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Lv 59,365 points


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I'm 66 years old. I have travelled in more than forty states of the U.S., in almost all of Mexico where I also lived for three years, in Canada, Germany, the Dominican Republic, and Guatemala. I love languages and speak Spanish very well. I love travel and eating out in foreign countries. I love learning and having intelligent thinking friends who can and do converse with knowledge and intelligence. I live in a school bus in Arkansas where my wife of 34 years and I raise chickens on two acres.

  • What are some sites other YouTube where you can upload videos longer than 10 minutes.?

    I making videos and have a series planned which I will want to upload. Many of them will be at least fifteen minutes long and I need to find a site which will allow uploading longer videos that YouTube does.

    5 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • What is the best wiener you've ever eaten and where can I get it?

    I'm trying to start a hotdog stand and I want the best wiener I can get for my product. I'd really appreciate your telling me about the best wiener you've ever had and where the company is if you can find the city or address on the package. Will you help? Thank you very much in advance.

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • How do I solve this problem with my homepage?

    My homepage shows up as a blank with the title in the address bar as "about blank." I've gone to Tools and changed the homepage back to the default in Options there, clicked Apply and Okay, but the page always changes back to "about blank" in the address bar and remains blank. I've also tried to change my homepage back by using the Add or Change Homepage function next to little house on the toolbar, but, again, with no success. I've searched everywhere I can think of for someway to change from "about blank" to the one I want. I can't find anything else about how to do it and have no more ideas where to look or what to do. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How do I fix a problem with my home page?

    My home page reads "about blank" when I open IE and all that shows is a blank white background. I reset it eight or ten times in Options on the IE toolbar each time, but have had no success getting my homepage to open instead of the blank. Does anyone know how I can fix the problem?

    Other - Internet1 decade ago
  • How do I find volunteers to help make English-language recordings?

    I'm volunteer teaching English to a Chinese couple and need audio recordings in English of everyday activities. My students need to hear the language as we use it. What would be a good and effective way of finding volunteers for making recordings?

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Would an EMP destroy unprotected and ungrounded batteries? Would it damage them in any way?

    There are various kinds of batteries and I need to know whether any is more susceptible to an EMP than the others or if any battery not in a circuit or not grounded would be damaged at all. If damage is possible or probable, I'd like to know the kind and extent of the damage to expect. I making an assumption that car batteries still on the shelf and with no chemicals added yet would be undamaged. But I don't know. I'm assuming also that ungrounded large batteries in major installations might be safe and that smaller ones would such as flashlight batteries would probably be damaged. But, I don't know and would much appreciate good thoughtful comments.

    4 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • ¿Saben qué es y como hacer la salsa púrpura que los peruanos comen con el arroz con leche?

    No se que es ni lo he visto. Tengo una amiga norteamericana que la vió y quiere saber quë es y como hacerla. Esta segura de que es una salsa peruana.


    5 AnswersOtros - Comer y Beber1 decade ago
  • What year were electronics first factory installed on cars and trucks?

    I know that some electronic parts were installed in the 1970s. I'd also like to know the first parts to be used as well as the make of the first cars they were installed on. Additionally, I'd like to know when pickup trucks were first equipped with electronic parts as well as the first year. Please, no guessing. If you don't know, please, don't answer.


    1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Could false prophets be preaching the ideas of heaven and hell?

    Christians espouse the idea that anyone who doesn't believe the way they do will go to hell. However, by their own teaching from the Old Testament of the Bible, people shouldn't put up with or believe false prophets. The question is, how does one identify false prophets? Isn't it possible that they are inside the church and leading would-be Christians astray?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can you help me learn French?

    I had a friend in Belgium who was emailing me in French, her language. She stopped a couple of months ago. I seriously want to learn French and need to have someone I can email, then chat, with. I am a beginner, but am using a French language program at home to help me. The best way to learn a language is by using it. Emailing and chatting, later, would help me learn French. Can anyone help me? Is anyone willing?

    6 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Do do you speak, read, and write French fluently?

    I have wanted to learn French for years. I speak, read, and write Spanish very well in addition to my native language, English. I've bought a couple of different programs to help me learn French, but find I'm not motivated to use them because of their repetitiousness. For a short time this year, I had a friend in Belgium who was emailing in French, her language, but hasn't replied to my emails for some time now. I seriously want to learn French and get really motivated when I have someone to exchange ideas with in that language. I am very much a beginner. Is anyone interested and willing to communicate by email, later in chats, in French, helping me to learn the language?

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Have you received any emails about your computer sending out worms with your email?

    This came into my email just today. It sounds fishy to me. This is the email address that sent it, supposedly. There's an attachment I'm not opening which is identified as (17KB).

    Mail server report.

    Our firewall determined the e-mails containing worm copies are being sent from your computer.

    Nowadays it happens from many computers, because this is a new virus type (Network Worms).

    Using the new bug in the Windows, these viruses infect the computer unnoticeably.

    After the penetrating into the computer the virus harvests all the e-mail addresses and sends the copies of itself to these e-mail


    Please install updates for worm elimination and your computer restoring.

    Best regards,

    Customers support service

    This sounds very much like someone trying to get a worm into computers via email. What do you think?

    8 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • ¿Pueden ayudarme hallar la familia Fulladosa en Villa Coapa?

    Yo vivo en los E.U y he perdido contacto con varios viejos amigos mexicanos sin medios con que buscarles desde aquí. Mi mejor amigo quién ya se murió vivÍa con su familia de tres hijos, todos hombres, en Villa Coapa hace muchos años. Nunca sabía por cierto su dirección. Hace varios aos me escribió su hermana avisándome de su fallecimiento. Después de esto ella y yo cambiamos cartas. Luego de que escribí una que no me contestó perdí su dirección de ella por lo cual no puedo ponerme en contacto con ella. Es posible que ella haya fallecida también como cuando le escribí la última vez ya estaba bastante mayor de edad. Todavía es probable que su ex señora de mi amigo viva todavía en Villa Coapa que por tal busco a alguién que esté dispuesto a buscar su appellido en el directorio telefónico y enviarmela por correo electrónico si me haría el favor.

    ¿Puede alguién ayudarme? Les agredecería cualquiér ayuda que me presten.

  • ¿Qué imagen te viene a la mente cuando oyes o lees el término norteamericano?

    Quisiera saber cualquiér imágen o impresión que te llega a tu mente. Puede ser relacionado a lo físico, su modo de actuar, su potencia y efecto sobre el mundo, la política, lo que entiendes de su vida actual: cualquiér idea que se te presenta. Favor de ser honestos y abiertos y no contestar simplemente para intentar molestar o insultar.

  • What image comes to mind when you hear or read the words Latin American?

    Do you see physical characteristics or something else? Do you see abusers of the United States' welfare system or do you see people who work hard to make good lives for themselves and their families? Just honestly say whatever the image is when you hear or read the words Latin American.

    12 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • ¿Qué imagen te viene a la mente cuando oyes o lees el término norteamericano?

    ¿Cuál es el tipo de ser que imáginas: su color de los ojos y de los cabellos, su color de tez, su modo de actuarse, sus creencias, todo lo que te imáginas?

  • Alguien de Oaxaca conoce a Mario Lazarral?

    Le conocí hace 20 años y le vi por última vez en el otoño de 1987 cuando estaba comprometido con una señorita quien se llamaba Eva. Mi dió su dirrección junto con su nombre completo pero se me perdió la información. Como voy a México en Diciembre quiero hallarle e ir saludarle. Si alguién de Oaxaca le conoce estaría muy agradecido que le avisare que le busco y que se ponga en contacto con migo o que me avise como puedo ponerme en contacto con él.

  • ¿Cómo puedo conseguir adobo para carne de res?

    Vivía en el D.F. por más o menos tres años durante los cuales aprendí a apreciar bastante la comida mexicana. Puedo adaptar muchos ingredientes aquí a los platos que sé hacer pero no encuetro nada con que hacer el adobo que se usa en la preparación de carne de res con adobo. El adobo que conozco es tan rojo como los tabiques hasta parecer polvo de ellos. No sé su nombre, sólo sé como se ve y el sabor y que no lo encontré en ningún otro plato.

    ¿Sabrian Ustedes como podría conseguir el adobo rojo del tipo que describo?

    10 AnswersRecetas de Cocina1 decade ago
  • Can you help me investigate a lottery operating on the Net?

    I have received some very convincing emails about supposed winnings from an on-line lottery. The emails have a link to a site bearing the same name as the emails and the site is very sophisticated, appearing to be authentic. The problem is, though the winnings seem to be substantial, the company supposedly handling the money transfer wants a large prepayment for its own fees, processing and insuring of the check which is to be sent by UPS. It has even generated a tracking number which is posted on a site bearing what appears to be the UPS logo. The prepaymetn is small compared to the winnings, yet, I am very leery.

    I don't want advice about it's a scam, etc. What I want is someone who knows how, and is willing, to investigate this company via the Net.

    Can anyone help me?

    3 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Me pueden ayudar investigar una lotería que opera por la red?

    Tengo una cantidad de mensajes email de una supuesta lotería diciéndome que he ganado algún dinero. He revisado el sitio indicado en el correo el cual encuentro muy profesional y convicente. Son sustanciales las supuestas ganancias pero la compañía "representante" de la lotería pide que la envíe $855.00 US por adelantados para cubrir sus gastos de tramitar y asegurar el envío del cheque. Se generó la UPS un número de identificación de rastreo para permitirme averiguar via la red su progreso.

    El problema es que no conozco ningún lotería a la cual se tiene que pagar por adelantado los tramites mas la aseguranza sobre el envío del las ganancias por correo o la UPS. Tengo mucho cuidado y quiero investigar la compañía lo tanto posible por el medio de la red.

    No busco consejos de que es un engaño ni nada semejante. Estoy conciente de las posibildades negativos que por tales quiero llevar a cabo una investigación sobre esta compañía.

    ¿Alguién me puede ayudar?

    3 AnswersInternet1 decade ago