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Lil K
PC Games similar to Diablo..?
Hi Guys,
I want to buy my partner a new PC Game but have no idea what to get. The games he plays are Diablo, Skyrim and Rome Total War (Think thats the name of it!)
I really should pay more attention, anyway can anyone suggest a few games similar to these that he may enjoy?
Thanks :)
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoCan my landlords agent do this?
Hi hope you can help.
I left a property on the 1st Oct this year and a new tenant moved in on the 3rd. The exit inspection was also done on the 3rd and it was noted the oven needed cleaned which I was a bit taken back by but agreed to go ahead to get everything complete. The agent then came back to me on the 20th October to state the deposit had not been returned due to the fact that the new tenant had complained about the state of the garden with weeds etc and that this would also be deducted from my deposit. My Question is, can the agent withold further money from me considering they told me all was ok except the oven 16 days prior?
7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years agoCar Finance in Partners name but me as lead driver?
Hi There,
Hopefully you can help, I am trying to get a car on finance but failed the checks due to my credit rating. My Partner has offered to take the finance out for me and have the car in his name but I make the payments each month.
Looking to find out how this would work with the insurance, I need my name on as main driver but could I do this and have my partner as policy holder?
He has had a crash in the past year so would my insurance go up?
2 AnswersInsurance10 years agoAm I feeding my guinea pigs too much?
Hi Guys,
I have 2 female guinea pigs and I am worried that I am feeding them too much, I give them approx 2 handfuls of pellets per day and unlimited hay.
About 6pm I give them their veggies which consists of 1 of the following:
Handful of spinach and some parsley or
2 cherry tomatoes and half a pepper or
2 Brocolli florets and 2 cauliflower florets or
Half a carrot and handful of lambs lettuce.
Sometimes the also get cucumber as a treat if its warm.
They are both approx 26 weeks old.
5 AnswersOther - Pets10 years agoWhat to feed guinea pigs and how often?
I have just got 2 baby guinea pigs and looking to get some more information on what to feed them and when, at the moment I have been giving them their pellets and water plus cucumber and carrot for lunch and tomato for dinner. Dont want them getting bored with the same old stuff so looking to know what else they can have and how often I should give it to them.
Thanks :)
9 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoNeed a name for my daughter due in 3 weeks...?
I need to find a name for my daughter who is due in 3 weeks, names I have liked previously have been Nieve and Macie to give you an idea of the type of names I like. Middle name will be Catherine and surname will be Campbell.
17 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoNeed a name for my daughter due in 3 weeks!!?
I am struggling to find a name I like for my daughter who will be here in 3 weeks! Names I have liked previously but gone off them are Nieve and Macie to give you an idea of the type of names I like. Middle name will be Catherine and surname will be Campbell.
Thank You!!
5 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoEmployer not been paying my tax...!?
Hi Guys,
I'm looking to get some informartion for my sister, I'll list the points below.
- She started working on the 24th July 2010 on a temporary week to week contract
- Found out she want pregnant on the 28th August and advised her employer
- finished up work on 14th January as temp contract was terminated
- applied for Maternity allowance as she knew she was not entitled to SMP
- Filled out all the forms and sent away payslips and P45
- Job Centre advised employer should be paying SMP as she worked past the 2nd of January.
She has now been told that her employer has not been paying any tax for her despite them taking it from her and an investigation has now been started. In the meantime she has had to benefits or wages since January and she is struggling to pay her bills, her partner does live with her but is on a temp contract too and at the moment only getting 2 or 3 shifts per week.
She has tried to apply for crisis loans which have been unsuccessful and does not qualify for the surestart maternity grant as she is due 3 days after the cut off. Any help would be appreciated.
1 AnswerLaw & Legal1 decade agoMy flat has been flooded from upstairs...?
My tenants have just advised me that the flat above has flooded my property after xmas and this is them just telling me, is it too late to claim on my insurance? There is a lot of damage that I cant afford to fix on my own. We cant get into the property upstairs and dont know who owns it.
2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoCan Anyone remember the TV show Rainbow?
Ok heres one...
In the TV Show Rainbow Bungo was always dressed as an ordinary bear (no Clothes) yet when he went swimming he wore trunks...! Any ideas?
4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoinsurance policy has been declared void?
hey guys, Il try 2 keep this short, last year my boyfriend got a car on finance and set up his insurance policy and added my step dad as 2nd driver, my bf is main driver but my stepdad is named as policy holder which we nw knw is wrong, my bf was involved in a crash on the 28th june (nt his fault) and we hav bn fightin with the insurance co 2 collect the car 2 assess the damage, thy called 2day 2 say that the insurance policy was void and that he has 2 pay 5700 to repair the other car, any1 know wer he stands?
8 AnswersInsurance1 decade agoTattoo is infected, need advice...?
Hi Guys
I got my 3rd tattoo on my stomach and this has become infected, I've spoke to the doc and he has given me antibiotics but I'm not sure if I can put anything on it to help clean it out? Any advice as to how to look after it?
4 AnswersTattoos1 decade agoWould you consider me a picky eater?
I am currently havi ng a discussion wit my bf as he thinks I am a picky eater because of the following:
I only like steaks that are a proper cut as the cheapones taste like leather...
I only like 100% beefburgers as the others are awfy foney tasting...
I dont like mince as a meal but will eat minced meat if I make chilli or lasagne etc...
I dont like chicken depending on how they are cooked i.e boiled or grilled with no sauce.
I love the taste of apples but dont like to eat them whole because I dont like the skin
Please let me know your thoughts on this...
btw I love meat, fish except salmon, pork, lamb, pizza, pasta, any kind of takeaway and most desserts, only soup I dont like is cream of chicken and broth.
10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoMore Than Car Insurance?
Hi Guys,
Hopefully someone can shed some light on this...
My boyfriend has a policy with More Than for his acr insurance, the car is in his name and he is the main driver on the policy, however my step dad is down as policy holder and named driver (reason for named driver was that he doesnt have a personal car, only company and cannot use it for personal trips). Anyway my boyfriend crashed his car on Monday - someone hit the side of his car and he has notified more than - they then called yesterday to say that they needed both his and my step dads licenses, V5, MOT, receipt for car and his finance documents with Arnold Clark. After we queried the finance documents they said its ok they can process the claim with out this.
I feel like they are trying to pull a quick one to not pay out, can anyone tell me if this is the process.
3 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agoNo Annual gas safety certificate?
Hi Guys
I have just purchased my 1st property and the tenants moved in on Wednesday, they called this morning to say they had no heating and that 1 of the radiators were leaking, it automatically clicked that I had forgot to get a gas safety issued. I have arranged for an engineer to go their this afternoon but I am now worried incase it gets condemned. I have spoken with HSE and they have told me not to worry as I have acted on it now but what could happen? Thanks
3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoOpticians have found something behind the eye..?
Hi hope you can help..
My mum went to the opticians today for an eye test which is the first in 5 years and they saw something behind her eye which she has to go and get checked on Tuesday but I just need my mind put to rest. My grandpa's (mums dad) optician also saw something behind his eye 11 years ago which turned out to be a brain tumour and he passed away suddenly after this before they had the chance to operate... Symptoms my mum has are headaches, Numbness of the arms and a slight loss of hearing in 1 ear.
4 AnswersMen's Health1 decade agoAny ideas what this lump is?
Lastnight I noticed a hard lump on my upper eyelid, its at the outside corner and I'm trying to find out what this may be...
It doesnt hurt although it slightly blocking my vision, my eyes have felt really dry for a couple of days and quite itchy although this has now eased.
4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoThis may be long and winded but I dont know much about cars!!?
Hi Guys
I have been driving my 1995 Astra Merit 1.4 for approx 6 weeks. (passed my test, first car).
Last wednesday I filled up my tank until it was full (50litre tank) and reset my mile counter thing as I felt I was using a lot of petrol, I have done 138 miles and I am back on my red line.
I left a house on Tuesday and the chap called me up to say my tapits were gone and that he could hear them as I drove off (he says this could be the reason for my loss of fuel but after speaking with the chap I bought the car from he says Tapits are nothing to do with fuel). When I start up the car in the mornings and go outside to scrape off the ice I can smell petrol really strong from the exhaust but I thought this was normal, there is no evidence of a leak under my car, checked yesterday and then today. I have left my car at home today until I can have someone look at it but has anyone got any ideas what might be wrong?
Thanks :)
13 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoHow much fuel should I be using?
Hi Guys
Hopefully someone can help, I am currently driving a 1995 Astra Merit with a 1.4 engine. I am only getting 200 miles to a full tank of fuel (50 litre tank). Does this seem right? I know petrol is expensive but didnt think it was that bad, only been driving for a month.
11 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoQuick change of contraceptive?
How would I go about changing from the combined pill to the mini pill? Do I have to wait a certain length of time? Also what are the major differences? Thanks
3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago