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Just guessing
Why won't my laptop talk to my printer?
I have a PC, a laptop and two printers. I installed a new wireless router and now my laptop won't talk to either of my wireless printers. I also have one of the printers wired to a pc and they work fine together. The laptop works wireless just fine.
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years agoWhy do my boxwood's turn brown?
Each time that I trim my Boxwood hedge, the cut ends turn brown. It looks terrible. What am I doing wrong. I have seen beautiful boxwood hedges bordering houses and would love to have that lush green look. The plants of mine are not new. They are thirty years old.
4 AnswersGarden & Landscape10 years agoCan I add a rheostat to a kitchen fan?
High volume exhaust fans are pretty noisy. Can I wire in a rheostat to slow the fan speed which would pull less cfm and in turn, reduce the noise? I don't want to fry the motor or burn the house down so, don't speculate, answer with the facts please. Thanks.
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years agoI need help with my grass trimmer?
I took it to my local "authorized" dealer and he sat on it for about a month and then told me that I needed a carburetor, which was what he told me when I first brought it in. So I took it home. The manual leaves much to be desired. I changed the oil, cleaned the air filter and adjusted the valves. Drained the gas, cleaned the gas filter and refilled it with fresh gas. I checked the gap on and put in a new spark plug. It starts pretty well and It idles fine but when you try to accelerate it wants to stall. The only visible adjustment screw that is in sight is an idle screw. No mixture adjustment. Is there an internal adjustment or do I just have to change the carb? Most all the repair shops around want to sell you new equipment. Lots of profit and no work. The trimmer is about five years old and my yard isn't very big. I would have expected at least ten years out of it. I'd be grateful to hear from someone that really knows how to repair this stuff. Thanks ahead of time.
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape10 years agoWhich is better for Pex?
Which is a better quality installation, cinch or crimp? Also is brass better that plastic when it comes to fittings and why do you think so? If I install Pex in an unheated space should I insulate it with conventional foam pipe insulation such as that used on copper or will the pex be okay without the insulation> Location: Pacific Northwest, USA.
3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agohow much a square foot for carpet?
What should carpet installation cost per square foo t? Least expensive carpet with a foam pad.
1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoEmpire Today Carpet installers?
How much does it cost to have three rooms about 12'X12' carpeted by these floor installation guys? About? I know it varies depending on quality carpet etc. Just give me a ballpark figure. Good quality carpet with a pad installed in three rooms. It's not a mansion just a three bedroom ranch. Rooms are empty and have wood floors. Thanks for the help. If you don't really know-Please don't guess.
3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoWho has the best medicare supplement health care policy?
What are you paying and who is your insurance company? You have to give ALL your information to any of these companies just to get a decent answer and then you are inundated with SPAM online and in your mail box for the rest of Eternity! Anyone willing to share? Thanks ahead of time.
8 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade agoHow much are the costs for long term health care?
What are the premiums on long term health care policy's for 40 year olds, 50 year olds? How about 65 year olds?
5 AnswersInsurance1 decade agoWhat's up with my Saturn door locks?
Some times the security system/door locks operate perfectly fine and other times the remote does nothing. In addition the dash lights blink repeatedly for no known reason. The two (the lights and the remote) seemed linked because when the remote is keyed the dash lights blink in response. You'll start the engine and the dash lights and only the dash lights, start blinking at about once a second and continue for minutes. Also if you are sitting at an idle with the transmission in park and try to unlock the doors to get out the doors lock again immediately. I've tried disconnecting the battery for a few minutes and reconnecting it----nothing. I have also put new batteries in the remotes-----again, nothing. It's a 2003 L200.
1 AnswerGMC1 decade agoWhere is VW Made, in which state?
What state is the Volkswagen Passat CC made in? I know they are also made in Mexico and Canada for their markets also. Any one own a CC and knows for sure. I'm shopping for a car. I've owned a couple of Saturns and they've gone the way of the gooney. I looked at Fusion Hybrid only to find out that it, along with the Mercury and the Lincoln Hybrids are all made in mexico. I wanted to buy a high mileage car from an American car maker to help boost my mileage, cut down on pollution and help support the jobs market in the USA, I've looked at lots of cars and am presently looking at VW since most of the american cars are not made here or the mileage is terrible or the models are too big or too small. I don't want a van or waggon or cross over or a truck. I have a Ranger 4cyl. which is great. 2006 and still gets 26 miles to the gallon.
5 AnswersVolkswagen1 decade agoWhich side of my gas furnace is the vent?
There are two connections to my 95% efficient gas furnace. One side is wide open and the other connection has a perforated plastic disk in the opening. Two inch PVC pipe attaches to these openings. One is the vent or exhaust and the other is for bringing in fresh air to the burner. Which is which?
8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoWhat is wrong with my car remote?
I have a 2003 GM car. The key-less entry/alarm started working sporadically. Seemingly, for no apparent reason it works sometimes and not others. It has worked just fine since the car was new, without a problem. It sat idle for about a week and a half, while we were away and started this behaviour when we returned. We've left the car idle for longer periods of time, before this with no problems. Yes I've put fresh batteries in all the remotes-------doesn't matter. It still acts up with either of the remotes.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoHow do I get clear digital photos?
I bought the new Sony 14 m Cyber-shot. The advertising says Everything I want to hear.. The problem is, it's not quite true. The pictures from this $200 camera are no better that a 9 or 10 year old 7.2 m Cyber-shot. They are still blurry. I returned the camera. While I was returning it, a person that overheard the conversation, volunteered some information. She said that she had had similar problems with blurring and was told by a 'Techie', "some of the new cameras are so fast that they require a Huge memory card to get non-blurry pictures or at least better pictures". I had a 2G card in the camera. Some feed back on this 'huge memory card' theory please. Sony was little or no help.
3 AnswersCameras1 decade agoCan you use PC hardware on a Mac computer?
I'm considering replacing my pc with a mac. I got a chance to spend a little time, for the first time, using a Mac. Something that I wasn't real pleased about were the mouse and keyboard. The mouse doesn't have any 'physical click' buttons, just a smooth surface that is tapped and the hard push on the keys of the keyboard was uncomfortable. I have also seen, but not used, the flat surface 'image of a keyboard ' with touch sensitive keys and I don't like that much either. Can I use other company key boards etc. with the Mac? Maybe a better question would be: Are there more options from Apple for these items? I like the buttons' touch or click and I alike the soft touch of a pc keyboard. I don't want to trade one set of undesirable traits that I find with PCs for another set found with the Mac. Some feedback please. Thank you ahead of time.
6 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoWhat kind of Computer should I buy?
I have owned Dell, HP, Toshiba and compaq PCs, all with Windows OS's. Every time something goes wrong it seems to be the software not the computer. I swear each time, "next time I'm getting a Mac". I have Windows 7 on the latest computer which is a Toshiba and it is By Far the best. I've never owned a Mac or even operated one. So I really don't know anything about them except they cost a fortune. Why should I buy a Mac or why should I buy another PC and what kind? Thank you for your opinion.
4 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoRecommendation for a good replacement window?
I want to remove the single hung window frames in my 1922 house near Seattle and replace them with a double pane double hung window unit. I plan to remove the window weights and pack the cavity with insulation. So I am looking for a retrofit window that I can put in place, trim out and use.
I'm a trim carpenter and cabinet maker.
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoHow do I divide the share's cost?
I bought ten shares of AOL in 1999. Last year Time Warner took back my certificate for the ten shares and returned to me, six shares of Time Warner and One share of Time Warner Cable. I now have these shares in my online account. My question is; How much of what I paid for the AOL shares do I allocate to each of the shares of two completely different companies. It's not a boat-load of money (I really took a bath on this one) but I would like to do the right thing when I file my taxes after I sell the shares. I can use the write off since I did very well this year so far.
2 AnswersInvesting1 decade agoI'm always looking for good investment advice, Got any good websites to pass on?
Come on, give up the goods. What do you like? What works for you? Thank ahead of time.
7 AnswersInvesting1 decade agoHow do YOU start your tomato plants?
Tell me your recipe for growing stocky tomato plants from seed.
6 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago