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God give me the serenity to accept what I can't change and change what I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
How much are the average cost of power and water in Oahu?
We plan to live in a 4 bedroom townhouse with 2 adults and 2 children. We plan to turn off AC during the day but run them at night with 2 showers per day with laundry and dishwasher usage as well.
1 AnswerHonolulu7 years agoAnyone experience a processing delay and got their tax refund?
I filed mine on Feb 19th and was accepted on the 20th. I was told by the IRS that the system try to post to my account on the 5th of March but couldn't so I have to allow another 6 weeks for processing. Right now the WMR site doesn't show a DD date at all just your tax has been received and is processing. I heard of people experiencing this however I want to know if anyone actually got their refund within that six week timeframe. I'm terrified I won't get mine.
1 AnswerUnited States9 years agoHow do you post XML file onto a web server?
1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years agoWhat are the chances for above the zone consideration for promotion?
Does above the zone mean after the first two looks (for an officer)? I imagine that the chances of selection gets slimer with each look.
I know the military's promotion system is used to fill vacancies. There were 7 officers picked up for promotion but only 2 got promoted, so what happens to the 5 slots? Do they roll over to the next year? BTW, think that's unfair to the people who wanted the promotion...
1 AnswerMilitary10 years agoIs REDUX still available?
My husband is a warrant officer 2 Kiowa pilot who served 14 years. This week he found out he was passed over a second time for CW3 promotion and we r trying to determine if we should take selective continuation or take separation pay and get out. Promotion rate is likely to dwindle in the next few years so we don't think his chances of promotion will be likely either. Selective continuation only offers 3 more years of service. How about the REDUX retirement plan? Should we take selective continuation and take the 40% retirement pension at his 15th yr next yr?? I'd ask him but he's out in the field til later this month. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks!
2 AnswersMilitary10 years agoIs my son becoming the annoying neighborhood kid?
My new neighbor behind me just told me that it's best if my son doesn't come over anymore. He apparently pushed her son off the tree, and his son punched him in the face. He was nice about it and acknowledges that boys will be boys but I assume he also doesn't want the liability. There isn't alot of kids his age in this neighborhood, and I've only recently met this family. My son has been bored lately (esp with his best friend being grounded all week). He has been going over to my other neighbor's house (also behind me) to play. I told him not to ring their door bell but if he see them outside playing, he can ask if he can play...but now I'm weary of the fact that his daily presence may be annoying to the other parents. I've read too many forums about people complaining about neighborhood children coming over everyday. My son doesn't like playing independently and loves being active with other children. This subdivision doesn't have hardly any parks within walking distance or children his age. We're also moving and I can't sign him up for any extracurricular activities, so I'm at a lost.
3 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoTemper Tantrum in classroom, what do I do?
My 7 year old son's teacher came back from maternity leave two months ago, ever since then it's been hell. He really misses his substitute. He has a meltdown almost everyday (mostly in the noontime). When he is in time out or receives a warning, he goes beserk cuz he knows that I'm going to ground him too. He never use to behave like that in pre k or kindergarten or even earlier this year.
Part of the problem too is that he knows that we are moving soon (next month) because his dad is in the service. You'd think after 7 years, he'd be use to it by now but I guess a child will never be use to moving especially when they're older.
Anyway, things gotten so bad (him kicking teacher, throwing down chairs/desk/books, etc) that the principal has been called in. He gets in trouble in his other classes with other teachers too. The school is pretty fed up and is about to suspend him. Now they want me to pick him up at 1 pm everyday since his meltdown is around that time frame. I don't know what to do...ugh!!!!
2 AnswersParenting1 decade agoAngry 6 yr old in class?
Ever since his teacher came back from maternity leave, my son has been having fits in class like throwing books, tipping over desk and chairs, and kicking the teacher. He likes his teacher but loves his substitute and was angry when the sub left. That was back in feb. We are also in the military and about to move. He is upset with that too. This also happen before in day care when his provider left for surgery and came back two months later. He went nuts. I had to pull him out and he calmed down. What I don't understand is he changed schools and location and houses with no apparent problem but when an authority figure leaves momentarily he can't handle it. I don't know how I'm going to get thru til next month. Pulling him out now is not an option and it doesn't teach him to deal with his anxiety. He was fine in pre k and kindergarten so I dunno since feb he is impossible for the school to deal with. Any ideas??
1 AnswerGrade-Schooler1 decade agoIs Zillow useful for predicting property values?
I noticed that the site has a zestimate. I am not sure how the system gauges a market value for each home.
3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoDo people have to fork $ upfront if their home is sold at a loss?
If a seller lost $5,000 in the sale, would he have to pay the money upfront at closing or can he obtain a loan or does the bank convert the mortgage loan into another type of loan?
3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoWhy did this country bomb Iraq and not North Korea?
I don't understand why we didn't give Saddam the benefit of the doubt as far as WMD goes. We could've spared many lives with this war by allowing the inspectors to do their job. I know he was a tyrant but so is that N. Korean president who is now very defiant and adamant about his nuclear weapons. He does not try to hide this fact but it appears that the world is taking a more diplomatic approach to this issue with North Korea than with Iraq. I wonder if it's because terrorist threat is more prominent in the Middle East than in Korea and that's why we attacked...or perhaps we're hesitant (or diplomatic) because of China and South Korea. What do ya'll think?
12 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoHow honest is too honest?
I've been known to be straight forward and honest type of person, but I am beginning not to like that image because generally people associate that with tactless expression of opinion. I don't think that I am intentionally hurtful of anyone's feelings. I'm more honest to the point where I'm blinded by my own opinion and oblivious to how others may react. Overall, my friends tell me that I'm honest but NOT in an abrasive manner. So for the rest of you, how would you deal with the following?
1. Would you tell someone there's something in their teeth? (me yes)
2. They're fat? (me no)
3. They have bad body odor? (me maybe)
4. They are neglecting or abusing their child? (me maybe)
5. Gay? (me no!)
6. Tell a friend about a cheating spouse? (me no)
They say it's how the sender words their expression and it's up to the receiver to translate it and perceive it as they wish. Human communication is very complex and baffles me from time to time.
2 AnswersFriends1 decade agoHas anyone tried lemon juice for acne or blemishes?
If you have, please let me know how it worked out for you. I just discover this today that lemon juice is full of antioxidant and helps to exfoliate the skin. Also, it helps smooth out wrinkles and diminishes freckles and blemishes. It seem that this juice is nature's benzoyl peroxide. I just want to know the success rate. Thanks!
3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoAnyone's child with ADHD, Tic disorder, and learning disability?
My son is 8 years old and is in 3rd grade. I'm afraid he may not even pass 3rd grade. He has been having trouble with school since kindergarten. Finally, in 2nd grade (with the urging of his teachers), I put him on Ritalin. He still seem distractable but not as bad. Now in 3rd grade, the doctor recommended Adderall, so I put him on that one instead. His attention span is not good and he now has motor tics (not due to the drugs) and he's having problems with math and reading comprehension which are signs of a learning disability. I am waiting on a referral to a neurologist. Until then, does anyone want to share their experiences and the outcome?
6 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade agoPomeranian with a broken leg?
I wasn't home to witness this but my 9 month old female pom injured herself while playing at home with her male companion (pom also) while my hubby was home. She came around the corner limping. I knew it was broken because it was dangling at a weird angle so I took her to the emergency room. I had a wake up call as to how much it cost to own a dog. For a board certified orthopedic vet, it cost about $2000-$3000. I decided to take her to her own vet instead who charged around $918-$1200.
I'm worried with this breed with a congenital defect of having patellar luxation that I may have to pay $5000 or more later on to get it fix. I know as a dog owner, it's our responsibility to take care of them. Even with dog insurance, they wont' cover congential defects. What do people do if they can't afford it? I'm really stressed out now.
My other dog died from pneumonia a few months back and that cost a pretty penny before his passing. I know I can't place a price on their health but I can't afford it and my husband won't allow me to give them to people who can afford it. What do you think?
10 AnswersDogs1 decade agoDo they think it's child abuse?
My 8 year old son was playing with my 4 year old last night and decided to drag him across the carpet. I told him not to because he might get a rug burn. Well he did get rug burn across the top of his back. My 4 year old goes to pre-k at the YMCA. I did tell the staff about the incident but is afraid that they might not believe me and report me to social services. What do you think??
9 AnswersParenting1 decade agoFrustrated with dog?
I bought a pomeranian a few months ago and she's nothing like my male pom. She doesn't come when I call her. In fact, she runs the other way. With my male pom, he always came to me when I call him, even on the first day when he was a puppy. I know different dog has different personalities. I have to admit she's very timid. What should I do? I notice alot of female pom have this timid characteristic while the male pom are very sociable and friendly. Any advice?
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoI hate daycare!?
I've had such a headache with daycare since my eldest son been in one! It's always something. My daycare lady thinks that I am brushing her off when she tells me about a problem because all I say is ok as a response. I'm not sure how she wants me to respond. Then she gets offended because I went to my other son's teacher for advice since she is an educator. She probably got offended because I got on here and ask the Yahoo people about my child. She said the only person I should go to is her cuz she is with him all day. Well she didn't have an answer as to why he wasn't napping anymore, so I research it myself. She didn't agree with the fact that he is 4 and he's outgrown nap. I have every right to investigate the problem if I choose to, and I also take what she say into consideration or else I wouldn't be researching (if I didn't care). I felt like I offended her by asking other people.
12 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoWhat kind of dog food should I buy my pomeranian?
I just bought a pomeranian today, and the breeder told me that food is important for their coat. I never realize this. I have another pom as well and have been feeding him Puppy Chow but always wonder why his coat didn't look at good as it should. Duh! Now I realize that Puppy Chow contains corn and probably other preservatives that's not great for his health or coat. I heard that Natural Balance, Canibae, and Innova are really good. Do they even sell those at Walmart? My friend recommended Iams cuz her dog poops less and they seem to be better since she switched. Which one should I get? It has to be a brand that I can buy at Walmart for puppies, and I want all natural food. I really want their coat to be showroom quality. Any advice?
14 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhy won't my 4 year old nap?
My son just turned 4 on Saturday and since he was 3 1/2 years old, his napping became more seldom. He goes to daycare and the lady told me that he hasn't napped for 2 weeks now. She said kids need at least 12 hours of sleep; however, I have seen that he won't nap if he sleeps for 12 hours. Even without naps in daycare, it is hard to get him to go to sleep by 9 pm. He compared him to other children in her daycare who are younger than he is (2-3 years old). She don't think it is an age factor, but I believe that it may be. He's getting older and needs less and less naps. When my older son was in kindergarten, the teacher took away nap time because the kids didn't sleep. So I ask all of you, what is the problem here? I seem to have a problem finding the answer to my question online as most of the napping concerns pertain to infants to toddlers. What about preschoolers?
15 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago