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Zeke's Momma!! 10-14-08

Favorite Answers9%

* Social Worker, working primarily with children and families * In love with my husband Tommy * Ezekiel "Zeke" was born through natural labor on October 14th 2008 in 2 hours.

  • Moving with a 2 yr old question?

    My husband and I have decided to move to a larger apartment (1400 sq. feet) as I have gotten a wonderful job and it would be a good stepping stone while we finish preparing for a house that we hope to build. :) I am wondering how to explain the transfer to my son. He loves swimming and there is a pool and playground there (its an estate upper-class community) and I have begun to plant seeds like asking if he would like a new room that he could pick out. We are only moving 15 minutes away and he will still be going to the same daycare as it is near my job so he can stay with his friends. Just wondering how to make this smooth. Last time we moved was due to a fire and thank god he was to young to remember that. Also, his bday is 2 weeks after our move- tips to unpack so his party wont be nuts?

    7 AnswersParenting10 years ago
  • Could you please take this gender survey (esp. men!)?

    This is for my gender class and I really need it done. It relates to your college surveys. I am hoping to determine whether the difference amongst majors for women and men has a significant impact on the wage gap. Thank you for your time.

    Don't worry! This link is very safe. :)

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Moms- I am at wits end over my boss! What would you do?

    First off, I know this is the wrong section, but I have a lot of contacts here.

    I got a job as a teacher in a parochial school and it is a program where you teach and get your masters in education at the same time. Classes for this start in June and are 8-5 every day, M-F. My current boss know I have been trying and applying to this program since October. A "snitch" in the office informed her that I got this job and my boss texted me, "so I heard you got a new f-in job- when do you start?" and being mad I had not told her. This was on a Tuesday, I had just found out on a Thursday and it would have been the first time I had seen her. I wanted to talk to her when I actually had more details of the program but since then she has "forgotten" to tell me when my clients call off, and has continued to blame me for things that were not communicated to me.

    Should I quit? I was planning on leaving in mid-May anyways for the program, my husband does well, but it would be until August until I get paid again. I just dont know how much more abuse I can take but I do love the clients (work in SW agency)

    What would you do? BQ: Have you ever had an unreasonable boss- what did you do?

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Does your parents health insurance cut you off automatically when you get married or is there a period?

    Recently got married, had Aetna... husbands Anthem insurance wont kick in until July 11th. Went to hospital and they took my Aetna, just wondering if it will still work as they seemed to believe it would.

    4 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Taking prednisone for chrons- any way to reduce the puffy face?

    I am getting married next month and would really not to look like a puffball- would increasing my water intake help at all?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • The pastor who was going to perform my wedding ....?

    She commited suicide yesterday. I am holed up in the hospital and have no clue what to do. There are 2 other pastors from that Chapel- do you think one will take over her duties? I feel horrible for the situation and dont want to pester them as I am sure that they are very busy but at the same time I am getting married next month- May 29th. Would a justice of a peace work? Where would I find one?

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Moms- been in the hospital since tuesday... what would you do?

    So, I have Chrons and suffered a severe flare and apparently its spread and a bit infected. I am so sick of being in here as I am not used to not doing anything between school, my case load for my internship, cleaning and taking care of my son. Any ideas before I go bonkers at the thoughts of what my house must look like and what my hubby is feeding Zeke?

    Also, Zeke starts crying about five minutes asfter seeing me in the hospital the past few days. Would it make me a horrible mom if I told my hubby not to bring him by today? I love and miss him so much but feel like im distressing him

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Parents, I am a Social Worker and I had to check for lice yesterday?

    Her head was literally swarming with it, and now I keep getting like imaginary itches. Any precautionary measures you would take so I dont pass it on to my hubby and son? Ive already showered and washed my clothes in the washer by themself.

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Taking a toddler to an aquarium for the 1st time on a train?

    Hello- We are going to the aquarium today with my 16mnth old. Was wondering how your child did on trains(takes about an hour) and in what I am assuming to be a large crowd. Any tips? Items to bring? Im already taking a lunchbox with his milk, juice, and snacks. We live near train tracks so Im hoping he will be more wowed by the train then scared of it!

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • When did your child first try peanut butter? Were u as scared as me?

    My son is officially 14months old as of yesterday. Several children at his daycare bring peanut butter sandwiches for lunch, but I am really scared that he will have a bad reaction. So, how much did you give them the first time and did you have any preventive measures? Im just scared he will be allergic or something and that would scare me so bad!

    17 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Best way to travel with milk and juice?

    I am embarking on a 12 hr road trip to NC with my hubby and son. For the first 6 hour leg, I was planning on some sippy cups full of milk in a cooler, and a jug of apple juice to pour from in the car. Is there anywhere along the road where I could find small quantities of milk for the 2nd day? Usually he has 7 sippies a day alternating between milk, juice and water. How many should I fill with milk? Thanks!!

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Present for Daycare???? Do you do this?

    I had never heard of giving Christmas gifts to a childs daycare teachers before! Is this common practice? I understand school teachers. My child is 13 months, so what would be a good gift idea for his teachers?

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • 12 hour car ride with a 13 month old?

    My hubby and I are taking my son down to NC to visit my family for a week during Thanksgiving. This is a 12 hour car ride(though we will spend the night halfway, so 6 hrs a day) and the last time we brought him he was 3 months old and slept and then we flew in August so it wasnt a problem. Im guessing I am nervous that he will get overly fussy so I want to make sure he is entertained. I am planning on sitting in the back with him and stopping every few hours to snack and let him run. Any other ideas? Also, I will be having surgery while visiting(as my mom works at the hospital so I will be more comfortable) so will probably not be able to move my stomach well(getting gallbladder out) on the way home. Tips for that? Thank you!

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Daycare lunch ideas for a 1 year old?

    So when my son turns one, he will be moved to the ones room at daycare(he is transitioning now so he can slowly get used to it) The ones room requires that you pack a lunch for your child(infant room provided the food) so, I was just wondering some easy, fun, healthy lunch ideas that he might like. My hubby and I are in college and get up at 630 and take him around 730, so something quick is key. Thank you!

    p.s. He loves his fruits and veggies, just concerned about a main course idea. They said that they would be able to microwave the meals and there is a fridge.

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • When did you let your child use the spoon?

    Zeke is 10 months old and does great with picking up food and eating his solids and snacks. He is starting to show more interest in the sippy, but not fully yet(he will drink out of it if I hold it) I am not to worried about that because his daycare said that once he moves to the ones room, they usually pick up on sippys quickly to fit in. Anyhow, my question is, when did you let your child attempt to feed themselves with a spoon? He enjoys playing with the spoon and will imitate us so would this be a good time to start?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Flying with infant- Formula question?

    What I was planning to do was since I use Playtex drop ins, was just to measure out the formula beforehand and then add the water when I am through security. Do I still need to declare the bottles if they are only the powder? And is this allowed?

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Hey girls!! Got a moving question?


    So since we have a VERY active 10 month old, my fiance and I have decided to move into a townhouse next May and out of this apartment! Very excited. Now is when things get dificult, we are graduating college in May so we have final exams/graduation, we are getting married May 29th so we have wedding and honeymoon. All in all, May is a busy month!

    So, how did you prepare your child for a move? Whats the easiest way to move with a child? and most importantly, when should i start to pack/clean out this rubbish heap?


    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • If you flew with a baby?

    How did you entertain them?

    What did you do if they cried the whole way- did you feel horrible?

    My son will be 10 months old when we fly and is very very active! He loves crawling,exploring and looking at people, so I dont think he will like being held for 2 hours! I was thinking I might just wear him out by walking around the airport and pointing out the planes before we board. Any other ideas?

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 9-12 month old winter coat?

    I know this may be premature since it is only August, but I live in Indiana and last winter was rough, so it is never to early to be prepared! What I am looking for is a winter coat that will work in the snow and wind chill temperatures.

    I do have a fleece jacket and a hoodie for him, but around mid October it will probably get to chilly for those.

    I looked at Target and Kohls with no luck. Maybe Babies r us?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Traveling with a (will be ) 10 mnth old in August?

    And I have a few questions, fyi: we will be flying US Air from Indianapolis to Charlotte

    1. Which formula should I bring? Liquid premade in a jar or sealed powder? How much can I bring?

    2. Any ideas on entertaining toys for the plane? And what if he refuses a bottle, anything I can do for his ears?

    3. How would you pack your bags for a 5 day trip? What would you bring as your carryon?

    Thank you!!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago