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  • Have you seen this yet?

    This very powerful video is making the rounds through e-mail chains. I hope we see it on TV soon.

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where are the new questions?

    The questions on here are the same ones I saw this morning before church. Is everybody off doing something else, or is there some technical difficulty that is keeping additional questions from getting posted?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • So now he's Barry?

    I guess I don't get it. I thought Barack Obama was proud of his mixed racial heritage. But now it seems like people are calling him Barry??? (Like Barry Goldwater?) I don't think that will get him any more of the conservative vote, and it might even lose him some support from the African-American corner where it could be percieved as selling out somehow.

    The first few times I read it, I couldn't figure out who they were talking about at first.

    Who started this and why?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can you help with Build-A-Lot 2?

    I can't seem to get past level 33 in the new Build-A-Lot Town of the Year Game. It is in the last town (New Haven?) with Mayor Alvarez--the one where you have to get the blueprint for the grand park. There must be some strategy or sequence to the house flips to make it work out before the deadline, but the empty lots are different and the houses seem to pop up on the market fairly randomly.....does anybody have a tip that has beaten this level?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How's this for a can of worms??

    OK, first a disclaimer: I'm not advocating either, but it has occurred to me that the extremely conservative polygamist cult and the gay rights folks would both benefit from a redefinition of marriage. So, to all those who have no problem with opening the can of worms for same-sex marriages, will you be just as tolerant of the bunch from El Dorado & others like them??? I mean, once you change the rules, shouldn't you be willing to be all tolerant and change them for everybody???

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What's up with Yahoo Games Spades server?

    Anyone else having trouble logging in to play Yahoo Spades (or other multi-player games) this morning? All the rooms have been showing 0 players and I get error message when trying to log in?

    6 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • Since when is constructive criticism violation worthy?

    Boy, some people on here are touchy! Someone asked what I considered an academic question about selection standards for Yale & Harvard, but his/her question contained a 2nd-3rd grade level grammar error with egregious subject verb disagreement. The question pertained to whether these schools would accept students from public schools or only private academies. How was pointing out that grammar that poor would put someone at a disadvantage for getting accepted to an Ivy League school? I would think I would be doing them a favor by either getting them motivated to get what they needed on their own or at least keeping them from getting their hopes up! I don't expect my kids to get accepted there either (and couldn't afford it if they did) but they do know how to speak proper English with their public school educations, and I expect they will go on to live successful lives without the Ivy League diploma. But since when it is an insult to try and help someone learn to do better?

    6 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • who won the lsu arkansas game today?

    I didn't get to watch the game---what was the final score?

    16 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Loose Steering in GMC Envoy?

    I have a 2002 GMC Envoy with over 100K miles on it. Over the last few weeks, it seems like the steering is gradually getting "looser"--there is more play in the wheel before the steering actually responds, and it seems like when it does kick in it does it all at once, making it very "squirrely" at highway speeds. It will catch all at once and I have a hard time keeping it from overcorrecting. I know I need to take it in, but I really don't know how to describe this problem any better, nor if it indicates a problem with the steering, tires, suspension, or something else? I really don't want to take it to the dealership if I don't have to; they always charge more than local mechanic, but I don't want to get taken while they explore the problem. Anyone else had similar symptoms, or know how to diagnose my problem?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Christians only please? Dia de los muertos school assignment?

    My high school freshman daughter came home telling me of an assignment she had for Spanish class, for Day of the Dead "Dia de los Muertos" (worth a test grade.) Students must either make Day-of-the-Dead Bread, or prepare an "ofrenda" for a deceased relative, complete with photograph, personal mementos, etc. The letter from the teacher described it as a "memorial display", but I see it more as an "offering" to the spirits of the dead. I used to teach public school. I'm NOT one of those religious fanatic moms that gripes about every little thing. This is a very conservative country school in Bible-belt South. I pick my battles, and often leave some for other more vocal moms to fight for all of us. But for some reason I am particularly offended by this. How should I respond reasonably? I am considering calling a couple of other moms to get their reaction before I do anything, and/or taking the assignment to my pastor for his take on it. What do you think?

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians only please? Dia de los muertos school assinment?

    My high school freshman daughter came home telling me of an assignment she had for Spanish class, for Day of the Dead "Dia de los Muertos" (worth a test grade.) Students must either make Day-of-the-Dead Bread, or prepare an "ofrenda" for a deceased relative, complete with photograph, personal mementos, etc. The letter from the teacher described it as a "memorial display", but I see it more as an "offering" to the spirits of the dead. I used to teach public school. I'm NOT one of those religious fanatic moms that gripes about every little thing. This is a very conservative country school in Bible-belt South. I pick my battles, and often leave some for other more vocal moms to fight for all of us. But for some reason I am particularly offended by this. How should I respond reasonably? I am considering calling a couple of other moms to get their reaction before I do anything, and/or taking the assignment to my pastor for his take on it. What do you think?

    5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Best universities for wetlands conservation/aquatic sciences?

    What universities offer majors and have good programs in these areas in the U.S., particularly in Texas or the South?

    3 AnswersConservation1 decade ago
  • Help-expired TX Driver's License? Can I drive myself to renew?

    Will they fine me or arrest me for driving to get a renewal? Or just shame me, or let it go?

    Also, what do I need to take with me? Other ID? Insurance proof? Will they take credit cards, check, cash, or what?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Intolerant/angry non-believers? Is it that misery loves company?

    Since discovering this forum, I've seen way more "Bible-bashers" (Q's & A's representing intolerance, condemnation, and open hostility toward Christians), than I've seen the stereo-typical "Bible-thumpers" they are railing against. On the whole, Q & A's posed by Christians seem thoughtful, polite, and respectful of others' beliefs.

    I also don't see anyone railing against other world faiths much. (such as Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and others.)

    So what are atheists and other Bible-bashers so angry about? Could it be that they are having doubts about their own doubts, and looking for others here/elsewhere to help convince them that they are right and justify their anger and fear?

    Let's say they're right & I'm wrong. I still get to rest in peace when I die, with probably have less regrets at my end for how I lived, or according to some, I might even get a "do-over." But if Christians are right? Even if I had no other reason to believe-why take a chance with eternity?

    28 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are all Starbuck's employees obnoxiously perky?

    Is it a corporate requirement, do they send them to the Stepford Wives/Kathy Lee Gifford School of Communication as part of their training? Or is it just all that exposure to excessive amounts of sugar and caffeine getting to them?

    Honestly, if you just want (or really need) a cup of strong coffee you may not be in the mood for all that fake sunshiny cheer!

    Any thoughts???

    10 AnswersOther - Dining Out1 decade ago
  • What is this groundcover? Tell me more about it!?

    Sorry I don't have a photo to upload at the moment. I will update later if I don't get an answer.

    This plant was growing on our property when me moved here, so I'm assuming it's native, but I suppose a previous owner could have introduced it. It is a low-growing groundcover with delicate green fern-like foliage. In the summer it has little lavender puffball flowers on slender straight stalks about 2-4 inches tall. (Similar to a dandelion or mimosa flower except lavender). I have never seen them in a nursery to buy, but I wouldn't call myself an expert gardener by any means.

    I would love to transplant this elsewhere because it makes such a pretty carpet-like groundcover and is so low-maintenance, so any info you can share would be appreciated!

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Where can I find affordable life insurance for sr citizen in-laws?

    I read a previous thread suggesting MediCare, but I am not talking about HEALTH insurance. They only have term life insurance tied to current job, and they need to retire. They have no burial policy, and each is worried about leaving the other with burial expenses and debts. I have seen a few ads online, but when you get to the fine print, they seem mostly like scams. They probably wouldn't get a very good rating if a health exam were required. Probably $15 -$25K max would be the amount needed. They live in Texas if that matters.

    Insurance1 decade ago