. We are responsible pet owners but he escaped and must have gotten lost. We spent hours searching and started making fliers. Tugger, who was walked, knew the area and had escaped in the past (bolting out the front door) and would return home with a knock on the door. He would go to the lake and creek and romp in the field.....this time Tugger headed for the highway and although we searched Animal Control picked him up as a DOA. We are truly devestated. We as a family were able to say goodbye and pet him one last time and tell him he was a GOOD DOG. He truly was a loyal, faithful, loving, patient companion to myself and family. He even allowed three kittens to come live with us when he was 11 years old. I'd like to know he's in heaven and will greet us. I am considering the psychic who communicates with animals to help us heal our broken hearts....just knowing he's with loved ones will ease our sorrow. He was such a good dog.....

    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Do dogs cross over?

    My black lab was recently killed by a car. We are responsible pet owners but he escaped and must have gotten lost. We spent hours searching and started making fliers. Tugger, who was walked, knew the area and had escaped in the past (bolting out the front door) and would return home with a knock on the door. He would go to the lake and creek and romp in the field.....this time Tugger headed for the highway and although we searched Animal Control picked him up as a DOA. We are truly devestated. We as a family were able to say goodbye and pet him one last time and tell him he was a GOOD DOG. He truly was a loyal, faithful, loving, patient companion to myself and family. He even allowed three kittens to come live with us when he was 11 years old. I'd like to know he's in heaven and will greet us. I am considering the psychic who communicates with animals to help us heal our broken hearts....just knowing he's with loved ones will ease our sorrow. He was such a good dog.....

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do you keep someone from entering your home?

    21 year old step-daughter came today to remove her things (all of which were boxed for her) and when she was done removing her stuff she insisted a tv left upstairs was hers. It was not hers. She became enraged and pushed herself into my house although I was standing in the doorway repeatedly asking her to leave. She was verbally abusive as well. She did eventually walk out the front door but this is not the first time she has entered my home without permission. I am in New York and I don't think this is a serious enough offense to obtain a court order of protection, however, how can I legally keep her from entering my home? She does not have a key. She is a very troubled young woman and when she has a hissy fit everybody runs and does whatever she says. She pushed herself into my home and I would just like to make sure she never does this again. Suggestions? None of her things remain here and we brought the tv outside just to shut her up! How do I keep her from coming back?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • If she owes me money....?

    do I return her things?

    My step daughter has lived with us for several months and was asked to leave when she was most disrespectful to my husband and myself and she refused to comply with simple rules (no boyfriend in her room after the family was in bed...I have two boys ages 9 and 12) and she refused to attend college or pay rent. We realize she is a troubled young woman (now age 21) and have left the door open for her to make amends and pay back the $465 dollars she borrowed. When she left, she also left much of her belongings. She is now moving in with her aunt/uncle and two small children. They are fixing up the basement for her and without getting into all the details about what a mistake this is going to be (uncle is an alcoholic/wife batterer and the aunt is thinking she's got free babysitting) I know my step daughter is going to want her stuff. My husband wrote a letter to the aunt/uncle asking them not to interfere but they will do what they want. So, if she owes me $?

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • If she owes me money....?

    do I return her things?

    My step daughter has lived with us for several months and was asked to leave when she was most disrespectful to my husband and myself and she refused to comply with simple rules (no boyfriend in her room after the family was in bed...I have two boys ages 9 and 12) and she refused to attend college or pay rent. We realize she is a troubled young woman (now age 21) and have left the door open for her to make amends and pay back the $465 dollars she borrowed. When she left, she also left much of her belongings. She is now moving in with her aunt/uncle and two small children. They are fixing up the basement for her and without getting into all the details about what a mistake this is going to be (uncle is an alcoholic/wife batterer and the aunt is thinking she's got free babysitting) I know my step daughter is going to want her stuff. My husband wrote a letter to the aunt/uncle asking them not to interfere but they will do what they want. So, if she owes me $?

    11 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Does she stay or does she go?

    20 year old step-daughter tells me she hates me and does not like my two boys ages 12 and 9. She does not let us know if she's sleeping home or not and does not pay the weekly amount of $25 for borrowing my money. We also pay for her cell phone. We did tell her the boyfriend could not be in her room after the family has gone to bed. We haven't seen him again. She dropped a class at college which made her a part time student and did not tell us which implicates me in insurance fraud. (you must be a full time student to be covered under my plan.) She does not speak to any one in the family except her father. We told her since she was so unhappy here she needs to move out. She said no. I said it's my house and she has a week to get her stuff transfer her phone into her name and leave. My husband agrees with me but is of course worried about his daughter. If she said she was sorry and was more pleasant and successful in school I could allow her to stay but her response is f you.

    32 AnswersFamily2 decades ago
  • What is a cool car to drive around in the summer with two kids who love the beach?

    I just rolled my jeep wrangler and I have a Trailblazer but I don't want to drive a living room all over town this summer....any suggestions about a cool car for bopping around town? NO MINI VANS

    13 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation2 decades ago
  • If you are going on a trip with your husband would you pack his bags for him?

    Not just physically pack the luggage but choose the clothes he will wear and include all toiletries/jewelry.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 decades ago
  • Should a twenty year old daughter be allowed to visit with her boyfriend in her room upstairs after 11pm?

    Parents and siblings ages 11 and 8 are also upstairs sleeping. Twenty year old daughter works and goes to college. Boyfriend does not have a job nor does he go to school. Twenty four year old boyfriend is out of work on disability. Daughter does not contribute to the family ie. does not clean, cook or pay rent.

    28 AnswersAdolescent2 decades ago
  • should neighbors split the cost of a fence?

    Neighbor needs fence for pool. Mom does not need fence but could use money for other maintenance on 200 year old farmhouse. Ex-husband does not provide enough child support for two kids. He conveniently was 'disabled' at the time of the divorce but now makes double his previous salary and cannot be brought back to court until 2 years after divorce date. Neighbor insists on splitting cost claiming that existing fence (in terrible condition) belongs to Mom. Fence curves around to gate to neighbor's back yard. Fence belongs to neighbor according to property blue print (mom's survey) It was explained to neighbor that mom cannot afford to pay for half of fence and neighbor is angry. Should mom pay for half of fence?

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance2 decades ago
  • single working mom with dilapadated farmhouse refused to split the cost of an uneeded fence with neighbor OK?

    Neighbor needs fence for pool. Mom does not need fence but could use money for other maintenance on 200 year old farmhouse. Ex-husband does not provide enough child support for two kids. He conveniently was 'disabled' at the time of the divorce but now makes double his previous salary and cannot be brought back to court until 2 years after divorce date. Neighbor insists on splitting cost claiming that existing fence (in terrible condition) belongs to Mom. Fence curves around to gate to neighbor's back yard. Fence belongs to neighbor according to property blue print (mom's survey) It was explained to neighbor that mom cannot afford to pay for half of fence and neighbor is angry. Should mom pay for half of fence?

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance2 decades ago