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  • What to do with sweaty gym clothes?

    I usually wear the same ones two or three days in a row, and wash every week and a half- 2 weeks. (I don't have my own laundry machine, it's expensive at the laundromat.) I don't want to ball them up and leave them in a bag because I'm afraid they'll grow mold or something. I've been laying them out in the bathroom for the time being, but its not a great solution.

    I can't leave them at the gym, either, they charge you to keep lockers overnight.

    Also, when I do throw them in the laundry for good, what can I do to keep them from stinking up everything in the basket? Fabreeze?

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • What costume can I make out of these items?

    Here's what I have to work with:

    Blue wig or a pink wig

    Red cape or a black cape or a 'spider web' cape

    cat mask, tail, and ears

    maroon dress, navy-blue dress, or black formal dress

    black leg warmers

    elbow length fishnet gloves or red and black striped gloves

    I have various shoes and jewelry that I can pair with something, too.

    In short, though, I don't know what to combine and how. I'd like to at least have a clever answer for the mandatory "what are you supposed to be?" question. But all I can think of so far is maybe a 20-something version of Hit Girl from Kick *** who has let herself go (I'm chubby and definitely not good with weapons) or a cat costume with a red cape. Both of these seem lame to me.

    Any other suggestions? Of course you can throw in ideas involving stuff that is typically lying around the house, too.

    1 AnswerHalloween1 decade ago
  • What to buy for 8yr old to get him to stop playing video games?

    My nephew's birthday is coming up, (he'll be 9) and I'd like to get him something BESIDES a video game. I feel sorry for the kid, because my brother doesn't have a lot of time to spend with him, so he's often playing by himself. So my brother has bought him the latest in video games, and the kid is completely addicted. I worry about what the effects of this will be later in his life.

    Not that I'm totally against video games or anything, I do enjoy them, but in moderation. This kid plays video games in the morning before school, and from the time he gets home to the time he goes to bed. (I know, bad parenting... I'd rather not get into it though.)

    So my question is: What do I get for him? I want something that he will really enjoy, something creative (drums and musical instruments in general have already been vetoed, unfortunately) and preferably something educational.

    It has to be something he can do on his own, while his dad is working. I don't think he would focus on books, although I might still buy him one. But what else can I get him that is entertaining, that he can use again and again (preferably) and will distract him from video games.

    I really need some help on this... I'm worried about him and would like to see him find a new hobby.

    2 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • Would this line work on a guy?

    I was thinking of telling him I'd had a dream about him, a sex dream.

    He's not a cheesy guy, or sleazy in any way, he's grown up and mature, and very sweet. I'm afraid to be too forward with him. But I don't know what else to try. We're friends, and I don't want to mess that up, so I thought I'd see how he reacted to the idea of me thinking of him that way.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need laundry help! How do you preserve color?

    First of all, I'm a college student, which means that I don't have the funding to separate my clothes very often. (laundry mat's can be expensive) It's usually not a huge deal, I mean, it gets them clean,but I'm to the point where most of my clothes look really drab and I need to take better care of them.

    I bought Shout 'color catchers' and I thought I would try them. I just bought 5 new shirts, all in bold- and drastically different- colors. Should I risk throwing them in together, if I have the color catcher? (my mom said to use 2 or 3 of them) One's purple, another is green, another is blue, you get the point.

    The next thing I'm wondering about is how to keep them bright and pretty, so they don't become drab. I know that there are many types of soap that help to preserve color, and I was wondering what the best one is?

    Also, if anyone has any ideas of keeping pet hair off clothes, I'd love to hear them. All I have are lent rollers. And I try not to sit on the couch when I'm wearing dark pants, but somehow I still end up COVERED in it.

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Make-up help! (MAC?)?

    I'm really not very good with make-up, and have gone all summer without it, but classes have started again, and I feel the need to use it again.

    I have two problems: one is that foundation always feels heavy after a few hours. I have pretty oily skin, but even if I use a toner, I still feel gross at the end of the day. It just feels like a mask, and I hate to touch my face when it feels like that. I want to just rush home and wipe it off.

    The other problem is eyeliner. I've been trying for 10 years to find one that actually stays on my eyes, I've tried every drug-store brand and type, and it always ends up smudging. I've tried liquid before, but I sort of hate it, because I wear contacts and it's difficult to wear with them. I also don't like the 'slick' look that it gives. I like the pencil look better.

    So my question is: should I try to invest in something nicer, like MAC cosmetics? Would that make the makeup seem lighter on my face? Is their eyeliner better?

    Mind you, I'm a broke college student, so if you have any cheaper ideas, please let me know. Thanks!

    7 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • What do you buy your crush for his birthday?

    I want something small and simple, that won't break the bank. But something that says "Hey, look, I remembered your bday and found something fun!" and not "Omg, I'm so in love with you, marry me!!" I don't want to seem too eager.

    He doesn't know that I like him. And I'm not ready to tell him, but I'd like to give him something cute or maybe silly, maybe something to get his attention.

    We're in our mid 20's, btw. And we're friends, we hang out, but we're not really close (I'm working on it)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I feel sick every day. Why?

    Every morning I get dizzy and/or nauseated. I'm always really fatigued, too. I'm not pregnant, and this has been going on for years. It makes it hard to get anything done. It lasts for hours! I had blood work done last month and every thing came fine. The doctor didn't seem to worried about it, but she didn't explain what was going on, either.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Do you know what it is?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How do you get people (particularly family) to stop bugging you about religion?

    I know most christians think its their job to preach to you, but really it just makes me uncomfortable. I can ignore the strangers, but how do I get my family to leave me alone about it? I respect their beliefs and I don't preach to them about why I don't believe, but what can I do to get them to quit talking about god all the time?

    To be clear, only a few of them know that I'm agnostic, and it's not that they're trying to convert me, (They think I'll 'come around' in time) it's just that they're always talking about their beliefs and god and church, and it just makes me really uncomfortable. Quite frankly I'm just sick of dealing with it.

    Is there a nice way to ask them to quit? I don't want to be rude or disrespectful, but I'm tired of hearing about this deity that I don't believe in.

    Does anyone else have this problem? How do you deal with it?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does clinical depression ever get better?

    Everything just seems to be too much. It's too hard to take a shower, it's too exhausting to get to class. I can't concentrate on homework, and I can't think straight anymore.

    I was put on medication when i was 19, and had a nervous breakdown a few months later. Things never really got "better" they just got "less terrible". I'm 25 now, and have had 2 other breakdowns. I hate being this way. I hate being so unstable and incapable of feeling happy. I feel like all I do is whine and cry and mentally shut down.

    When I get even a little stressed out, my whole body shuts down. I can't eat, i can't sleep, I have digestive problems, I can't concentrate, and I just lie in bed and cry for days on end. my mind goes fuzzy and I'm unable to do school work. I've been an undergrad for 6 years, for god sake!

    I just need to know that this will get better. I'm tired of worrying my friends and family. I'm just mentally and physically exhausted ALL THE TIME. I can't go on like this, and I don't know what to do anymore.

    Am i doomed to this life of stress , disappointment, and pain?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • I want a new cell phone, and just need something basic, what should I get?

    I have the verizon network. Right now I just have texting and calls, but I'd like to be able to update my status on facebook and twitter, and maybe do email. I dont need to be able to search the web. What kind of phone should I get?

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What happens in AA if you don't believe in God?

    The first step is giving yourself up to a higher power, right? What do they do for atheist patients? It seems shitty to me that you have to believe in god to be able to get through rehab. Are there other choices?

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Guys: do you like long hair or short hair on girls?

    I've been thinking about cutting mine, but 2 guy friends tell me not to. But I think I need to liven it up a bit, mix it up.

    Is long hair sexier? Does it depend on body type (I'm pudgy)? Does it really matter to you?

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Can you buy those tools that dermatologists use to pop black heads?

    If not, is there anything else that will let me get the black heads out of my chin and nose. I've tried every astringent and face wash out there, and they help, but i still have a ton of them.

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What's the secret to getting great skin? My legs always show all thier pores. How do you get them smooth/soft?

    I mean the skin on my body. I have problems with my face, too, but I use Pro-Active. How do I get my arms, legs, and torso to be smooth and soft? I've used aveeno exfoliaters, and Dove moisturizer/exfoliater combined. Neither really helped.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • I used packing tape on my dryer vent hose, to keep it on. Will it melt?

    It says on the package that this tape holds up to heat, but I'm assuming it just means a hot day. I don't have any duct tape, either. So I'm wondering if the packing tape will hold up or not.

    The hose won't stay on the end coming out of the wall, I think its a tiny bit bigger than normal, because I've always had this problem. And when I had my boyfriend look at it, he had the same problem. So I think tape is the best way to go to keep it on. (yes, I have those metal grip circle things.... they don't help.)

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Art modeling question/need tips? (New to modeling)

    I'm signed up to work at an art school in about a month, but I've gotten some offers to do freelance in the meantime.

    What are fair prices to negotiate, and conditions to consider. And how can I be safe? (i.e. not end up naked at some strangers house.)

    5 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • I need to relocate to another state. How do I find a job?

    I have a bit of time, but I want to make some connections before I go. I'll be graduating with an English degree, doing PR, buisness writing, biography, and editing.

    What are some job sites that i can use to prepare?

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How can I find a pen-pal to help me learn Spanish?

    I've taken a few Spanish classes, in HS and in college, but I think that if I were to talk reguarly with someone, it'd be easier to learn. Are there sites set up that I could use? How else can I meet someone?

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago