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Lv 2565 points

Nick B

Favorite Answers19%
  • How do I search out and delete empty folders, subfolders and sub subfolders?

    OK, doing some spring clean of the hard drive, tidying up the music files and whatnot! I have discovered quite a few empty folders dotted about caused by the move. I would like to delete this but don't want to risk the harshness of accidentally deleting a music file if it's in folder.

    Now, I've found a nifty little command prompt code that does the job but I can't get it to work!

    This is the command instructions ~,2817,805015,00.asp

    And this is the complaint I get when I try to run it ~

    Help! Please!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Is there a way to set up a lock out on my computer?

    I want to set up a time lock on my computer. I want a program that doesn't require a password to bypass it. The only way to get round it would be to wait for it to let me in first to turn it off! I have no self control when it comes to so called parental lock outs!

    4 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Can someone, please, convert this recipe!?

    I have this recipe but it's in cups! Now I'm in the UK where I do things with grams and previous attempts to convert or even try using an American cup measuring system have all fallen into disarray an disaster. So a little help here if you wouldn't mind.

    ¾ cup dried strawberries

    ¾ cup dried blueberries

    1 cup caster sugar

    Scant 1 ¼ cup self/raising flour

    Scant ½ cup pistachios, chopped

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Can the VLOOKUP function auto fill multiple cells from a single reference?

    Say I have a database of ingredients. The database is basically the name of the ingredient, the bulk cost, the bulk weight and the unit of measurement commonly associated with that ingredient.

    Is there a formula that allows me to enter the name of the ingredient into Cell A1 and have excel's VLOOKUP function fill cells A2, A3 & A5 with the relevant information from the database.

    I know I can do it individually for each cell but I would like one formula to fill all cells instead.

    Is that possible?

    3 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • How do you organize your photo files? Is there a more sensible way to do it?

    So how do you do it? What with the advent of camera phones and such like, pictures easily stack up on you quite fast! Add those funny pictures we find along our travels that we download and quickly your swamped! So any good techniques?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • How does the unit of measurement, cups, work?

    OK, it's not as ridiculously stupid question as it sounds as I'm well aware of how a cup works.

    I ask in regards to the unit of measurement. Being British I'm use to a system of weighing ingredients for recipes and I am constantly put out by "cups" as a unit of measurement. I must be doing something wrong because despite the tools at my disposal I seem to get it wrong despite being a good baker.

    So is it a packed measurement or do you allow for gaps in your ingredients? For example, there is less in a cup of cubed butter then a packed cup. Same with fruits, do you chop and then measure or do you measure the whole then chop?

    This British Baker would really like to know!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Good recommendations for library cataloguing that use web-cam for scanning?

    I know of a Mac software that allows you to use the camera on a Mac to scan the books to add it to a library but I was wondering if there was a version allows you to do this on the PC.

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Where can I test links?

    OK, I am on a few career websites that have a certain amount of access to my email address. I am also frequently firing off emails of my own to companies about looking for work.

    The trouble is I often receive emails offering me a job and they come with a link. The trouble is I am unsure whether to trust these links or be wary of them.

    So is it possible that a website has a service that allows me to cut and paste them the link and for it to test it before I click it?

    3 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • If you kill your clone is it murder or suicide?

    Yes, I know cloning people isn't a thing yet, but it is possible. So, killing your clone, murder or suicide?

    13 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • How can I put on weight?

    Simply put I am underweight and I am also currently subjecting myself to some changes physically. I fear my body doesn't have enough "resources" to work with, so have been thinking about taking supplements to give it a boost.

    I also need to add weight as I just don't have enough fat for the hormones to redistribute!

    My diet is healthy, but not obsessivly healthy. And my lifestyle is active.

    I want to remain healthy but just feel I could do with gaining a little weight.

    11 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • What would happen if I was to connect the speaker output to the microphone input?

    If I wanted to record audio from video, would I be able to do it like this?

    6 AnswersOther - Computers10 years ago
  • Can you identify this children's TV show?

    Basically was a teenage girl who wrote stuff in a diary on her computer. Occasionally had wacky graphics. Aired in the 90s.

    Thank you.

    1 AnswerOther - Television10 years ago
  • Exactly how powerful is the hand grenade?

    I only ask because "Hollywood" keeps changing the rules and I'm rather curious!

    10 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • What causes my upstairs neighbour to affect my wireless internet and FM radio?

    Every now and then my internet drops outs and the radio in the kitchen will lose reception.

    I use to contribute it to her hoovering or using the washing machine but I can't hear neither operating. Usually she's just walking about up there! What can I do stop interference?

    8 AnswersOther - Computers10 years ago
  • Looking for a good computer tech forum.?

    Trying to find a good forum that will help with the networking of my laptop and PC. Any suggestions?

    And yes, I googled it but there seem to be so many choices.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet10 years ago
  • How do I find my picture?

    Well, I had my picture taken today on the London Underground by a total stranger. Probably, because of the day and age we live in, it has probably ended up on the internet.

    Is there a way I could find that image?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet10 years ago
  • Charity or Creativity?

    OK, an old debate that was started when I declared that I love to by most of my paperbacks from charity shops. I just like the feel of a used book and there is a difference. There is also that feeling that in a small way I am helping a good cause too.

    A friend of mine was shocked, even mildly appalled that I did. Her line was that I was stealing food from the mouths of creative authors. That authors relied on new book sales to keep the roof over their heads and food on their plate. Authors don't get royalties from used book sales. Used books should be pulped if you no longer want them!! Give authors a chance.

    My retort was simply by buying a book from somewhere like Oxfam, I could possibly be putting the roof over the head of a homeless child or feeding an impoverished, starving infant.

    But she was adamant that charity shops don't need to sell books to achieve this. They sell clothes and knick-knacks and items that aren't linked to a single individual. How is an author to know s/he is appreciated if their book doesn't sell through proper channels!

    So what side of the fence do you stand on? Charity or Creativity?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • What can you do with sour milk?

    I hate to waste food and I am often annoyed when the milk turns. I don't mind it as much when it's just turning as it tastes great in tea, but when it has gone off fully I feel there is little I can do with it.

    So I was wondering, instead of just pouring that last half pint of sour milk down the sink, does it have a use? Is there any good recipes that include stale milk?

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago