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My name is Jamal Jenkins. I'm a 28 year old middle school teacher. I love being around and helping other people. I'm very tall, handsome, kind hearted, down to Earth, easy to get along with and thoughtful. I live in Philly, P.A. with my 2 young sons and wondeful fiance'. I love them all. Even when times get rough, I just tell myself that things will get better in time. Life is like that. You have good days and bad days. Just try to focus on the positive.

  • What is wrong with her? And does this sound like karma or what?

    A good friend of mine is in her 20's. She's been played 5 men and has gotten played by 5 men. She's always had 2 or 3 men at once. Some were good guys and some were not. She always kept the abusive ones around the longest because "the sex was better." She even had a man in the half way house last year. She was giving him money, clothes food and bus fare for 5 months straight. The last time that she played somebody she got horrible karma. The old head threw her out of his house. The other old head took her in and abused her on all levels. She got pregnant, got an abortion and had a nervous break down. What is wrong with this girl and when will she stop doing this 2 herself?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Why is she acting this way?

    Long story short I'm 28 and the girl who I was messing with is 23. For over a year we were just friends with benefits. We both were seeing other people and she was treating me like the s word. One day out of nowhere she fell in love. We triend being in a 1 on 1 relationship that didn't work out very well. And now I only see her once or twice a week. She sends me nasty text messages all day and night (nearly 20 per day) talking about I'm an abusive, insensitive, chain smoking drunk with PTSD, my house is a mess, my car is a mess, my life is a mess, she deals with other men and she hates my gutts. Yet she keeps on coming back 2 me! What the hell is wrong with this woman? If she hates me that much why does she keep on coming back?

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Why is she acting this way?

    Long story short I'm 28 and the girl who I was messing with is 23. For over a year we were just friends with benefits. We both were seeing other people and she was treating me like the s word. One day out of nowhere she fell in love. We tried being in a 1 on 1 relationship that didn't work out very well. And now I only see her once or twice a week. She sends me nasty text messages all day and night (nearly 20 per day) talking about I'm an abusive, insensitive, chain smoking drunk with PTSD, my house is a mess, my car is a mess, my life is a mess, she deals with other men and she hates my gutts. Yet she keeps on coming back 2 me! What the hell is wrong with this woman? If she hates me that much why does she keep coming back?

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Poll: Men, what is the maximum height for a woman whom you would consider dating?

    I'm Jamal Jenkins aka JJ. I'm a 28 year old middle school teacher. We just got a substitute teacher at my school a few days ago. And she is as fine as hell. The only problem is that she's "6'1 or "6'2 without heels. And she wears heels every single day, which makes her about "6'5 or "6'6. I'm "6'2 and a half. Therefore she's just about my height! Damn. I prefer that my woman be no more than "5'10. Am I wrong for not wanting to date a really tall woman? And how tall is too tall for you? Please tell me your height as well.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll: How would you handle this situation with your father? I really need some good advice?

    I'm going to make a long story short. I'm 28. My fiance' is 23. Our sons are 3 and 5 years old. The oldest son named Marcus is not biologically mine. However, I claim Marcus as my son because I came into his life when he was 1. Anyway, the holidays are coming. I put some things on lay away for both of my sons at Walmart and KMart last month. My father, who hates my fiance' for being a single teen aged mother, is outraged. My father gives my fiance' no respect even though she is a college graduate, well employed, a good mother and a good fiance'. He said that I should have spent a lot less money on my oldest son because he's not mine anyway. He also told me that he was only going to buy my oldest son a cheap toy because he was not his real grandson. What the f#ck, right? Well, anyway, the holidays are fast approaching. And my fiance' does not wanna go to my parent's house for Thanksgiving or Christmas due to my father's foul attitude towards her and Marcus. What can I do to get my father to treat my fiance' and Marcus much better than this? I have tried everything and there is still so much conflict!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know Beyonce's exact height and measurements? She is a beautiful young lady with a beautiful body?

    I was watching the VMA's tonight. And I saw Beyonce' wearing the hell out of that red dress and dancing like hell in that tight outfit. Does anyone know her exact measurements such as height, bra size and weight? I would love to know.

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Was going to the club with my fiance' a bad idea? I feel so disrespected right now!?

    I'm so upset right now that I might kill somebody. I just got back from this club with my fiance'. We were planning to get married next summer. One of her friends just turned 25. Everyone gave the girl a surprise party at this nice club/restaurant. The food was good and we all had a few drinks. Anyway, my fiance' saw one of her ex-boyfriends there. He was the friends' cousin so of course he was invited. He asked to dance with her. I said okay. The innocent dance soon turned freaky, like a Jamaican hip grind thing. Next they were kissing and hugging on each other. I cursed the guy out. Then I pulled her out of there. We went straight home. I now wonder if I should be mad at her or blame it on the alcohol. How should I handle this sh!t? And please keep in mind that we live together and have 2 young boys. She's 23 and I'm 28, by the way.

    11 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Please explain to me how people put their pictures on face book. And can you photo shop the pictures at home?

    Once or twice a week I go on face book and check my messages. Recently I discovered the profile of a casual friend from high school. This girl used to be absolutely flat chested, I mean like a 32 A or B, dark skinned and had a face full of pimples. She is now wearing at least a 36 DD, is a lot lighter skinned and has no more pimples. How the hell has she changed this much since high school? She can almost be considered a model type. Maybe she has changed this much but it's really hard to believe. And I haven't seen her since we graduated. Is there anyway that you can photo shop your pictures at home or something on your camera?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it appropriate for my mother to tell my fiance' not to wear certain clothes to her house? I think it is?

    Long story short, I'm engaged to a beautiful 23 year old girl. She has a pretty face, big breasts and a nice @ss. And believe me, she loves to show off her beautiful body. In a few hours we are taking our 2 kids to visit my mother. My fiance' has on white tight shorts, a black low cut lacy blouse, 3 inch black heels and a lot of eye make up. My mother has asked her several times not to wear clothes like this to her house. My mother's boyfriend is an older man with a wandering eye so I understand why she feels this way. Should I argue with my fiance' to change her clothes or not?

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What was the worst way that someone ever broke up with you? I once dumped a girl through a text message?

    I was just talking to my best friend from New York (I live in Philly, P.A.). He told me that he just dumped a girl through an e-mail. I said, "Damn, that was cold." Yet I dumped a girl through a text message a few years ago. Do any of you mind sharing the worst way that you have ever dumped someone or gotten dumped? And do you think it's better to ignore someone until they get the point or dump them in a cruel way?

    10 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How can I convince my sister that this man is no good for her? He treats her poorly yet she won't leave him?

    My sister is 24 years old. She has been living with this man in his 40's for almost 3 years. He was nice at first but has since turned into an @sshole. He keeps in contact with his ex-girlfriends though he says he has no feelings for them. He doesn't help my sister do any chores or shopping. He doesn't want her to work yet only gives her 40 dollars a week as an allowance. He makes a lot of degrading and dehumanizing "jokes" every day. And the list goes on. She was so stressed last year that her hair began to fall out. Her skin broke out in rashes, her period didn't come on for 2 months, she became allergic to certain products that she never was and so many other things. Everybody tells her that she looks 10 years older now and so miserable. Yet she won't leave him. What can I do to help her see the harm this man is causing her?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can I get this young lady to stop sending requests to my e-mail address? It's annoying the hell out of me?

    I think that a certain young lady is stalking me through cyberspace. She has sent 5 requests for me to add her as a contact on my Yahoo answers page. I accepted her invitation 3 times. The other 2 I have ignored and erased. I wonder if this girl is obsessed with me or something. If she has read any of my questions and answers on here, she knows that I'm happily engaged with 2 sons. And I do not cheat on my fiance'. So why does she keep sending me all of these requests? And what can I do to get her to stop? It's annoying me.

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Can I adopt my soon to be step son without his no good father's permission? My fiance' and I think that I can?

    I am a 28 year old man who is engaged to a beautiful 23 year old woman. I am more than ready to punch my fiance's baby's father Marcus Sr. in the mouth. He was absent from his son Marcus Jr.'s life for nearly 5 years. For the past 4 years, I have been the only father that Marcus Jr. has ever known. I was planning on adopting him (because I consider him my son) after marrying my fiance' next year. Now Marcus Sr. doesn't want me to do it because he's back in the picture after all of this time promising to be a good father. And I know damn well that he won't be a good father for long because of his past history with drugs and alcohol, not being able to keep a job and chasing after women half his age (he's now 40.) Is there any way that I can still adopt Marcus Jr. as long as I have his mother's permission? All I want is for my son to have a happy, stable and decent childhood with a good father in his life.

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How do I get through to my foolish brother? He is constantly letting people play him no matter what I say?

    Long story short, my brother is a very kind hearted and generous man. I consider him a fool in more ways than one, though. His best friend said that she got robbed at work. She left almost 200 dollars in her jacket pocket. And he gave her what they stole the next day. This girl has no respect or appreciation for him. He is always giving her money or helping her with her numerous problems. She never stops asking for "help." I know for a fact that she doesn't want desire him sexually or physically. They never kissed or had sex. She told this to my fiance'. Enough is enough. How can I help my brother to wise up and ditch this no good, ungrateful b@tch?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What else can I do so that I won't get my woman pregnant? All kinds of hormonal birth control make her sick?

    I hate to put my personal business on the internet but I need some advice! My fiance' has 2 sons, one is biologically mine, the other is my step son. She has been on and off of the pill, the patch and Depo Provera for years. They all make her sick with irregular bleeding, nausea, yeast infections and hair loss. We don't need anymore kids right now, though. I don't mind the condoms but she hates them. And sometimes she doesn't wanna use her diaphragm with spermicide either. What can I do ( besides pulling out) so that we don't get pregnant again? And please, no disrespectful or sarcastic answers.

    11 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Why do men call women old head if they're under 30? Isn't this rude and disrespectful towards a lady?

    My beautiful fiance' is 23 years old. She has a beautiful face, nice a@# and big breasts. Men are always tryna talk to her, even when I'm standing there. She told me this morning that a man about 35 years old said to her: "Damn, you look good, especially for an old head." What the f@#% does that mean? I woulda fought dude if I was there. Is looking over 18 considered old to these perverted mothaf@#%as out here? In that case, is their momma an old head?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should I buy my stepson the same thing that I buy my birth son? My father says no.?

    Long story short I'm engaged to a beautiful woman. She has a 5 year old son. Together we have a 3 year old son. I'm doing the Christmas layaway plan at KMart. I wanna get each of my sons the same exact things like shoes, sneaks, boots, coats and toys. My father thinks that I should get my step son only 2 toys, 2 outfits and one pair of shoes. I told him that I consider them both my sons. But my dad thinks I'm playing the sucker role. Am I being a sucker to you?

    11 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Will basketball player Carmello Anthony ever marry his beautiful girlfriend La La from 106th & Park?

    La La Vasquez is a beautiful woman. Those light eyes, big breasts and pretty hair are more than enough for any man.They have a child together and I heard that she's pregnant again. Why is she having kids with this man and playing house without the legal commitment of marriage? Which one of them do you think doesn't wanna tie the knot?

    4 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • I'm not sure to buy my girl a 38C or 36D from Victoria's Secret as an anniversary gift. Please help?

    My girlfriend's 21. I'm 22. We have been together almost 3 years. I wanted her to wear a nice lingerie set at the hotel for our 3rd anniversary. I looked at the tags on all of her bras. The 36C's seem to be too small on her now. Her breasts are really smashed together and hanging out of the top. I asked my sister and she gave me these 2 sizes: 38C or 36D. To give her the money or gift certificate is impersonal. I wanna pick it out for her along with the matching underwear. Which one should is closer to the 36C size? Or should I buy them both?

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Why do people think that they can get away with treating me badly?

    Most of my "friends" only call me when they need to borrow money or when the people they really like are not available. However, if I ever need a small favor most of them are never there for me. This makes me feel like I'm unworthy of having true friends who really like me for who I am.

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago