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2000 honda cr-v tail lights not working?
I changed the fuse inside the car (old one looked like it was burning out) but they still are not working. The license plate light is working though. Any clue what it might be? It's just weird that they both went out.
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 months agoWhat is the true death% of covid in the U.S?
With cases on the rise again, do we have a close number on the death % of this disease?
8 AnswersPersonal Finance5 months agoSimple green and cleaning ac unit?
Today I noticed my dog peed on my outdoor unit, the unit is new installed in June. I have no clue how many times he has peed on it but I need to spray down the unit. Should I just use plain old water or will simple green be safe to spray the grate and then wash off with water?
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 months agoHow long after drinking can I take aspirin?
How long after some heavy drinking is it safe to take aspirin or excedrin migraine? 3 hour? 6 hours? 12 hours?
1 AnswerMedicine7 months agoBlack polyester blend couch?
I want to know if it's safe to use a pet odor remover on my new polyester blend couch. It's black and I noticed most odor removers use hydrogen peroxide, which I hear can bleach it. Should I just stick to vinegar and baking soda until smell fades away?
Cleaning & Laundry7 months agoPolyester blend couch and dog urine?
Hello I was wondering what is the best way to get rid of dog urine on a black polyester couch? My buddies dog came over and peed on the side while we were out for about 2 hours. I dabbed it with a towel used some water,dish soap, and vinegar. I'm letting dry now but want to know if it's safe to use arm & hammer odor spray on the spot for a black polyester couch. I don't want to fade it.
1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry7 months agoSeasoning new grill?
So I just bought my first charcoal grill and I completely slipped a step called this something I can do before I grill next? Was it dangerous to eat the food? Are there special steps I should take?
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 months agoPotty area for dogs?
Hi, I'm curious if anyone has ideas for what's best for a potty area for two dogs.
I had straight up dirt in the backyard but finally just had it all paved (cement) except for one side of the house which is still dirt.
With dirt= dirty dog paws and sometimes mud. Now I want the potty area to just not be so dirty, what would work well to not track dirt? Chat,wood chips? Something else?
I went to look at artificial turf today and it seems to cost an arm and a leg for such a small area (22ft long 5ft wide)
6 AnswersDogs10 months agoContact prescription and eyeglass prescription?
Hi, I was wondering if you can get a accurate prescription for glasses, based off the contact prescription? For contacts my prescription is -3.75 and -3.5.
Optical10 months agoGlasses prescription and contacts?
Hi, I was wondering if you can get a accurate prescription for glasses, based off the contact prescription? For contacts my prescription is -3.75 and -3.5.
Optical10 months agoOutlet not working?
So I'm at work so idk what the real issue is but I was told from my wife that an outlet in our kitchen has stopped working.
She said she was plugging the iron in and it sparked on the end of the iron (wires) and when she unplugged it and tried to use something else it did not work. All other outlets in the kitchen seem to be working fine. Any clue on what might of happened? Will I need to most likely install a new outlet?
9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs11 months agoBreaker box issue?
Hello, so for the past week I've noticed certain parts of my home (garage,back rooms) have randomly been going out and turning back on with sometimes just going completely out until I flip the main breaker. None of the switches are ever flipped btw. It tends to happen randomly but I've noticed at night it happens often and I either have to go outside and flip the main or it just leave the back rooms dark. I got all the breakers replaced just a couple months ago. What the heck could it be now?
6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs12 months agoHow to remove screw?
Hi, I accidentally put the wrong size screw into my bed frame and now it is stuck. Any clue how I can remove it? It's loose on the inside so with the drill it just sits there and spins. Would magnetic drill bits be strong enough?
9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 year ago2001 Silverado broken into?
Hi, my Silverado was broken into last night. They actually completely took off a door handle. My question is idk if it's beyond a serious repair. Was wondering what all I would need to fix this?
They also took the plastic off around the steering wheel and ignition which is a mess right still starts but all the wires are exposed
7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 year agoElectrical issues in home?
So for the past week I have noticed power surges and sometimes complete power outages throughout the whole house. I went to check my panel box and I noticed the breakers were all very old and when even wiggling them I heard electrical currents throughout and just got them replaced including the main. All was well right after until about an hour later as I was washing clothes and the exact Sr thing started to happen. I literally have all new breakers. I'm lost now on what the issue can be.
17 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 year agoDaughter has red Dot on nose?
My daughter has had this small dot on her nose for over a year, the pediatrician never referred us to a dermatologist so I'm just curious if anyone knows what this could be. Could it be a cancer of some sort? Or does it seem like it can be something else? It doesn't seem like it has grown but I also can't tell. There's no bump.
5 AnswersSkin Conditions1 year agoProfit shares and tax penalties?
Hello all, I recently I was able to get my paperwork for my profit shares through a company I use to work for. It's only about 400$ but I can use that money right now.
My question is I hear there is penalties if you take it out before a certain age? How does that work out?
2 AnswersInvesting1 year agospider angiomas in kids?
My daughter seems to have spider angiomas on her nose, which looks like a pin prick basically. I don't know much about them but I was wondering what causes them? Are they dangerous? She's had it about a year and doctors don't seem worried about it
Skin Conditions1 year agoTesticular cancer or?
Hello, so I have been recently checking myself every week to see if there are any signs of cancer, I never have before but decided at 28 I should start.
So what I've noticed about my testicles is the left seems normal, the right looks normal but I noticed there is something squishy that seems like it is near or on the testicle when I feel around. Anyone have any clue what that could be? It does get tender if I mess with it too much but obviously it's something that I'm curious of.
6 AnswersCancer1 year agoNissan Altima codes?
So I was going through my drive cycle and I had a scanner on it. While driving the codes were all getting OKd minus the misc and fuel . I then turned off the car to get a drink and when I came back and restarted it I noticed all the codes went to incomplete again. Anyone know the reason why? Trying to get these OKd so I can register the vehicle
1 AnswerNissan2 years ago