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Lv 2612 points

Matthew K

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Answers130 goin on much....just checken my emails.....yyyeeeaaaahh i still can't belive ur reading this. lol. never mind. if u wish to learn more about me, sign up for, or aim. k. um u still must be very exciting...

  • Attachment image

    NEED HELP PET (frog) IDENTIFICATION (with photo)?

    I bought this frog as a tadpole, it wasn't tiny like an endler or fish fry but it was about as big as a peanut with a shell. I thought it was an African dwarf frog or and African clawed frog but he doesn't seem to behave like one. He likes to sit on a floating log I provided him in my 55 gallon tank. I gave it to him noting how he seemed to like to be on the surface of the water or he seemed to be trying to stand on something. I was told he would be a filly aquatic frog but now that I see him always on that log I don't think so. His skin doesn't seem to dry out which leads me o think that he takes a dip once in a while. I leave food for him on the log as well however I never see him actually eat and I don't notice any food missing. You can see all his details in the picture provided. I should note that I also have a very sizeable Ryukin in the tank, the water is warm like 75-80f and I have 2 air stones blowing bubbles. I heard they don't like those so I think that might be the reason he doesn't want to be in the water. I did try to move him to a smaller tank fit for Berta fish but he did the same behavior of stayin to the top and seemed to prefer being on my hand j stead of in the water. I do use water conditioners (API stress coat) to make the tap water safe. What is wrong with my African dwarf frog if he even is one? Is he sick? Or is he just a different kind of frog? He is also not very big probably just and inch in size.

    2 AnswersFish4 years ago
  • Koi owners! HELP!?

    I had recently bought a small 3 inch koi and a comet gold fish with a common gold fish, both around an inch. They currently live in a 55 gallon tank with a telescope, two ryukins, and a crawfish. I know that the tank is much to overpopulated and small for the koi and goldfish for them to live long and grow big. I didn't before but now I am wondering if it is possible of me to sell them to any pond owners who can provide them the space and life they need to stay healthy and happy.

    2 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • Koi Fish in a 55 Gallon tank?

    I bought a small Koi fish recently, about 3 inches maybe and i put it in my 55 gallon tank with 2 large ryukins, one large telescope, and two 1 inch comet and common gold fish. There is also one cray fish about 2 inches. I thought that oi fish size was dependent on the gallons of the tank but i found out that it is not. I read it can grow more than 1 foot long and my tank is only 4 feet long. Will my Koi be okay in this tank? and if not what can i do with it? Ponds are out of the option but another tank is a slim possibility depending on size and $$$ since i don't want to give my parents a heart attack. Also, any tips to care for the koi would be appreciated like food, water temperature, the other fish, anything to make my fish happy.

    5 AnswersFish6 years ago
  • My upload speed is .15 mbps!!! Help!?

    Yes it is .15mbps, is this bad? I'm pretty sure it is because when I try to upload anything (videos, pictures, status) its pretty slow (435 minutes to upload a 26 minute youtube video). How can i fix this problem? I'm using Comcast Cable internet, it is my own. I'm not connected by wire but by external wireless USB. I already know that's bad but in the begging like say a year ago, it was working fine and fast as ever, the download speed would be like 10 to 15 and the upload would be like 9. But now the download speed is at 8 to 9 and the upload is at .15 and lower. Am I infected with malware or is comcast just the worst company ever?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking7 years ago
  • Closing account?

    I couldn't pay for my subscriptions anymore (5 dollars a month per subscription), however, it seems that some what cheated me because I couldn't unsubscribe from streamers or make it so that my subscriptions stop renewing (Meaning I only pay 5 dollars for one month of subscription). So i closed the account. I want to be reassured that the subscriptions are canceled when my account is closed. However, I could not confirm this theory. Literally had nothing in their forums or FAQ that could confirm this for me, to be honest I don't even know what closing my account actually did. I just know I can no longer log on to it. I want to know that while my account is closed or "Disabled", as they label it, that they are not still renewing the subscriptions. Because that would mean that I am paying 5 dollars a month per subscription on an account that I can no longer use. Can anyone who has cancelled their Twitch account before confirm that I am no longer paying the subscriptions now that the account is closed? I tried to Google an answer but I couldn't find anything close to my issue. Thanks. (PS, I should also mention that i had connected the Twitch account to my facebook and my Gmail. Am I still going to get notifications and stuff from Twitch? Does the closing of the Twitch account stop the connection with my Facebook? I hope so...)

    1 AnswerFacebook7 years ago
  • What does dueling in DCUO give me?

    Does it give exp or money? what are the benefits from dueling with other players? is it just for fun?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • why does windows movie maker break my imported videos into clips?

    So whenever i import a video into my windows movie maker, it divides it into a large number of clips with random duration times. i just click on one video to import it. im using windows moviemaker 2.6 fresh downloaded from the internet. the imported videos range from 20 - 40 minutes long. and are around 50gb. BUT, on my other computer windows moviemaker doesnt do this. how can i fix this problem?

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Deleting fraps videos but not getting back any free space on my hardrive?

    I've been using fraps to record my gaming and sometimes i get some bad videos. so i delete them. but my hardrive doesn't get any space back. My recycle bin is empty and the fraps video files are not in there. Where are they going? I've dug through file after file and couldn't find any of the video files. My hardrive has NO ROOM for anything even though i've deleted the videos. My video files range from 6gb to 15gb and my recycle bin has 461899mb of space. Where are these files going and how can i get rid of them to get space back in my hardrive? Why are they still taking up space even when deleted?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Help me! i dont understand this equation!?

    Simplify: x^3 - 36x over x^2 + 7x + 6 divided by 6x^2 - x^3 over x^2 +x

    I just started trigonometry and i have no idea wht to do with this one equation. I did every other one but this ones too hard X_X please tell me how to do it. :( PLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • How do I commentate my Gamming?

    Well i dont have a mic or a head set but i have my Ipod headphones and i think it has a mic so im using that as my mic for now. The headphones ill worry about later. What programs do i use for recording? I want to make youtube videos of my gaming (not that im good just for the fun) because i watch A guy named syndicate commentate his gamming and it looks fun. Im going to record on my DELL desktop Games like League of legends and Combat Arms and possibly Minecraft. But i have no idea how. Will my mic automatically Put my voice into the film or do i have to somehow edit it into there? What Program is the best to use for recording? (Free one? possibly? I'm only 15) I tried recording Using the Combatarms Built in Fraps but the quality is horrible. (Bloodymkc youtube) How can i have good commentating footage and post it on youtube? How is the Film Saved? Im such a NOOB X_X

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • anyone know what happened to

    I used to go there to watch anime and to chat to people. but now after like 5 years the website seems to not exist or changed to something weird. in the link its supposed to look like the pictures but now when I go to the website there's just this smiling lady...

  • How do i solve this problem?

    a number is 15 more than another. the sum of twice the larger and 3 times the smaller is 182. what are the numbers?

    yes my teacher has taught me but i forgot. i do that to what i find unimportant. not only that but inorder to study, we don't get notes, we get WORKSHEETS. she gave me lessons on problems like this in october i think and of course i threw all papers related to this away because of "binder checks" where my binder must be neat and rid of old work. what was i supposed to do? leave all my old math work in my room? if you took her classes (i have a double period with her) you can understand how much 80 minutes worth of worksheets is. its A LOT and i didnt plan on making a library in my room. so can i please have some help? not only for this problem, but how to solve it.

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • How did ancient egyptian women spend their hours during the day?

    I can't find any site about them. Like there are sites but they don't have what I need. I need something like this:

    8am the women wake up

    9am they cook breakfast.

    So on and so fourth. I need like a schedule of the ancient Egyptian women's days. I need it for my social studies school project...Which kills... So if anyone has a good site or just the answers up front I'd be much appreciated.

    5 AnswersHistory10 years ago
  • I don't understand....?

    A 4.50-g nugget of pure gold absorbed 276j of heat. What is the final temperature of the gold if the initial temperature was 2.50 degrees Celsius? The specific heat of gold is 0.129j/(g* degrees Celsius)

    My teacher taught me only how to solve how much heat is absorbed/released and how to find specific heat capacity. But initial temperature and final temperature? What is that? It seems all too complicated. I don't understand the question at all and can't solve it... Please help!

    1 AnswerChemistry10 years ago
  • She's confusing me...?

    Alright, so there's this girl in my school that everyone likes. Girls are friendly to her, and guys always fall for her....I became one of them. I'm one of the few (maybe the only) that admitted my feelings to her... Through instant messages.... She made it sound like no big deal. Like she didn't care you know? We became really close friends after I admitted. Then, a few times in class I notice her staring at me. In science class, the lights were off and we were watching this thing, I was in-between my two friends in a conversation. And I was moving my head from side to side to face the speakers. On my left side when my buddy was talking, I think we met eyes, but unsure, I pretended I was facing my friend. And kept doing that...her eyes were still on me. For a science group project, her best friend who has a crush on me forced me to join their group. And you know we were working and talking, and then her friend asked her if she liked me. And she said that we were only acquaintances. As usual I looked un hurt. I was only scratched... And I still played my friendly games of teases and jokes and taunts and whatnot's. During the time they were passing out our graduation robes, she was behind me and leaned her self on me. (her boob was making contact with my elbow). Uncomfortable at the awkward touching, I shifted away. but then, she Just did the same thing again.( yes my elbow made contact with her breast again...) this confused me. I mean, I talk to her on AIM and she just usually sound all bored and not caring of what I say. Answers back like an hour later... There are a few times when I get a good fun conversation from her. She's not like this in person... Also, During our senior trip to six flags, she and her girlfriends picked me and 2 other guys to be in their group(12 people max) and I mean, I just got confused you know? I was about to join my friends but during a class where we were partners, she said I was in her group. So I had no say in it... She listed me down, I let her. On the lines of green lantern and eltoro, she said that I am sitting with her. She said it with like this "your not sitting anywhere else" kinda tone. She kept screaming "I'm gonna die!" which was pretty cute ^^ after that and lunch, (oh yeah. I should mention that there's not a day where I don't tease her or tell jokes and stuff. And she would usually laugh. I basically do this every time we talk). We road the Congo rapids and she was SOAKED while I was dry. When we went to the looses to get our stuff, she did the lean again. My elbow made contact with her boob for the third time... So you see, I'm very confused. Is she trying to signal something? I still like her. Probably will never stop. I keep thinking of all the times she leaned on me, all the times I catch her staring at me, all the times she basically touched me and I had to walk away from the awkwardness, and then, when I AIM her, she answers hours or at least 20 minutes later, usually answer with 1-3 words as if trying to end the conversation. What do you guys think? Does she like me? Or is she just pulling my strings? If she is... It's kinda working...

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Math sux! need help!?

    the equatoin l=4n+2 gives the length of the light string needed for side and top edges of a climbing wall with n sectoins in it's frame. wat size frame (# of sectoins) can be lighted with a string that is 38 meters long?

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • winter hw. need help. too hard. pls. help. parents don't know. pls!!!!!!?

    the equatoin a=4n tells the area of a frame with n sectoins. how many sectoins must be built to give a climbing wall with an area of 96 square meters

    10 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • >.< hard test question?

    the equation c=100+300n tells the cost of building a frame of n sections. how many sectoins can be built for a cost of 4000$? how high will that wall be? (the wall refers to some guy building a wall)

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • hard test question that i didn't get?

    the equation B=1+3n tells the number of beams required to build a frame of n sectoins. how many sections can be built with 79 beams?

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • help help some thing wrong with my cpu?

    ok, so 4 some reason, something keeps saying "cool" on my cpu. there are no pop ups and it happens on any website. some times im not even on a web site and something just says cool. i scanned for viruses and have none. so plz tell me what the f**k is up with my computer. it's creeping me out and pissing me off. and i want it to stop.

    4 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago