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  • My Room Mate Needs Help.. I Need Advice?

    My room mate is an only parent mother. Her 2 daughters seem to be rapidly driving her over the edge and I am worried she is going to have a nervous break down.

    I talked with her tonight and I noticed while she was venting she was trying to hold it together, trying to be strong so I brought up the possibility of joining some sort of support group. She kind of shrugged it off but I am convinced she needs help to keep her sanity.

    She is on a wait list to see a counselor but was told it was a 6 month wait, but is most likely longer as her friend has been waiting 9 months so far to see someone in that facility. I mentioned maybe going to another counselor and she seemed fine with it but not to motivated even with everything that is going on.

    Without getting into details regarding everything that is going on, I found a support group through the province I live in and I am unsure if I should mention it to her. I don't want to offend her by confronting her with a phone number and telling her that I really think it is in her best interest to contact someone who is qualified to help parents in any parenting situation. I am just a renter and I don't want to upset her and have to move out. She feels comfortable to talk to me about this and I don't want to wreck that.. I just want to help.


    1 AnswerParenting7 years ago
  • Mom of 2 daughters seems to be really protective?

    I am looking for advice of what I can say, and how to approach the mom about ideas on how to handle her 2 daughters.

    One daughter who is 11 seems to be having a hard time dealing with the fact her dad (mom and dad are divorced) doesn't want anything to do with the mom and the 2 daughters the mom is taking care of. The dad lived with them through her childhood so she knows him.

    The other daughter who is 9 doesn't like her dad, and doesn't really know him because he left when she was younger.

    The mom doesn't like the dad either but isn't against them seeing their dad, but again, their dad doesn't want anything to do with them so he ignores phone calls and hasn't seen his kids in a couple years.

    The mom seems to be really stressed out about it. Shes REALLY protective of them in such cases where they can't go out of sight from her if they are riding their bikes or go in the back yard if myself or her are out there. The kids just want to play around with each other but when they make noise the mom gets really upset.

    The 2 girls seem to come down to the basement room I am renting because I let them have fun. the noise doesn't travel well to the upstairs so the mom doesn't get mad about that but it kind of seems like the 2 girls are prisoners in the house. They never have friends come over i'm guessing because of the potential for noise, which again.. upsets the mom.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how I can talk to the mom and explain that her kids need to be kids to stay sane?

    2 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • flash drives in a wii to watch movies question?

    If I put a couple AVI files or MP4 files on a flash drive, can I plug the flash drive into the wii and watch the videos through the wii?

    4 AnswersNintendo Wii7 years ago
  • 3 year old intact male question?

    I know this question will be hit or miss and nobody will know for sure but I just moved into a house where there is another male dog.

    My male lab is intact. He's not aggressive but acts stressed out and agitated by the other dog. There have only been 2 other male dogs that he actually played with and they were older than him. This other dog is neutered and is only 1.5 years old.

    I'm not looking for people to tell me to neuter or state health reasons why I should neuter... I am looking for people who have been in a situation where their intact male was stressed (not aggressive) and decided to neuter to see if it helped the dog to relax. My male will once in awhile give a 2 awning snap as to say "back off" but never full out attacks. He would rather leave males alone but when I'm in the yard the owners dog just wants to play.

    Suggestions? Any training I can do to get my dog more comfortable around males? Has neutering your 3 year old helped him around males?

    2 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Question regarding eviction?

    I'm moving out on the 10th because of landlord behavior. She treats me like a child, constantly lies to me, had accused me of damage even though I have a walk through on video showing the damage being there prior to me moving in and earlier on the week she came into the suite without notice and I had to have the police remove her. I have had money go missing and on several occasions have suspected her in the suite when I was not home but because I have no physical proof I can not sue her or charge her with theft.

    I am not in a lease agreement.. it is a month to month rental. I didn't pay my rent this month and she knows I don't intend to as she has already tried to collect. She knows I am moving out on the 10th, I read on the residential tenancy website for my city that she can serve me a 10 day eviction notice for non payment but she hasn't served me with anything.

    Does she have to serve the eviction notice to evict me if she knows I'm leaving on the 10th?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • bringing a football on a plane?

    So I want to bring a regulation CFL football to mexico and I have packed it in my check in bag. It is inflated.. do you think this should be ok? I keep reading about pressurization of 8000 feet so it could explode but I also read that it will be fine because things like airosol cans don't explode...

    Has anyone here brought an inflated football on a plane?

    3 AnswersAir Travel7 years ago
  • should I smoke again for the next week then quit again?

    so i quit about a week ago thinking it would be simple (which it has been) but im going to mexico in 12 hours and I am caughing a lot like im dying.. spitting up phlegm. I know this is normal but I don't want this to ruin my vacation.

    should I just go back to smoking for a week and then quit when im no longer on vacation? The whole not smoking thing is easy.. its just the feeling sick thing I don't want during my vacation.

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • What are the chances neutering will help with this issue?

    So my dogs 2.5 years old and iintact. Had him since a pup but while trying to socialize him he was bullied a lot. He still is bullied quite a bit so I try and avoid dog situations however now I am moving into a house as a roommate and my dog keeps snapping... looks like he's trying to take alpha... below humans alpha over him (so alpha in the dog - dog pack). He doesn't full out attack and never has but he does seem on edge when around other dogs especially males.

    I'm wondering if cutting off his supply of testosterone would prevent him from being on edge around other dogs?

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • What are your views on e-cigarettes apposed to traditional cigarettes?

    Some people argue that e-cigarettes are worse than smoking the traditional cigarette because nobody actually knows what your breathing in in regards to the e-cigarette.

    Others argue that, although you don't know what your breathing in when using an e-cigarette, you do know what you are breathing in when smoking the traditional cigarette.

    If traditional cigarettes WILL KILL YOU eventually, how could an e-cigarette be worse?

    2 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • help with dog seperation anxiety?

    I need help here as I seem to have created a mentally unstable dog when I leave him alone..

    I can't walk around my house without my dog following me everywhere and anways being excited. When I stand up he always thinks I am leaving so he starts to get excited.. even if I'm only getting up to go to the bathroom. The first 6 months of his life I left him alone while I was at work and it was a nightmare. I would always come home to things ripped up so I bought a crate and crate trained him. He's fine in a crate if I am home and will go in and out fine, sleeps in his crate fine but when I come home he has either escaped or destroyed any bedding I had in the crate.

    Hes 2.5 years old now and I think enough is enough.. he needs to learn to entertain himself and get more confidence. It's unhealthy for me and him to live like this.

    I recently tried to leave him alone and after about 2 hours I got a text from my landlord telling me hes been going bonkers howling non stop since I left.

    Since I got him I have made a point of not making a big deal about my commings and goings, ignoring him when I came home and for about 20 mins before I left and this did nothing (from when I got him to 6 months old when I had to start bringing him everywhere as to not **** off the landlord as his howling was upsetting them)

    How can I conquor this? Is it too late? He pretty much now knows he can come anywhere with me so I don't know how to change this..

    He gets a solid 2 hours every day of chasing a ball and running beside me on a bike but this is usually before I go to bed.

    I don't know what else to say here.. any questions just ask, I will be monitoring this so I can get ample amount of ideas on this issue..

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Why do some people feel the need to 1+ someone they are talking to?

    For instance, 1 person says it was life changing when they had a near death experience but the person they are talking to says they an relate to that and goes on to explain they too had two near death experiences and can relate to how they feel..

    Is that ignorant? Both people experiences are not similar even though both were fighting to live...

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Cooking pulled pork in a slow cooker?

    So I have my pork shoulder and all the spices/liquids in the slow cooker right now but the recipe says that its 5-6 hours on high, or 10-12 hours on low..

    Are their any disadvantages to cooking it a couple hours longer on low?

    The recipe I have followed is at:

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Breeding humans with dogs...?

    Before you dismiss this fact because we have all been told that it is impossible, apparently a dog in Ukraine gave birth to a human looking pup.

    This is not a joke.

    So if a man can get a female dog pregnant, or at the very least modify a pre existing pregnancy.. What are the chances that a male dog can do that to a female human? There are female humans out there who do have sex with dogs (reffering to what I just read about a 20yo arizona girl being jailed for doing such an act - found myself on the crazy end of youtube)

    7 AnswersBiology8 years ago
  • Who gets first pick of the litter?

    My dog may sire a litter of pups and I have the option of "pick of the litter".

    What does that mean? Do I get first pick, or second? I want a female dog (yes I am going to spay her as I know nothing about raising puppies) but I want clarification from people who have come into this situation.

    12 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Why do planes have headlights?

    So tonight at work I noticed a couple planes flying above with headlights on and I got to thinking.. Why do planes have headlights? They were really bright.. Are they there so the pilots have enough time to kiss their @ss goodbye when they see something infront of them?

    16 AnswersAircraft8 years ago
  • Dud you quit smoking? Need advice...?

    I've only been smoking for about 8 years but tonight I decided to do a complete detox. I bought a vitamix so for the next 2 weeks I am only drinking what I blend (vegetables and fruits) but I decided because im detoxing trying to get healthy that way I minus well quit smoking the same time.

    Well, I'm about 5 hours into it and I'm going nuts. I'm at work and having te hardest time not asking someone for a smoke let alone going to the vending machine or mcdonalds to pick up some solid food. I think this is mainly because I forgot the vegetable juice I made at home so I'm just drhinking water but AHHHHHHHHH im losing it a bit I think.

    Chewing on a toothpick.. yay F**k my life.

    What else can do I here. I have 2 more hours before I can get to my drink and get some satisfaction. Should I just get that cigarette and start in 2 hours?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Legality question regarding telus phone bill/termination?

    So I pay my bill every time I get a bill. Often it seems I either get it late by a month or 2 which doesn't bother me much because a high bill with interest is whatever as money is no object for me.

    because it had been about 2-3 months since my pervious bill I dumped some money on my account which would more than cover the cost of a couple months. I have a total limit of 200$ on it and once when I was about 40$ away from that limit I got a text, so I paid it so I didn't get terminated.

    So again, I dumped that money on last month but today I got a notice of termination if I do not pay 67$. I still technically have not got a bill and 66$ is high for a month of service plus taking into account I probably over paid last month its not possible.

    I have a phone from 1995, no internet or anything.. it is a phone. My bills should be 43$ after all the service charges, etc... 30$ no contract month to month plan.

    I use my phone for work.

    If they terminate or demand I pay without seeing a bill, do I have legal ground to sue?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Has the Government ever exposed the existence of extraterrestrials just to see how society would react?

    Someone told me awhile back that the United States of Americas Government told society and its people that the planet earth is being visited by extraterrestrials but only as a test to see how people would react?

    I heard that we, the people, failed their test which is why, if there really is extraterrestrials visiting this planet, they would not truly disclose that information if they had information to give.

    I'm asking this question because I can not find anything regarding this test on the Interweb.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago