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  • What is truth...?

    If the truth is what we gather from reputable and authoritative sources, but we reject reputation and authority, then what is the truth?

    What I think I really want to know, is, what is true in all societies to all people?

    6 AnswersSociology4 years ago
  • What is the stereotypical image of a succesful person?

    Looking for answers from integrated Londeners. (presumably the image differs from culture to culture)

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture4 years ago
  • What does it mean? Should I say it?

    My mum sends me a message to say my place was empty. My natural response is to say "you shouldn't say that, if I'm not there I have no place". That's the message I want to send back but I'm scared. I'm not even sure what I mean by it but it feels like my truth. Am I scared because it's a bad thing to say or because it's my true feelings?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What's the difference between saying...?

    What's the difference between "Just want to confirm you're still able to see me on Thursday Evening" and "Just wanted to confirm if you would be able to see me on Thursday Evening" and what would be more suitable in the context of confirming a meeting with an interviewer for a responsible, energetic and people oriented role.

    Personally I feel present tense wins every time for energy and action but at the same time it feels more forceful, which I'm not sure is appropriate, or maybe that's exactly what I want, I don't know!

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago
  • Best material to use to absorb the sound?

    I have a digital piano in my room above another house mate. Unfortunately the sound of me hitting the keys (not the sound through my headphones) is transferred through the piano stand, through the floor boards and through the ceiling of my house mate living below me.

    I've tried folding some thick socks under each leg of the stand though the sound still transfers.

    What is the best to hand material to use to absorb this kind of sound? What's better, books or socks, or cardboard? Or what else can I use that I may have lying around?

    And if none of this is ideal, what long term solution is there?

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • What happen's to the person who abandons everybody to chase his dream?

    Will his heart grow cold?

    Will he feel fulfilled?

    Will he be glad to have done what he was scared to do?

    Will he discover it was a mistake?

    Is he a bad person?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Where do the ripples come from?

    Working in an indoor swimmin pool, the water keeps forming circular ripples over the surface, as if it is raining, or drops are falling from the ceiling. Of course they are not, the pool surface is calm, it is empty, and the ripples come seemingly from nowhere. Any explanation?

    3 AnswersPhysics6 years ago
  • What is Power?

    Not the definition. I understand power is control. What I'm trying to figure out is what Power means to the person trying to attain it.

    Why do some people seek to control more than others?

    Why do some people never seem to be satisfied?

    Is it possible power is simply about seeking your full potential?

    Power is often made out to be an agent of corruption. Is that fair?

    They say power over yourself is true power. I agree. Decreasing the power other people have over you allows you to have all the more power over yourself. But do you necessarily need to have power over someone for them to not have power over you?

    They also say, those that seek power will never have it. Humility is true Power, forgetting yourself and serving the people is where power lies. But sometimes don't you need more control over your own life before you can help someone elses?

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Is it possible to unlearn?

    The expression, "It's like riding a bike", once you know how you can never unlearn. Is it true with all skills?

    What if a person was to over-analyze to the point that they couldn't do it? Should they throw their analysis away, would they have no problem performing the skill as well as they ever did?

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • What is the best question to ask someone to find out what kind of a person they are?

    I m thinking it terms of: what kind of a friend they could be, how they approach life, how real is their character.

    I thought perhaps the question "What is it that you want most out of people?"

    Any ideas?

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • A question about crying and love?

    Is it weird that the last time I cried, it was about a year ago, and it wasn't for myself, I felt really good about myself, I cried because I could see the pain and fear in everyone around me and I felt like their pain became my pain, and their fear became my love.

    I feel like I should have plenty of things to cry about, I was great at crying when I was a kid, why does nothing seem to cut me anymore? Crying felt good. I wonder if perhaps my heart is too cold and closed. Perhaps it is when my heart is open and warm that my mind is at it's healthiest? If so then how do I open it up? And how do I warm it? Is that what happens when you fall in love and are loved back? You have someone you can always rely on to keep your heart open and warm?

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • What's wrong with me?

    I feel like it's all or nothing for me. Either I enjoy life, I'm full of confidence, nothing seems like too big a challenge for me, I love all people, I love myself, my mind is free, I'm a free spirit, music can be the most beautiful heart moving thing, I say what I like and like what I say, I see all the possible bright futures, the present is beautiful, I'm in control, I do what I need to do to achieve my goals and basically I'm an unstoppable force that can deal with everything and can make the best of everything. OR I'm anxious, I can't even see people when I look at them, I'm lost, I can't think straight, I worry about things I wouldn't think twice about, I can't see how to be happy, I can't enjoy anything, not even the things I love most, not music, I can't sleep well, I don't want to talk to anyone, I can't think of anything that would make me happy, sometimes I give up completely and fall into conformity, depression and paralysis. Even when I push myself to get on with life it's with an anxious feeling that this is what I have to do to be happy, though it doesn't make me so.

    I want to be free from this stupid psychology of mine. I want to live life to the full and I don't want my mind to be paralyzed in fear.

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • What would the world be like without fear?

    Any writers out there that have already attempted to imagine such a world?

    When I ask about a world without fear, I don't mean simply a world where people cannot feel the emotion fear because of a psychological problem, I mean a world where fear is replaced with understanding. A world where people are born with a higher understanding of everything like it is their instinct.

    2 AnswersSociology6 years ago
  • How to deal with this person?

    Intro: (skip if you don't care- but it might help answer)

    When things are going well for me, I can deal with anything and anyone (at least I feel like I can). I can turn an angry man into an agreeable fellow, I can persuade a resounding no into a 'OK' or I can make anyone, no matter who they are, feel better when they are around me. I'm also very honest, I don't feign interest, I say what I think, and generally keep my integrity. All great right? However there are some things i cannot do so well, and when these build up, I can slowly turn into the depressed, antisocial, mood killer version of myself. So I need to deal with this in the best way!


    So here's the problem, someone I work with. He's a very sociable character and pretty intelligent. He can talk to almost anyone, I imagine he was once a confident guy, but now he's definitely picked up insecurities. We also have some history of going out together. He is a really nice guy. But he hurts my head! For short periods of time I can tolerate (I'll stay sane and leave his company with furrowed eyebrows wondering why he hurts my head so much) For long periods of time I can get really impatient. Only thing is I feel like if only he had more confidence in himself he could be a really cool guy. But he really drains my vibe! How do I deal with this guy? Do I try fix it or do I drop him? I always see myself as a conscientious kind of guy, but I don't know what the conscientious thing to do would be.

    Friends6 years ago
  • Why would someone say "I've made the decision to..." instead of "I have decided to..."?

    It might be little to go on, but there must be a general reason for this not so subtle change of tense

    3 AnswersLanguages6 years ago
  • If I don't love my mum, should I tell her?

    Since I've moved out of my parents home and I have emotional breathing space, I find myself in a position where I can choose my relationships.

    I've realised that to a large extent my mother has emotionally abused me, I won't go into detail, but the essence of it is that both my parents had a hard life, they are emotionally detached, and my mother hasn't been able to show me love in anyway except by trying to control my life so that there is a 'good' outcome. -when I deviate from the 'good' path much guilt creating rage would follow.

    I'm now 23 and have fully disappointed my parents by throwing away the opportunity to get a good degree. My parents try to keep the relationship going, but it's empty and soul-less. And though I lived under their roof for 20 years, they don't know me and I don't know them. Emotionally distant- I only realise this now that I am getting in touch with my emotions that I have cut myself from for so long.

    I can take care of myself, I don't need them, I don't love them. Is it wrong for me to cut the string and get on with my own life? I feel like if I can fully accept that I have an undesirable relationship with my mother to the point I am willing to cut it loose, I can open a new chapter and finally make an attempt at building healthy relationships with other people.

    (As a guy with a dominant mother, you can see she is much more of concern to me than my father)

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago