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  • Why is my cat missing the litter box?

    He goes in to the box fine and most of the time will do his business like normal (or at least isn’t missing). But at least once a week or so he’ll go in and pee just outside the box. (Twice this week). It started when my mom moved in with her cat. He was a sprayer. So I think he learned how to pee horizontal from him. But they moved out almost a year ago now and I watched him once to see what was going on. He pees sort of out behind him instead of down into the box. Grrr. Any suggestions on how we could fix this problem? Thanks!

    6 AnswersCats4 years ago
  • Attachment image

    What do you do with your camp cooler?

    Unless we spend $200+ on a bear proof cooler, I can't seem to find any that lock or that even just clips shut. All the coolers I've seen just close snugly and could easily be opened by a raccoon or bear (we do camp in areas where there are bears, although they're rarely seen). We usually keep the cooler in the car, but then the ice doesn't last too long this way. Outside in the shade would be ideal but then there's the critters. What does everyone else do when camping? I can only think of bungee cord?

    Picture: Our current cooler.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • What is wrong with this person?

    I don't know if something is clinically wrong or they just have their head in the clouds or are selfish or what...? Here are some observations I've had:

    - Lack of emotional response. You show or tell them something expecting a certain reaction, and they just half acknowledge it and then change the subject. Like recently after showing them our new apartment renos "That's nice. So and so's apartment is a lot smaller than yours, but they've made it really nice and cozy. They passed by this weird guy in the hall... " etc. It leaves you feeling like they don't care about what you just showed them. Thing is, I think they do care, they just don't show it like other people do.

    - Don't listen to you. You start telling them a story, then interrupt half way through with their two cents then continue to talk and change the subject before you can try to finish the story/thought

    - They ask a question and then don't wait to hear the answer. "How are you? So and so said their coming over today..."

    - They tell you these long stories about other people and wonder how they were able to listen to all this. Is it just us?

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • What will happen with my room mate moving out?

    My room mate is moving out this week. I've known for a few months and am totally fine with taking over the rent on my own. I'm excited to not share! So because of this it didn't even cross our minds to tell the landlord. Now that she has an exact move out date, we told the landlord about it so she can put the elevator on service for us. But she said that my room mate can't just move out like that and we have to call the head office. She's going to call later today. But now I'm nervous. Will they give us any trouble? Is there anything they can do legally?

    Some more details - We've lived there for over two years. When our second year lease was up and we renewed for another year, I'm pretty sure my room mate didn't even sign it. I think I just signed it and handed it in. So we could use that as ammo if they cause trouble I guess.

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate5 years ago
  • Recording tax paid on purchases?

    When bookkeeping do you keep sales tax (HST paid on purchases) separated even when purchasing items to be expensed, like office supplies?

    Also, do you keep the sales tax separated when purchasing raw materials to be used to make items requested for a specific job? Like lumber or sheet metal?

    I can only find information for keeping tax separated when purchasing inventory you plan to resell, like t-shirts or something.

    Please note, I am in Canada.


    2 AnswersCanada5 years ago
  • Why does my cat keep biting the back of other cats necks?

    My mom and her 4 (ugh) cats have moved in with me and my one cat almost a year ago. There were some understandable issues with the cats at first but they seamed to have settled themselves out. But just this last month, my cat kept biting the neck of this one cat. Then the cat had to be put to sleep because he had a stomach tumour. And now my cats found another cat to bother. We thought with the other cat gone he'd stop but nope. Is there some reason he HAS to be picking on someone? They don't even get into fights or bother him to warrant a bite. They'll just be walking by or sleeping and he'll bite their neck.

    2 AnswersCats6 years ago
  • Stuck on math problem?

    My text book jumps from one part of the solution to the next without explanation. I'm trying to think BEDMAS, but I'm stumped. Please help.

    How did..




    1 AnswerMathematics7 years ago
  • Family room vs. Living + Recroom?

    Me and my husband are looking to buy a house that has a recroom, living room and family room.

    The recroom would be for watching movies and what not.

    The living room would be for nice furniture and entertaining guests.

    But I'm confused what to do with a 3rd living area? Any ideas?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling7 years ago
  • If I apply for guardianship will it go to court?

    My grandmother was deemed incompetent and lives in a old age home now. OPGT (The Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee) took over her finances and are making horrible decisions I know my grandmother would hate. I'd like to apply for guardianship. The application is online and straight forward. Will it go to court?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Why don't people talk about money?

    Me and my husband lately have noticed no one else talks about money the way we do. We'll tell our friends about this great deal we got on a used dining table or whatever. We'll tell our friends when my husband got a raise. Or when I finally found a job, but it only pays minimum wage. And we're not rich. We're the poorest in the group. We're not bragging to rub it in other peoples faces. Everyone else has houses and way more "toys" than us. But we don't care. Sure we're trying hard to get better jobs for the future, but in the mean time we're having fun. When our friends buy things and we ask how much, they'll hesitate. Or we'll find out a year later in passing that they got a raise at work.

    Should we not be talking about that stuff either? Why not?

    3 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • What's a higher position in ballet?

    Under study or in the core/ background?

    2 AnswersDancing8 years ago
  • Why does my husbands male friend keep calling me cute?

    He'll text me every so often then eventually will mention how I'm cute. I've known him for 6 years now, and has become a friend to me as well, but it's a bit weird. He saw my nip slip once, and wouldn't let that go either. Kept mentioning it until I told him it's was uncomfortable for me. So he stopped. But he still will off handedly say I'm cute. I've told my husband. He's been friends with this guy for many many years. He just says it's the way he is, he's weird. Is it harmless? Or inappropriate?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • How to set boundaries with clingy mother in law?

    I've been with my husband for 6 years, married just a month ago. His mother has always been very clingy and needy. She would call everyday, and visit multiple times a week. She's taken the hint from us not answering the phone, and is calling less. But now she texts everyday. And still tries to hang out every week. At this point I would be happy with once a week, two would be ideal. But me and my husband both are very laid back and feel too bad telling her straight up that we wish we saw her less. Also, we've let it go so long, we feel it would seam out of no where if we brought it up now. I dread what it will become when we have kids. Is it too late to set some boundaries? How can we let it be known we need more space?

    5 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Why do some people repeat the same stories over and over again?

    My mother in law will repeat the same stories over and over again. And I don't mean old stories of reminiscing. She does that too, but to a normal degree. She'll tell recent stories or facts 5 times or more in the week they occurred. She doesn't show any signs that she knows she's already told me. I know sometimes people will forget if they'd told someone something once in a while, but usually they'll say something to that effect. But she'll say it like every time is the first time. I heard 3 times in two days that my nephew has jaundice. My husband says she's always been like this, but it has gotten worse lately. I don't feel like it's forgetfulness. I feel like she just has to constantly be talking. If there's a welcomed silence she'll find something to say to break the silence.

    Is there a physiological reason behind this at all?

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • First dance song ideas please?

    We love the song in Twilight - Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron and Wine. But it talks about pissing, poisoned rats, and suicide… So that wont do. But does any one have any song suggestions that have the same feel as this song? Or anything else?


    3 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Is this considered inconsiderate?

    We're getting married on a Friday. And one of our friends is having a part the Sunday after. I was slightly annoyed, but don't really care. But my fiance and his mother were a little mad and thought it was inconsiderate of them. Is it?

    Funny though… Now my fiances mother is planning a BBQ the day after my bridal shower. This bothers me more.

    18 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Speeches: Open mic or schedule?

    I was planning on having the speeches planned out for in between the serving of the meal courses. But when I asked the wedding party and parents who wants to do a speech.. No one gave me an answer except my fiances mom, who said no. Which is fine. My mom said she will get too nervous if it's scheduled and wants to do it when she's had some drinks and the mood strikes her. I told her she only has so many chances during dinner then that's it. But she thinks she can just stop the party any moment she feels like it and give a speech. Like that wont be embarrassing. So she's suggested open mic.

    I want to ask everyone again and get a straight answer, but should I just do what my mom said and have open mic style?

    Does any one have experience in either open mic or schedules? Which usually works out better?

    7 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Is Orthodox reformed church Calvinism?

    My friend recently got married and switched to her husbands Orthodox Reformed Church (ORC). I tried to google that to see their basic beliefs, but kept getting Calvinism. Is that the same thing?

    Bonus if you can explain ORC to me.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is human interaction with wild animals right?

    In a zoo/sanctuary setting?

    I've been to one sanctuary that strictly forbids petting. They only take in abused and abandoned animals, giving them a nice place to grow old in, since they can't be returned to the wild. I've watched videos of poor lion and tiger cubs being over handled and heard stories that these babies often don't live long. And if they do.. Who knows what happens to them when they're not cute and cuddly any more. If a place has babies year round for people to pet and take pictures with, but then their adult population doesn't increase… Well you do the math.

    But then there are places that seam to have the animals best interests in mind. Where you can pet not only baby cubs, but monkey's and wolves etc.

    Regardless of their intentions.. Is it harmless for the public to pet animals? Or should it be avoided at all costs?

    I personally am leaning towards it being wrong. Regardless of the places intentions. I'm sure the animal would rather be left alone. And some animals clearly looked stressed and "trained". But then others look completely relaxed and like they're having fun. So this is where I get confused.

    1 AnswerZoology8 years ago
  • What does a boarder collie protecting me mean?

    I had a nightmare my old dog had rabies and was attacking me. While I was fumbling with a gun to shoot her a boarder collie was protecting me. I never owned a boarder collie or even knew anyone who did. Do boarder collies mean anything?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago