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I am an author, a publisher, and a major fan of the Castlevania video game series. I'm also a major fan of NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon and WWE superstar Cody Rhodes

  • What in the heck is happening to me?

    8 years ago, I was put in full chains (handcuffs, leg irons, waist chain) as a prisoner for transport in the back of a police car. Even though I was cleared of the charge and set free, I've had flashbacks of being locked up every time I hear a door slam - in real life, in a movie, or in a video game, but they pass quickly. I can go into elevators and be OK. I have a family member who suggested I get hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and while I was open to it, I looked into a chamber (went to a hyperbaric place in real life) and almost immediately had a flashback of being in chains in the back of the cop car. Why does this happen to me?

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Would this negatively affect a tattoo?

    Lets say a person gets tattoos and needs to undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy (for a reason unrelated to the ink). The person has 3 year old tattoos, 1 month old ink, and 1 2-3 day old ink. What would happen to the tattoos during the course of the treatment? Would they fade? Look the same as before? Would the fresh ink heal really fast? Disappear?

    1 AnswerTattoos5 years ago
  • Where's the best place to buy a purebred Turkish van kitten in the United States?

    I have been wanting a turkish van kitten ever since I was 10 (I'm 30 now), have had cats all my life, and want to know who's the most reputable breeder to buy one from. Is it true that there is a waiting list to buy one and if so, how long is one usually on that list before receiving one?

    2 AnswersCats5 years ago
  • How would my boyfriend go about getting his phone back?

    My boyfriend was arrested on violation of probation charges last year and his cell phone was seized as evidence. On the day he was arrested, he was told that when he was released, he would get his phone back. Originally when I called the probation office about it earlier last year, I was told that it was at the probation office and if he went there after getting out of prison, he'd get it back again. He got out of prison recently and he's been to both the probation office and his county's sheriff's office and both of them told him that his phone isn't there and to try to contact FDLE and talk to the records department. Is there any way they could mail his phone to him? What would he have to do to get it back?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police5 years ago
  • What is the intake procedure for the Orange County FL jail?

    Facing a contempt of court issue in a few months, looks like I've got jail time, and was wondering what the procedure was cuz I'm nervous about it. I have no piercings, but I do have one tattoo (not gang related or racist or anything like that)

  • What is the cheapest car rental place that's closest to the Orlando, FL Greyhound bus terminal?

    My son's dad (who lives out of state) is planning to come from Louisiana to come see him. He's planning to take the bus down here to Florida and would need to rent a car that's automatic transmission for two weeks. I Googled it and wasn't able to find any and it's his first time in Orlando. Please include the address and name of the company in your answers

    4 AnswersOrlando6 years ago

    I was checking my boyfriend's court docket online and I noticed this has been recently added. What does it mean?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Could I be charged with any crime?

    What's going on is I bought my boyfriend (who was under sex offender probation at the time) a cell phone, which I added as a secondary phone to my account. My account that I added it to had my email address attached to it, but he was unaware of what my email address was and I was paying both his and my cell phones online, having the receipts for both phones emailled to me. I found out recently that he was using the phone that I bought him and was paying for to contact his victim. Am I in danger of being charged with any crime? If so, what and what could the sentence be?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • If I go to jail, will I be able to keep my glasses with me?

    I am nearsighted and wear a pair of metal frame eyeglasses. Also, I live in Orlando, FL and am asking because of a possible upcoming arrest

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government6 years ago
  • What's it like inside of jail in Orange County, FL?

    Do the guards treat you decently? How is the food? Cell arrangements - is it single cell, do you have to share the cell, or is it a pod situation? Asking because I was accused of a crime and may be going there

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • What's the best way to take a professional looking photo of my pet cockatiel?

    My mom is taking a painting class and wants me to take a picture of my pet cockatiel so she can paint him in class. I've been having problems taking a picture of him (full body pic) to give her so she can paint him. What are some tips to use to try to get a really good pic? His wings aren't clipped so I have to keep him inside the house for the picture and he has a really cool markings on his back that I wanted to try to get in the picture along with his face. He's a pied cockatiel who is very shy (rescue pet)

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts6 years ago
  • What does getting put in chains feel like, in terms of physically?

    Handcuffs, leg irons, waist chain. As a prisoner, not for anything kinky. Asking because I'm currently in a situation where I've been falsely accused of a very serious crime, am trying to clear my name, and want to know just as a what if. IF I do get arrested and wind up being put in chains, what are some thing I should remember? How much will it hurt? How tight do the guards put the cuffs on? Is it true that they put the handcuffs on really tight if you have small wrists (which I do have)? Also, is it true that the waist chain is wrapped VERY tight around your stomach and every time you breathe (if you're a deep breather), you feel it squeezing you? Is it true that the leg irons are REALLY painful? What would be the best thing for me to do, if I wind up in this situation?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government6 years ago
  • What did the police do to me five years ago?

    Five years ago, I had someone call the cops on me. They came and talked to me for a little bit (5 cop cars showed up) and then they asked me to stand with my feet a little bit apart and said they were searching me. Two cops stood in front of me and asked me questions, then I realized there were two or three behind me, one of which asked if I wanted my hands behind my back or at my sides. I chose sides and felt something heavy being slid around my waist, then felt weights on my hands. At the same time, I had felt weights on my feet and one cop told me to take baby steps and don't look down. When I walked, there was a pressure/tug on my ankles. Then when I arrived where the cop was taking me, he told me to look straight ahead and stand still and I felt those weights being taken off of me again before we went in. I live in the United States and was wondering what it was that I had felt that night. Was wearing somewhat thick clothing, so did not feel any metal. Also, had done nothing wrong and this all happened on someone else's word.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • What is the origin of the phrase "pushes like a dump truck"?

    I know that the phrase means a badly handling vehicle, but I was wondering how it got started?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • How did the phrase "cut the mustard" get started?

    I have heard the term before and know what it means, but I was wondering how it got started and why mustard?

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Where is the best place to buy marbles?

    My mom is looking for marbles and she has tried all of the local stores here, but nobody has them. She is looking for colored marbles (cat eye, etc) and recently went to the dollar store, but they don't have any and she was told that it was because of concerns of lead paint.

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation8 years ago
  • How do I convert a doc file into a jpg file?

    I have a screenshot that I'd like to post on Facebook, but the computer will only let me save it as a Microsoft Word document. I need it in a jpg format. How do I re-format my document so that it is a jpg file instead of a doc file? So far, I've tried save as, but that did not give me an option to save it as jpg and I really need this image as a jpg

    5 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • What does the error message "Connection Refused" mean?

    Today, every single Yahoo news story I click on to read, I get this error message which means "Connection Refused". Is it a problem with Yahoo or does my computer suddenly have a program/virus on it that blocks me from reading Yahoo news stories? Also, is there anything I can do to get rid of this error?

    34 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • How difficult is it to grow blue cohosh?

    My mom really likes non-invasive, native plants that are also unique and I have been looking at blue cohosh lately and wondering a few things about it. 1) How difficult of a plant is it to grow? 2) Are the berries toxic to dogs? 3) Do birds and squirrels like to eat the berries and make a mess, or do they generally leave this plant alone? 4) Will it grow in Florida? 5) Will it sprout/bloom in April? The reason why I am asking all of these questions, is because I am thinking about trying to grow this particular kind of plant to give my mom for her birthday in April. Asking about whether or not it's toxic to dogs, because we have a dog, although the dog does not generally eat things off of plants and I'm asking the other questions because I'm not very good at growing things, unless they are easy to grow.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Whose dog would be at fault in this situation?

    I co-own an Australian terrier dog (purebred) with my mom but due to her busy schedule, I'm the primary caretaker of the dog. Lately, I've been walking the dog around the neighborhood and there's this one house that has what sounds like a chihuahua (or a very small dog - I never saw the dog, but can tell from the bark that it's a small dog) who barks very aggressively at my dog (through its fence or from inside the house) whenever I walk my dog past. I was wondering: if this other dog got out and attacked my dog and my dog attacked the other dog right back (maiming and/or killing it), which dog would be blamed for the fight? My dog is usually very friendly toward other dogs, unless it is attacked. However, I was wondering: if this did happen and both the other dog and my dog had injuries, which dog would they want destroyed (if any of the 2?) If this happens, can I legally say that the other person had a "dangerous dog", despite it being a small breed? What charges (if any) could I legally file against the owner of the other dog, should this other dog escape its yard and attack my dog? Is there any counter charges that the other dog's owner could file against me and my dog in this situation?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago