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Lv 56,690 points

Nari Keshamaru

Favorite Answers9%

There's not that much to know about me. I'm a major gamer, I love to draw, and I'm a romantic. I'm kind of shy yet kind of not. I'm weird. Etcetera~ .♥´¨) . ¸.•´ ¸.•*´¨) ♥.(¯`•.•´¯) (.¸.•�� (¸.•` ♥ ¤º.`•.¸.•´ ¤♥ .•*´.•*´♥¤ ¸.•*¨♥

  • I need help with this network problem?

    Okay so at my college they have a network that SHOULD connect me to it after all the proper configurations but even with everything right, I still can't get an IP address to use the internet with. I already went to the Help Desk but I don't actually think they're qualified to solve this problem.

    I was messing around with my computer and found that the DHCP IP address is invalid.

    That's the only thing I've been able to turn up after a few hours of directionless tinkering. How do I make this work? My knowledge on this stuff is above average but this is about as far as I can go on my own. My computer can connect to every other wireless network and the LAN network I had at home but this one doesn't work.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking7 years ago
  • Is there anything I can do about my appearance?

    Newer friends and people I just meet say I look depressed, I don't walk straight, and I look like I don't have any self esteem.

    When I ask my family and longer term friends, they say the opposite.

    So, I have no idea which one is right but I get this a lot and it's irritating cuz it's not true and it makes it awkward talking to them afterwards because they're all trying to "help me" and I don't know what… needs to be helped…

    Like I get advice to start saying something good about myself while looking in the mirror while I'm undressed and everything like that and I feel completely fine and I already subconsciously do that anyway… -___-

    It's really irritating and I don't know what to do about this. What am I supposed to do?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • Are asyndeton sentences run-on sentences?

    I've been using this method in my writing but my professors cite them as run-on sentences in their edits. So I'm wondering if there's a way to use them in a grammatically correct way? When do you use it?

    2 AnswersOther - Education7 years ago
  • I want to animate, but where do I start?

    I don't want to go to a university for this type of stuff because I'm currently getting a degree in something else.

    I want to do this on my free time. Just make short cartoons and add music to it or something. I draw, but I don't have a tablet or anything and I don't really have much money to use on myself.

    Is there a certain software I can use to do that? Can I upload my paper drawings to the software and use those for the cartoon?

    I just suddenly had the urge to start this as a branch off of my hobby but I don't know what software is good and where to start.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation7 years ago
  • I need advice on natural hair?

    I went natural because I'm in college and I don't know how to flat iron my own hair that well and salons are expensive for me (if they don't turn me away anyway).

    My friend said I'm supposed to twist my hair instead of putting a scarf on because my hair will break off? Is that true?

    I'm worried because the sides of my hair don't grow as well as the top in the first place…

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Do you think calling a black person "Chocolate" is offensive?

    Yes, no, why?

    I found an article where Naomi Campbell got mad over it but I've always felt no animosity or racism or any malice towards people saying it.

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Do you think calling a black person "Chocolate" is offensive?

    I was randomly looking up some things about a clothing designer and oddly enough, I found an article where Naomi Campbell got upset or something over a magazine advertising chocolate with the headline saying, "Move Over, Naomi!"

    I can understand calling someone an Oreo being offensive, but things like chocolate or mocha... what do you think?

    As a black girl, I don't really see where the negativity lies in a compliment like that. Chocolate has a beautiful rich colour and it's soft and smooth so it just translates to me that someone has clear, healthy skin or something, I don't know. Way better than being called an n***** b**** or something...

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • What's this horror game?

    It's a jrpg and it has a blonde girl with long hair braided into pigtails and another girl with purple hair with a red bow and no legs...

    I keep trying to look it up but I can't find it.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • I need information on wifi routers?

    I want to buy a router for internet before going back home from college so I can keep in touch with friends because it's dangerous to walk to my local library now.

    I'm thinking of a router but leaning more towards one of the USB wifi connectors.

    So if I buy just a USB wifi connector, will it be its own internet source free of using mobile network connections? Or how does it run?

    How does a router run as well?

    I'm usually tech savvy but I've not had internet in my home since the late 90s or early 2000 (whenever routers and wifi wasn't a part of the internet), so I kinda need help on this before I go out searching for one...

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • How do I get over heartbreak?

    I loved this person for four years. They loved me. But he grew detached to me and now we aren't together anymore.

    I drew us all the time.

    I've written stories about our love.

    And now... Everything reminds me of them.

    I end up talking to them even though I planned to never speak to them again.

    I cry almost every day... And I'm too afraid to talk to anyone because I'm afraid I'll annoy them...

    I'm in college away from home so I have no family here.

    What do I do...? I even dream about them and I don't want to...

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Direct deposit issue?

    I was emailed that checks such as social security and GI Bill benefits wouldn't be received by checks anymore. I already had Direct Deposit set up but when I checked my account, it wasn't there... Do I need to redo it to receive the GI Bill benefits?

    3 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • What do I do about my birth control?

    I'm in college now, away from home in Miami. I have depo provera as my birth control because I'm too forgetful for regular pills (that and I like the fact that I basically don't have a period while on it). Aren't there supposed to be clinics where you get free shots in every town or something? I've found that my insurance is basically more or less useless and a doctor's visit would be $300+, plus the cost of the shot.

    Is there anything else that I can do for it? What should I do? I would pay the $300 but that's a lot of money and I don't want to spend it if I can find something else...

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Help with finding more articles?

    I'm doing an essay on big words versus small words in an essay. All I'm finding are articles that condemn the use of big words in an essay and I need to find articles that are pro complex words.

    Are there any specific articles debating both equally?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Has anyone gotten a prank Halloween call on Oovoo that went bad?

    I got a call from this person whose screen name was "Someone" and they acted as if they knew me. The girl looked familiar, so I talked to her. She conversed back for about a minute, but then glitched, turned into a zombie thing, Then, she back flipped out of her chair and crawled up her wall, Paranormal Activity-style. I shut off the chat when she started crawling towards me. I was close to throwing my computer across the room! Has anyone had this happen to them on Oovoo?

    4 AnswersHalloween9 years ago
  • In this sentence, is the word "were" or "was"?

    I'm doing an essay and my teacher corrected this sentence:

    "After 19 solid years of withstanding the abrasive predicaments in their amorous union, the Hillsborough couple, Jarrod Scarbrough and Les Sewell, was denied the right to a marriage license in Tampa, Florida."

    He changed "was" to "were", but the subject is "couple" and not the two names mentioned.

    It may be trivial, but I'm confused about which is right now. I think mine is right but I want to make sure before I turn it in.

    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • What advice should I give to my heartbroken friend?

    She has been friends with this guy for years and loves him like he's the only one for her... Recently however, he randomly snapped at her and he told her never to talk to him again... What can I say or what advice can I give? She can't get out of the house much and I can't go get her and she's starting to harm herself...

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • How exactly do you apply for a Pell Grant?

    After doing my FAFSA, it said I was eligible but... I talked to the financial aid representative at school and they only gave me an application for a parent loan I believe... So, where and how do I apply?

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid9 years ago
  • What effects do anti-depressants have?

    Anti-depressants as in prescribed medication for depression. Does it really only target the depressed emotion? Does it interfere with other emotions like stunt them in the sense that they're less vehement?

    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • How to deal with the constant drifting away?

    All of my friends were older than me when they graduated and they were all good friends; but now, no one talks to me that much anymore. It happens with a lot of my current friends too of the same grade. I probably shouldn't care since I graduate soon anyway, but I've tried talking to people first and that doesn't work and I'm not very annoying or anything that I know of...

    How do I keep in touch with my friends, old and current and new? Or should I just let them go?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • What does Brazzers mean?

    I keep seeing it on memes

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago