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First time home buyer...Need some help from experienced people!!!?
Ok, I want to buy my first home in a couple years and I (probably) plan on using a FHA loan. I know I want a fixer-upper. I also saved $15K for a down payment, meaning I could buy a house up to $165K, right? Ok, my question is...if I get a home loan for $150K and actually find a house that I want to buy for $100K. By my loan being too much, is it possible that I wouldnt have to put down any money OR less than my down payment so I could buy furniture or fix up other things for the house that needs fixing? How does that actually work if I wanted a few bucks left after buying the house? Do I have to put down all MY money if my entire loan covers the price of the house?
8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years agoIs it wrong that my bf keeps hiding me from his ex?
My boyfriend and I have been together for 8 months and we are committed to one another. We live together and hope to be married one day. However, he has a young son with his ex and she has kept their son away from him since their breakup over a year ago. She now has decided to let my bf and their son spend time together on some sundays for a few hours. Their arrangement is my bf pick him up and drop him off to her in a public meeting place. Unfortunately, my bf doesn't think its best if i accompany him to pick up his son or drop him off because he is afraid that his childs mother will deny him visits again if she knows he is seeing someone and spending time with their child as a happy family. I'm very upset by this and feel like I have no business saying something about it to my bf because I don't want to interfere with him spending time with his son. Although, it hurts me and has brought arguments in the past between us about it. I have tried to sit back and at home when he picks his son up, but it only makes me very angry later. Sometimes, i feel like he is hiding me or something from me. I don't think this is right and he wants me to wait until he gets his visitation order before taking me with him to pickup his son and for his ex to know he has moved on and has a new life with me. In the meantime, how do I handle this situation, because sometimes I feel as we need to break it off if he's still letting his ex basically control him and in a sense, our relationship as well. I don't think i can keep my cool any longer because I don't think what he's doing to me is right. I'm having doubts about marrying him because of this issue. I too have a child from a previous relationship, and I have no problem with my ex seeing my bf with me to pickup my child from my ex. I feel if we are planning on being a family soon, then he should be making me feel more like a wife and family should. Please help, only mature answers please.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow do I turn off this feature?
While I'm browsing ads on craigslist, can someone tell me how and what is this feature called that highlights the ads I've already looked at, I'd like to turn this feature OFF. I don't want other users of this computer to see what I've been wanting to buy or looked previously at. Thanks in advance.
1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade agoDivorce? Will I get screwed filing?
I'm in Illinois and I want to divorce my husband. I am a stay at home Mom. We have one child. I do NOT work. My husband and I have been married for 7 years. We bought our house and our 2 cars AFTER we got married. He is still paying for the cars and the house. Everything is in HIS name only. He makes $100K a year, but has bad credit. He doesn't think that the money he makes is both "ours" and witholds it from me. I'm divorcing him due to him not respecting me, the marriage, and among other problems. Will I get screwed over if I filed for divorce? He keeps saying that I will if I do, I won't end up with much of nothing. I just want my car, child support, and short term alimony. Please do not advise me to work on the marriage, we tried, and it just didn't work. I think he's afraid that he just may have to cough up some dough. How did you prepare for divorce? Experienced answers only. Thanks.
14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWould you be offended?
Would you be offended or hurt if you had a child from a previous relationship, then got married to your current spouse which is not the biological father of the child...(however, you've been married to your spouse now for 11 years)....but the spouse lets everyone know that your child is the step-child? Not only that, he only refers to the child as "my step-daughter" or " Dee's daughter" when speaking of her. Would you be offended, or a little pissed off if your spouse hasn't accepted the fact that she is now considered OUR daughter (although through marriage) and to stop referring to her as only mine and a "step daughter". Everyone knows that she is not his biological daughter, we met when she was 4. Am I making too much of this, or do I have a right to be a little hurt? It's like he doesn't really fully accepts her when he says that. Their relationship is fair. I just wish he'd just call her ours or my and leave out the word "step". We also have a child together that he adores.
20 AnswersFamily1 decade agoShould I be the bigger person?
My husband and I are in a rocky marriage. I love him, and I am really trying to make things work. Our biggest problem is him not communicating with me among other things. However, we got into a huge arguement a week and a half ago and we haven't spoke to each other since. We live in the same house and we've been ignoring each other. I'm tired of it and I am horny. I want to give in and seduce him when he comes home from work, but I don't want to lose the fight and seem weak or wrong because of the arguement we had. I think he wants me too, but I think he wants me to give in first. Should I be the bigger person? Or should I wait for him to give in? I also have been tempted to send him a text, just saying "I love you"...nothing else. Which would you do?
16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoUsing Sprint/Nextel Family Locator from my cell phone.....?
I want to know how do you use your family locator using your cell phone? I know how to use it through my account when I am using my computer at home. But, I need to know step-by-step how do I use it from my cell phone when I am away from my computer. I have a Motorola i850 phone. Thanks, to all.
Cell Phones & Plans1 decade agoKanye West's mother just passed...what happened?
I just heard on WGCI that Kanye West's mother just passed. They are playing an interview, but I missed it. Can anyone tell me what happened or where I can read about it on the net. I think that it just happened because I can't find it anywhere on the internet yet. Thanks.
12 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade agoKanye West's mother died...what happened?
I just heard on WGCI that Kanye West's mother died (Dr. Donda West) and I can't find the story anywhere on the internet, can anyone tell me a site where I can read about her passing? Thanks.
25 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoHand Scrub in Downtown Disney (FL) store...?
I was visiting Disney World over the summer in Florida and I went into this little shop that had the most amazing hand scrubs that was made with salt. You spread it on with a little stick. They had different fragrances of this scrub.The store had samples of this stuff out for people to try and they also provided a sink too nearby. What is the name of this scrub and what could be the name of the shop that had it. They had lots of good smelling soaps and candles, too. I wanted to see if I can locate the store so I can buy some.Thanks in advance.
1 AnswerOrlando1 decade agoMarried Ladies ONLY, what is a GOOD man?
Okay, I have a husband who thinks he is a good man just because he pays all of the bills. I stay at home with our daughter.He thinks that this is his ONLY job as being a husband. We have been married 6 years and I think that I have fallen out of love wtih him. Sex is terrible, he's a workaholic, we never go anywhere and we do not communicate at all, by his choice. We have a 3 year old who barely sees him, and he isn't affectionate to me at all. We might as well be roommates. He makes good money, but I don't help spend it. Is this what makes him a good man?
19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoWhat is the name of DJ Quick's new song???
I heard it on WGCI and the lyrics in it says something about touching something. I heard it in a mix and it sounds like a club-banging song. I gotta have it, but I can't find it anywhere on the internet or on him. I heard he goes by the name, Simply Quick now. Thanks.
2 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade agoanyone know these lyrics to this song?
i am trying to find the name of this song that goes like this..." i want a dude that can wicked and slide, i want a dude that can hold me back" or she is saying, " i need a man that can wicked and slide, i need a man that can hold me back" however,
...i'm not sure those are the words, but i believe it is a reggae song from the early 90's. it is also a female singer, i don't believe it is Patra. i've looked everywhere and i can't find it or remember it. HELP!!!
3 AnswersR&B & Soul1 decade agoCUISINART or KITCHENAID stainless steel cookware????
Which is the better brand or do you think they are pretty much the same. I have a set of Cuisinart stainless steel cookware, (the 10 pc. chefs classic series) but, I wanna know should I have gotten the Kitchenaid set? I like them both and they are both affordabley priced. I wanna do my whole kitchen with the same brand accessories. PLEASE!!! Your personal experience with either brand and why. Calphalon and All-Clad is too expensive. I just may buy a small set of the Kitchenaid too if it get even or better reviews from you guys....THANKS!!!
9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoWise Onion Rings..Orlando, FL?
Hello to All,
I am visiting Walt Disney World (Orlando, FL) this week from Illinois, and I wanted to know if anyone is from the area and could tell me if I will be able to find the Wise ONION RINGS in the green bag anywhere ON or NEAR Disney's resorts property? We don't get these snacks in IL anymore and I'd love to bring a few bags home with me. PLEASE, DO NOT tell me to make my own or to settle for Funyuns, because I am serious.Thanks in advance.
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoWISE ONION RINGS?? Orlando, FL??
I am desperately trying to find my favorite snack that I can no longer get in the midwest. It is the Wise onion rings. It comes in a green bag with an owl on the bag. I am traveling to Disney World (Florida) this weekend and I wanted to know are they available around Disney's property anywhere? Has anyone in the area seen them? I'd like to bring a few bags home with me when I return. Thanks.
1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoWISE ONION RINGS??? Orlando, FL????
I am desperately craving the Wise onion rings. In Illinois, we no longer get them. I'm traveling to Disney World (Florida) this weekend and I want to know is there any place in the area that I can pick up a few bags from before I come back home. I'll be staying on Disney's property at one of the resorts. I DO NOT WANT FUNYUNS onion rings so please don't tell me to settle for them! Thanks.
1 AnswerOrlando1 decade agoSeaWorld Shuttlesfrom Disney Resorts?
Hi. I',m leaving for Disney World at the end of the month and I'm staying at the All Stars Movies Resort. We did NOT rent a car and we really would like to go to SeaWorld and Busch Gardens. Are there any shuttles that will take us there close by Disney's property? I heard somewhere that you can get a shuttle for $10.00 per person round trip. PLEASE help...this is our first Disney trip with our daughters ages 3 and 15. Also, any tips and suggestions on cheap eats and attractions for BOTH girls to enjoy is appreciated. THANKS for all of your answers in advance.
7 AnswersOrlando1 decade agoHow far is Disney World from Kississimmee?
My first Disney vacation in Orlando, FL this year in July with my family and wer'e staying in a Disney resort (All-Star Movies) and NOT renting a car. I want to know how far is Kissimmee from where we'll be staying? I'd like to save a few bucks on eating outside of Disney's property and a few other attractions....but, will we need a rental car to do that? How far is Kissimmee from there? And what attractions are in Kissimmee if any? I have a 15 y-old girl and 3 y-old girl.Thanks in advance for all of your answers.
10 AnswersOrlando1 decade agoPLEASE help this COMPUTER DUMMY!?
I have Windows Media Edition on my computer, but I have some Microsoft word programs pre-installedon here like the processor and spreadsheet. (I think?)..... BUT I NEED the whole office programs like (office 2003, excel, access, and powerpoint) for my school assignments. I downloaded a free trial of these programs but it will be expiring soon. I would like to know, if I want to buy the program itself from the store, which version do I buy? The full or upgrade version, or do they have a student/teacher version which is cheaper? I was told that these programs should be on my computer already, but I haven't found them anywhere. I tried looking..I think??? I just see my free ones that I downloaded. I'm REALLY confused and all help is appreciated. PLEASE explain things as simple as possible because I have no knowledge of computers at all. Thanks.
8 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago