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' faiiiiren <3

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  • Pink swelling from baby's eye ? Please read .?

    So, this past weekend, I watched my in-laws house until Wednesday while they were at their cottage . I have two small children . They have a nasty, untrained dog .

    Anyways, Wednesday morning, while I had my back turned, the dog knocked my son down and attacked him for his cookie . The dog's nail or tooth (not sure) grazed him on the skin under his eyebrow in two places . The actual wounds are only about half a centimeter each . The skin above and below his eye has turned pink, no darker, and swollen up so that his eye is only open 3/4 way open . I spoke to Telehealth and showed a pharmacist and both told me that unless the eye started showing signs similar to pink eye, he would be fine without treatment . I have been using Polysporin on the wounds . My question is - does anyone know of any ways to bring down the swelling ? I feel so bad for him, he's only 15 months and his little baby angel face looks so sad with this puffy eye .

    Thank you in advance for any answers !!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How to put together a metal bedframe ?

    I got it from a friend, so no instructions . It is basically two long pieces of metal that fold out two ways on each side with wheels on it . It came with two brackets and two screws with a washer type thing on them . Could anyone who just so happens to be a genius let me know how on Earth this thing goes together because I'm losing my patience .

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Turkey neck question ... HELP ASAP ?!?

    This is my first year making Christmas dinner and I'm kind of clueless . I made a turkey yesterday but my boyfriend was here to pull out the giblets and neck . He's not here right now, he's gone on a coffee run .

    My question is - Is there a problem with cooking the neck in ? That might be a stupid question, but I've never cooked a turkey before in my life, and I just pulled out the giblets and just about vomited . I can't imagine pulling the neck out . So, safe or not ? There will be two young children eating this turkey also .

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • L'Oreal Haircolor Remover ... does it work ?

    So, I just bought a box of L'Oreal haircolor remover . I am going to dye it an auburn after I use it .

    Problem is, I have been trying to grow the black I once had out for about 10 months ... and it's still in half of my hair ! Should I use the product on my whole head still ? Plus, any stories of this actually working would be great !

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerHair1 decade ago
  • Jammed finger - 9 month old baby . HELP ?

    So, this afternoon my 5 year old and 10 month old were playing this "leap-out-from-behind-the-door-and-yell-boo-to-make-the-baby-laugh" game with one of them on either side of the door . I slipped out of the room for a washroom break ( washroom being 5 steps away ) and of course, the baby's finger had gotten slammed in the door crack .

    It started to show bruising shortly after, from the cuticle to about the halfway point of his little nail . I had my mother ( a nurse ) check to see if it was broken, as he was screaming so hard, it was heartbreaking .

    What I'm looking for is some similar experiences . I'm wondering if this happened to your baby/child, if the nail fell off ? How long it took ? How long it took for a nail to grow back ? Preferably from the perspective of someone with a small child as I imagine their nails would grow at a different rate than an adults .

    Thank you .

    ps ; PLEASE do not leave any negative comments, I already feel horrible that this has happened .

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Attention, mommies of 9 month old babies !?

    Now that I have your attention :)

    I actually just thought I'd post something for fun . If you have a nine month old baby, right now, what are they up to ? My son is 9 months old and he is the cutest little thing . He's cruising, and crawling, destroying everything he can find, and just yapping away . He makes me wish I could be 9 months old so I could have as much fun as he does .

    Anyone else want to share ?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • HOLY MOLY...anyone else have trouble sleep training ?

    My son is 9 months old . Up until just recently, he was sleeping so well, only waking once for feeding and bum change, then falling right back asleep . Lately, since he learned to stand anyways, he's getting up here, there, 12:30, 2:35, get the point, whenever he fancies, yelling "MAMAMAMA" and crying . I gave in a few times and let him out to play but now, I'm sleep deprived and I definitely see the error of my ways . Anyone else have this problem ? Opinions ? Tricks to get him to stay asleep ?

    Thanks in advance, mommies :)

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My baby won`t lift his head during tummy time ?

    My son is 15 weeks, 4 months next Friday and we are having so much trouble getting him to lift his head, or push himself up onto his forearms, it`s unbelievable . We`ve tried lots of different things, getting down there with him and playing with his toys, putting a musical toy within his sight then slowly raising it and we give him tummy time 4 times a day most days . I have a public health nurse and she pretty much said in not so many words that we`re neglectful towards playing with him, regardess of the fact that he rolls himself onto his sides, and he has great neck strength ( he can already sit up in his high chair ) I`d appreciate any suggestions, because we`re at our wits end and I need to get this public health nurse off my behind and prove her wrong .

    Thanks in advance .

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My four year old son is losing teeth ?

    Yes, teeth as in plural . For a long while, his teeth had been spacing to the point that his two front bottom teeth were unsightly in my little boy`s mouth . Then one day, he lost one while eating a granola bar, I had a public health nurse check his mouth and she told me the bottom incisior beside it was also very wiggly, and it fell out that night, and now the two beside the central bottom incisors are wiggly . He is only four years old ( 5 at the end of June ) . He lost his top front teeth in an accident when he was 3 . Does anyone have any relative stories ? I`m a big baby about these things, so he has a dentist appointment Tuesday, I`d just like some advice and opinions to tide me over until then .

    Thanks in advance and God bless ! <3

    5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • What age your child lost their first tooth ?

    HI :)

    My 4-almost 5-year old lost his first tooth ( bottom central incisor ) this morning and when I felt around, the one beside it is very loose also . I called the dentist and apparently it's normal considering he has amazing oral hygiene, and his last x-rays were clear . My question is if anyone else's child lost their first tooth/teeth before the given age of 6 . I was stunned and a bit grossed out ( God's idea of a funny - give the woman with the weakest stomach two boys :P ) but they had gotten gapped quite a bit over the past while so I should have known :P

    Anyways, leave me your stories :D

    5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Blood from c-section incision ?

    So, my son was born 9 weeks ago via c-section . My staples were removed at 3 and 9 days post-partum and since they were removed, I've had a light, white discharge from the wound which I was told is normal . Now tonight, as I went to clean the incision, there was a very small amount of blood after I wiped along the incision . There are no red streaks coming from the wound, or pus, or pain nor do I have a fever . I'd like to know if anyone else experienced this and what their doctor did for it, and/or if they were told it was normal . I plan on going to the doctor's tomorrow myself, I'm just looking for some peace of mind until then .

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pink eye in my newborn baby ?

    Ahhh, it`s been so long between my first and second baby, everything feels so foreign . I feel so silly asking so many questions on here . Also, my firstborn never had problems like my newborn . So here`s the situation . My 6 week old son had a blocked tear duct at birth, and that was just the little bit of cloudy goop in the corner of his eye that had to be wiped out . I made a habit out of wiping it out at every diaper change but the past few days, the discharge has been greenish yellow, and collecting on his little eyelashes and his lower lid . No matter how much I wipe it, it just builds back up instantly and when he wakes up from his longer stretch of sleep in the morning, his eye is crusted shut . There is no fever, I`ve been checking every few hours to make sure . I`m pretty sure it`s pink eye, I mean I`m not too sure where he would have gotten it from, my other son hasn`t gotten it . My question is, is there anything I can do to make him more comfortable over this weekend ( since its Easter weekend and my doctor`s office is closed ) . I have a visit with a public health nurse Tuesday morning, but he is so upset, since he`s got the eye goop and just started a growth spurt . Poor little guy is just so miserable so any reasonable suggestions would be amazing . I`m not open to giving my baby ANY medication that isn`t prescribed so that`s not an option .

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Leaking from c-section incision 6 weeks postpartum?

    So, a bit of background information . This was my second c-section and my first, I had an infection and the wound was packed until I could ooze no more so I'm new to the healing naturally aspect of it . Anyways, my son is 6 weeks today and otherwise, I have felt amazing . No fever, no pain and I even seem to be walking the way I did before I was pregnant lol . I don't cover it with gauze or anything ( haven't at all ) because a large part of why an infection occured with my first was because it was covered from the moment it was stapled up . Since my staples were taken out ( first few when baby was 5 days old, the rest when he was 9 days old ) , I've had leakage from my incision . I'm not talking a large amount of fluid, it's just a bit on my the top seam of my underwear everyday, not enough that I have to change and it's of the same consistency of water, and white to beige-yellow in color . As I said, there is no pain, and no fever . I guess my question in the end is if anyone else went through something similar and if it was in fact normal ? Since it's not causing me pain, I don't plan on calling my doctor up, I'm going to wait until my son's 2 month appointment and ask them to check it out, just looking for some piece of mind . Thank you in advance !

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is my 5 week old baby sleeping too much ?

    My son just hit the 5 week mark today and tonight, he had a normal feeding at 7:30 or so and fell asleep around 8 pm . He has been sleeping since then and I am getting a bit worried . I picked him up at 11:30 to change his diaper and he had a good pee, and took the whole 4 oz feeding but kept his eyes closed during and went right back to sleep after . Do I have reason to be concerned or am I just being paranoid ? I should probably be thrilled that he's slept so long but being worried isn't allowing me to sleep . Any answers would be great . Thanks :)

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My newborn has a cold and ... ?

    I guess I am looking for any NON-MEDICINAL ways I can help my baby feel more comfortable . He's a month old, and has a stuffy nose, a few sneezes and a cough but no fever thank God . My first son was born in June so we didn't have this problem until he was a bit older . I know I can use the saline drops and suction bulb, so anything other than that, would be amazing since the saline drops take a little bit to work . My guess is the drastic change in weather here ( Ottawa, Ontario ) has caused him to get the cold, since it went from winter cold, to plus temperatures and the past couple days, cooler again hence the no fever .

    So, thank you in advance for your advice & God bless !

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I'm 24 weeks and my baby hasn't moved since last night.?

    He's usually a really active little guy, actually technically he's not so little. He already weighs a bit more than 2 lbs so trust me when I say, I feel the full force of his little movements. So I guess I'm looking for any Mommy suggestions to get him bumping around before I go insane and rush to the hospital, considering I'd rather not with the H1N1 insanity going around. Thank you and God bless.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why the hell do people ask stupid questions....?

    and when I give them a stupid answer to their stupid question, they report me ? PLEASE. Do you really think that we know if you're pregnant, or who your baby daddy is ? Be realistic. Some people on here have real questions, that have answers. Unfortunately for you, no one has figured out how to program a pee stick into the computer.

    Sorry for the rant, but W T H.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Belly watch, is anyone due March 3, 2010.?

    Hi ! and let me thank anyone who answers in advance.

    I'm ( obviously ) due March 3, 2010 and this is my second child. My first is 4 years old and I was told you show a lot earlier with your second. With my first, I started showing around 3 months, and with this pregnancy, I'm at 10 weeks-4 days, and not showing whatsoever.

    Any other mommies due on or around this date, your belly stories ?

    Thank you !

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What are your opinions on VBAC ?

    So, I'm pregnant with my third baby. My son is 4, attempt number two was a miscarriage at 7w5d and I am 7w1d with baby number 3. I had a c-section with my son, due to his huge head. I was just looking for mommies opinions or experiences with VBAC. Your help would be appreciated.

    Thank you & God bless.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Obese and 7 weeks pregnant ?

    So, I had my first prenatal appointment today, I'm 7 weeks, 1 day. I was weighed in and I could have cried - 5'8 and 204 pounds. Now, I have never been a big girl but on March 29th I had a miscarriage, which led to the "eat your feelings" syndrome.

    I guess my question is how possible it is to start following a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables and lose weight and if this is healthy for baby ? I most certainly don't want to be 250 pounds by the end of my pregnancy but I also don't want to harm my baby in any way.

    Don't get me wrong, I do intend to ask my doctor if it's healthy at my next prenatal appointment in two weeks, I would just appreciate some other mommies imputs.

    Thank you, & God bless.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago