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  • How can I sleep well when I'm about to work a day shift and then an overnight shift?

    I currently work an 8am to 6pm job. I'm applying for a overnight job as a replenishment associate at Kmart and its 10pm to 5am. This second job will only be about a month (actually around 40 days) since I'm leaving for college soon. How can I get enough sleep and have enough energy for both jobs?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Advice on how to plan to pay for college?

    I think I'm a bit too naive at this. I feel like I'm missing the point somewhere, but anyway I'm transferring to a WA CC this Fall from Guam.

    Here is my list of expenses and income (I don't know if it's understandable. I divided it into per quarter, per month, and per weekly basis): Plane ticket and airport pick-up is covered by my parents, but the rest is up to me. I allocated my scholarship fund to pay for 5 credits (1 class at my CC) for Fall 2015.

    I'm using YNAB to budget right now and it looks like this: Although I am not sure if I am budgeting correctly.

    So help me wise ol' Reddit. Am I overreaching? Should I budget more? Get a PT job?

    Edit: Of course, I have saved money in the bank (around $1.2K), but I want to touch that last.

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance6 years ago
  • What career path combines business, technology, and law enforcement?

    I don't know what career path to pursue specifically. I only know that when it comes to business, technology, or law enforcement I get excited. In the business perspective, I like coming up with plans, designing, and organizing. Technologically, I like messing around with phones (I want to create an app one day) and helping people with minor tech problems (install this, fix this stuff). With law enforcement, I like the idea of me being in uniform, upholding the law, and solving problems, connecting the dots to crimes or what not.

    Someone help me connect the dots to a career so I can finally choose a major.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • Does a person still need to do taxes even if he or she only worked for less than 3 months?

    For my summer job, I worked for about 7 1/2 weeks. I did fill out a W2 form. I did recieve tips as a barista. My paychecks were deduced by medicare and SS. However, I didn't save all my pay stubs, I'm listed as a depedent, and I earned possibly less than $600 in those short weeks. Do I still fill out an income tax form?

    4 AnswersUnited States6 years ago
  • Should I just turn in my FAFSA even if I don t have 2014 income tax ready?

    My parents won t have it ready until mid-February which is frustrating when I need it before January 29. I wanted to submit it as "will file" and use 2013 information however according to my parents their income for 2014 would be a tad different from 2013 so I should just wait.

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid6 years ago
  • I don't know what to do with my life?

    I can't decide if I should stay here for college (Guam) or transfer to Vegas (to UNLV)? My main concerns are finances and family. Financially, money is TIGHT with two (potentially three siblings). Family, as the oldest I hold a lot of obligations (as a driver, babysitter, etc). I want to be independent, but I am too conflicted.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Dropping out of college to enlist?

    I know I should talk to my parents and those who know me well about this but I want a general opinion first. I'm a freshman in college who's also in Army ROTC (MS1). I am not motivated to continue college even if I am doing well so far. I am undeclared and I have no inclinations to which major to choose or what career to purse after 4 years. AROTC has been great but I want more in life and more challenges. Being in this little island of Guam makes me feel restricted and shortchanged. I was thinking about enlisting in the Army and take some years off from school to get my mind and life straightened out. My original choice was to join the Air Force but I am weak with STEM courses and not much of a mathematical/scientific person. Opinions?

    5 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • Going to an electronic music festival alone?

    I'm an 18 year old female, a bit shy, and going to my first ever music festival alone. It's next week already and I really want to go. The thing is I don't have anyone to go with and I'm a bit hesitant to go to my first music festival alone when I haven't been to any concerts/festivals/etc before. Opinions? I don't want to look like the loner in the crowd, I just want to have a great time without the hassle of getting lost and overwhelmed by the crowd.

    5 AnswersOther - Music7 years ago
  • Do I bring a gift to a bridal shower?

    My boss is throwing a small bridal shower tomorrow night for one of my co-workers and I was wondering if I should bring a gift? I work with this co-worker but I don't know her personally. I don't mind not bringing a gift but I don't want to be the only co-worker who did not bring a gift since there is only six of us workers and the other 4 know her more than I do.

    10 AnswersWeddings7 years ago
  • I'm having trouble finding someone to write a reccomendation letter for me?

    It's for a scholarship due on August 8th. It says I need "three (3) letters of recommendation of which one (1) is from a teacher and two (2) are from at-large community members".

    I could do the teacher part but I don't know any "at large community members". Do I ask some big owner of a company? My former boss who rarely saw me? The mayor? Governor?

    1 AnswerOther - Education7 years ago
  • Should I choose kickboxing or karate (shinkyokushin)?

    I'm torn between the two and I need to decide soon. I want something that makes use of hard punches and kicks as well as grappling and other ground work. In terms of the elements: fighting like fire and earth.

    I'm heavy and quite slow btw.

    Kickboxing - Sorta cheap. $35 for an all women's class (not counting the cost of boxing gloves and a rolling mat). However the location is far from where I live thus the cost of gas = expensive. The time of classes also contradicts with my schedule.


    Karate - Expensive (uniform, registration, class itself). They have a promo for three months plus uniform for $225 (ends July 1st). It's close to where I live. The problem is just pricing.



    5 AnswersMartial Arts7 years ago
  • What martial arts should I take?

    I'm quiet the heavy 18 year old female, around 155lbs. I would want the type of martial art that uses a variety of techniques: punches, kicks, take downs, etc.

    5 AnswersMartial Arts7 years ago
  • People seem to dislike me?

    I don't know if it's my looks, personality, behavior, or attitude but in my perspective people seem to dislike me. I am shy and I keep to myself and my thoughts. When I am around it gets quiet, awkward and the atmosphere is tense especially at work. I shouldn't dive into the opinions of others but it bothers me that I don't get along with people and how I am not good at making conversation.

    7 AnswersSociology7 years ago
  • How to deal with a job that I hate?

    This is my first job as a barista at a drive thru double window (2 drive thru windows) coffee shop and it drives me insane and it's only been my first week. Advice? Tips?

    3 AnswersFood Service7 years ago
  • How to respond to this email from an employeer?

    "Ok, I will take that into consideration. I still have not made a decision, but hope to soon."

    Context: The employer has received my job application and he/she has taken into consideration my availability. Do I just say "okay thank you"?

    2 AnswersFood Service7 years ago
  • Should I take my AP Psych Exam?

    It's this Monday and my mother did not get a call from my school to pay for it. It's $89 and personally I don't want to take it. However if I don't take it I might regret it in the future if I find out this is one of the classes I could get credit for in college. Should I take it? Is it a general ed. course I could skip if I did this AP exam? I'm going to the University of Guam this Fall and I won't be majoring in Psych.

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing7 years ago
  • Is getting a liberal arts degree and related degrees worth it?

    I don't know exactly what I want so I'm going for what I like and what I'm good at. People have been pushing me to go for the STEM degrees but I despise math and science. Medicine I don't mind but then again I'm terrible at math and science

    I was thinking majoring in International Relations (or should I go for International trade?) and minoring in Communications. Heck maybe even Criminal Justice and Criminology. When I look at the curriculum of these majors it makes feel confident that I will master these courses but when I see physics, chemistry, biology I cringe at the thought and it would be a miracle if I pass them.

    The job market of liberal arts degree majors suck but I don't know what to do. I'm planning in trying out for Army ROTC anyway and if I do join the army after college does my major even matter?

  • Hawaii distance question?

    How far is it from Chaminade Uni to UH- Manoa? Is it easy to walk between universities or should I take the bus?

    3 AnswersHonolulu7 years ago