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I am a retired IT professional of about 30 years experience with 20 spent at the lead programmer\team leader level. I am currently doing a Masters in Financial Math for the fun of it, but have taken a breather to do a graduate certificate in philosophy. At the moment I get my biggest buzz from hi fi, discussing ideas, listening to others opinions, researching mathematical physics and finance, and helping my circle of friends who are doing postgraduate study with their math problems.

  • Exactly What Determines a Dogs Intelligence?

    When I grew up we owned, in succession, 3 dogs, an Australian Cattle Dog, A German Sheppard, and a Doberman. All the dogs were smart and easy to train. But the Doberman was off the charts intelligent. He had excellent breeding papers, we got him from the head of the Doberman association who was nearly in tears because it had been abused by a bikie gang. We took him home and had him checked by our vet who confirmed he found some injuries, cigarette burns etc, but said they would heal. It may have left some psychological damage so best to get him trained. We did - but it was a joke really - he was just so quick at picking it up. The other dogs we had were known intelligent breeds, but not like this. I could give many more examples, not just how easy he was to train, but space does not allow it. I have always wondered what the factor that made him so special was.

    4 AnswersDogs1 year ago
  • Why Did Enlisted Marines Often Have Degrees In World War Two.?

    My father was a Chief Technician in the Australian Air Force - he was a qualified Electrical Engineer who in civilian life worked on the high tension transmission wires from power stations, but after a stint on Kokoda found himself on a place called Horn Island. Now having a degree he could have become an officer, but he thought that was stupid because then you were mostly a manager, and I think as a Chief Technician he actually earned more than junior officers. I have no idea what the equivalent is in the US Air Force - maybe Technical Sergeant. BTW its not a level in the current Australian Air Force. Anyway he often dealt with US soldiers, many of which were Marines. According to Dad Australian solders in general were not that positive towards your average American soldier for various reasons that culminated in the infamous battle of Brisbane - but that is another story. However Marines were a different matter - dad at least held them in the highest regard. One thing that really stood out for him was nearly every enlisted Marine he met seemed to have a degree. So much so he thought that might be a requirement to be a Marine and the reason they seemed a cut above. I now know it is not true you need a degree to be an enlisted Marine, so that leaves the question of exactly what is going on. Is this a normal thing for a Marine or, is it something along the lines of you got deferment while finishing your degree during WW2.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 year ago
  • Is The US Not Honoring A Treaty Like The ANZUS an impeachable offence.?

    I am reading an interesting book at the moment where Australia is invaded by Indonesia. Australia invoked the ANZUS treaty and the president refused. The only countries the responded was England - the Queen being technically the head of both the Australian and British armed forces ordered the British Commandos to help and New Zealand sent their SAS immediately. In the story the surviving Australians formed a guerrilla force often led by the SASR and wrecked havoc on the invaders but it was going to take probably years without US help. There was nothing from the US because the president refused. The US public however rioted and martial law had to be invoked. It took a while but the US president was impeached and they then sent help immediately after that. Is that likely to happen ie if the president refused to honor the ANZUS treaty they can be impeached or would it take the US people rioting.

    4 AnswersMilitary2 years ago
  • Australian Native English Speaker Studying In UK?

    An acquaintance, borne in Australia, speaks nothing but English, and has done all their schooling English is thinking of studying in the UK. Yet I keep reading you need to demonstrate English proficiency to study in the UK. I know for a UK student to study in Australia all that's required is they show all their schooling was done in English. I am perplexed - do you have to show English proficiency by IELTS or similar. If so it sounds absurd. The person concerned is also going to study some subjects via the University of Open Learning n the UK. You can do that in Australia - take a reduced number of subject (4 instead of the normal 6) and do some study at a tertiary institution. If passing that does not demonstrate English proficiency as well as the other factors I mentioned it makes no sense at all. So what is the actual requirements in such a situation. BTW they are not wanting to go to Oxford or Cambridge - just a reputable university like the University Of Manchester. A big attraction for them is you get an honors degree in 3 years - it takes 4 years in Australia and you can do a Masters in many programs with just one extra year.

    4 AnswersStudying Abroad2 years ago
  • Is Targeting The Cartoid Sinus Legal In MMA?

    Years ago when I studied Tai Chi my teacher told me in Tai Chi you are taught a number techniques that are very dangerous and not allowed in ring competition. They were, eye pokes or gouges, cupping the hand and hitting the ear to burst the ear drum, throat strikes, base of the skull strikes, and some others I cant recall. Groin hits and kicks are also dangerous but were legal.You should only fight if you have to - always run away - but if you have to fight then anything goes. You may or may not win but if its you or the other person then its better off you. I was speaking to an acquaintance into MMA and he confirmed those techniques are out - just as I was told - except one - Cartoid Sinus strikes. I was surprised - if done right your opponent goes down but its dangerous - even death can result. I would have thought it was banned.

    3 AnswersMartial Arts3 years ago
  • Should Rafter Coach Ashley Barty?

    Ashley like Rafter has great volleys but I saw her latest match and she wasn't slicing and coming in - she sliced all right but should have come in after it more. Do you think Rafter could help her?

    2 AnswersTennis3 years ago
  • Testosterone of 5 and severe sleep apnea?

    A friend has severe sleep apnea and uses a Cpap machine to manage it. He also has a testosterone level of 5. He has been as low a 3. He some testosterone replacement left but is running out so went to a doctor to get some more who refused to give him any until they find the cause of the low testosterone. I thought sleep apnia caused it - it was obvious. Now he is desperate. I advised him to come up where I am that is a much bigger city then where he lives and get a though going over by some specialists. But he has no idea what to do in the meantime - they simply will not prescribe any more testosterone and he remembers how he nearly committed suicide when he was at 3 he felt that lousy. Any idea o what he can do util he gets a work-over by specialists. Personally I think its obvious - the sleep apnia but I am not a doctor. I looked it up and 5 is pretty low - but 3 is really low - surely a competent doctor will not let it get that low again even if they haven't exactly determined the cause.

    2 AnswersMen's Health4 years ago
  • Can you bowl a bouncer on a good length if you are genuinely express like Thommo?

    Ian Chappell always maintained Thommo was so dangerous because he could bowl a bouncer on a good length. He, claims mind you, who really knows, umpires were always warning Thommo about intimidatory bowling even though he was bowling on a good length. As a captain he had to step in and say that was not the laws of cricket - it was just Thommo was a freak. I saw some old footage of Thommo and sure enough he was able to get the ball to rear off a good length. They were very dangerous but were they actually bouncers?

    5 AnswersCricket4 years ago
  • Can You Believe This Lot Were The First To Beat The Japanese In WW2?

    I first saw this picture years ago and still cant believe this lot actually beat the Japanese

    I think its something Australian.

    9 AnswersHistory5 years ago
  • Cant Send Mail.?

    I keep getting cant connect to the internet in Yahoo Mail. Its been like this off and on for a few days now. Its been doing it for the last 6 hours.

    1 AnswerAbuse and Spam5 years ago
  • Would You Say Lew Hoad Was A Serve And Vollyer?

    He was virtually unbeatable when at his best. But it is said he hit winners from anywhere - even way behind the baseline. So was he purely a serve vollyer - of course they all serve vollyed back then - but was that his game - was he a net rusher? Any student of the game have a view?

    1 AnswerTennis6 years ago
  • Tailgating - What To Do About it?

    While driving today this truck was tailgating me. I came to a roundabout and a car was entering the roundabout. So I stopped to give way and the car nearly rear ended me. He was obviously very shaken because when I took off he remained for quite a while. Trouble is I simply don't know what to do about it. Maybe simply pull over and let them pass.

    4 AnswersSafety6 years ago
  • Did You Know Ryan Harris Won The 2003 Bradman Medal As An All Rounder.?

    I was watching the cricket today and was stunned how good Ryan Harris was batting. Then I did a bit of research - he actually started out as an all rounder medium pacer and won a medal for it. Michael Clark who was commentating said he practices batting more than any other player in the team and always considers himself an all rounder. I agree - he is. They always said Ray Lindwell, who has similar stats to Harris, was good enough to be in a Sheffield Shield side on his batting alone. I think Harris does as well. Amazing having two quicks the quality of Harris and Johnson that can bat. IMHO that's the real difference between Australia and India.

    4 AnswersCricket6 years ago
  • Did Marshall ever bowl medium pace?

    I was just listening to the cricket commentary and they were saying when Marshall burst on the scene he was really medium pace, then express at about 150k then merely fast at about 140k. I remember the 150k then towards the end about 140k, but medium pace - cant remember that one. He would have done it superbly though.

    4 AnswersCricket6 years ago
  • Is Dale Steyn better than Malcolm Marshall?

    I was reading an article that ranked Steyn ahead of Marshall. Couldn't believe it - Malcolm could more or less take wickets at will under just about any conditions. Steyn seems to need getting worked up to do it like that. Anyway what do others think.

    5 AnswersCricket7 years ago
  • Who had the better backhand volley - Roche or Edberg?

    I was just listening to Federer who attributed his coming to the net a bit more to Edberg who of course was a great volleyer. Then I remembered he was also coached by Roche, who of course was a great volleyer. In fact since Rafter retired he said even now Roche had better volleys than any player on tour. But it raises the question who had the better backhand volley - Edberg or Roche. I give it to Roche - what do others think.

    2 AnswersTennis7 years ago