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  • How can I get my boyfriend to think more positively about marriage? ?

    This year will be 6 years that I've been with my boyfriend. He really seems to not have too much of an interest in getting married. 

    He says men have everything to lose in a marriage and women have everything to gain. He said men look at other men like they are fools if they get married, but he said women use it differently. 

    I have felt ready, almost 3 years ago already, 3 years into our relationship. How do I get him to think more positively about getting married? He says it's just a legal piece of paper with two signatures on it. He just doesn't see it all how I do. 😱

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 months ago
  • Is it normal to still think about high school crushes, years later? ?

    So, I'm 26 years old. When I was 16, I fell in love with my teacher. I became pretty obsessed with him, at least til I was about 18/19. Long story short, as time went on, I had to "give up" on being with him. I turned 19, and 20, and he just never contacted me.

    I've now been in a relationship with my current boyfriend for 6 years! I'm very serious about him, he lives with me, I want to marry him and have his kids. I STILL think about the teacher. 

    I don't constantly think about him. It comes and goes when I reminisce about high school. I still dream about him, too. I've recently dreamed of seeing him and his wife (he only got married in 2019. I last saw him in 2013) I dreamed I've seen him and his wife at thier house. I'm thinking about driving by thier house for real to get it out of my head and system. 

    I feel awful about this. I don't get why he still matters to me that much. I totally understand that he was a HUGE crush/infatuation for me in my teenage and high school years. But I can't understand why he still seems to matter to me. 

    Is this normal by any means? Does this happen to others? I mean, my BF's mother still talks about a guy she dated for 3 years, before she was with her current husband (BF's dad). And that took place in the 70s! I don't know. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. 👍🙏

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 months ago
  • Is smoking weed and getting drunk considered "normal adult behavior"?

    Someone I know does both, and is known to, and is still talked about as if they are "responsible" and talked about in a respectable way. Is it truly "normal adult behavior?"

    I'm 25 and never did either, and I am starting to feel like maybe it's not as "Bad" or "harmful" as I thought it was. Am I missing out on something? 

    32 AnswersPsychology1 year ago
  • Which album do you enjoy more: “Thank U, Next” or “Lover?”?

    In your opinion, which album do you like or enjoy more, and why? Ariana Grande’s “Thank U, Next” or Taylor Swift’s “Lover?” 🙂

    Rock and Pop2 years ago
  • Questions about the Waze app?

    I’ve Googled but can’t find out, maybe someone could help me out who knows.

    1.) When I see other Wazers on the map, do they have thier app open also? Or do some of them have it closed but the phone is tracking thier location and showing them with the app closed?

    2.) What’s the point of “message” or “beeping” another Wazer?

    1 AnswerSoftware2 years ago
  • I can’t stand my boyfriends sister?

    She does drugs/drinking/smoking and doesn’t care to the point it’s like she brags about it. Doesn’t care to get help at all. I get nervous about her being my children’s future aunt if she doesn’t change. I get a sick feeling in my stomach when she’s coming over. What should I do? Just try to avoid her?

    5 AnswersFamily2 years ago
  • Is it alright I love looking at pictures of my boyfriend from when he was a teenager?

    I have always found my boyfriend to be an attractive guy. When I first went to his house, I saw a few pictures of him around as a teenager like graduation pictures and such. He is in his late 20s now so when I saw those pictures I thought he was a really good-looking teenager.

    I find myself looking at his teenager pictures a lot though, more often than I look at recent pictures of him. I think he was such a little babe and had a nicer body then as well. Is it normal or alright that I love to look at his teen pictures all the time, and I like knowing he looked like that at one time? I feel sometimes like maybe it's strange I look at them a lot. I want some opinions.

    I think it's probably alright, I mean it is not like I am looking at other guys. I am looking at my boyfriend, just pictures that are like 10 years old.

    I love to imagine that we went to school together, (we didn't) I just like thinking about him as a teenager and what he was like and what he looked like. Is this normal or acceptable? Thanks so much for the answers, it's appreciated!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • General Hospital: Who do you think should get baby Connie?

    Whose side are you on?

    Maxie and Spinelli or Lulu and Dante? Why?

    And is anyone else feeling the same as me? Not to be rude but the way Lulu's eyes seem to bulge out of her little face when she talks about the baby is quite annoying to me.

    Thanks for all your answers GH fans!

    10 AnswersSoap Operas8 years ago
  • Does anyone know why Target seems to have all of the 'exclusive' things?

    Just a question. Yes I love to shop at my local Target, but that store always seems to have the exclusive stuff. Sometimes they have exclusive kids toys, even candy! And of course, CDs! For example, Justin Timberlake and Selena Gomez both recently gave EXCLUSIVE (Target only) Deluxe Versions of their CDs only at that store. (I don't care if you like those singers or not, those are examples.) It just makes me think that other stores would be jealous they always get more than a lot of the other stores do! But does anyone here know why Target gets more than the other stores? Thank you in advance!

    2 AnswersCorporations8 years ago
  • Why does Calvin Harris or David Guetta never SING in a song?

    Right now I am listening to the radio and "Sweet Nothing" is on...I love it! But for the artist it says, "Calvin Harris/Florence Welch. Umm...I ONLY hear a woman singing! Same goes for other songs like, "Titanium" and "I Need Your Love." Only Ellie Goulding sings in there. Why do they credit these guys umm they are not singing? I don't know please someone inform me. Thank you!

    9 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What is your take on a someone choosing to be independent for awhile?

    It could be a woman or a man. I am only 18, soon to be 19 in a few months. A lot of my friends at or around my age, they kind of seem to feel like they HAVE to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Although I have never really had a serious relationship, I don't feel like I NEED to have anyone right now. My mom says that, "That's bullshit." and that I am, "Being a cold-hearted bitc h." Also, our neighbor says that she is not interested in having any relationship, and my mom says that it's crap. What's so wrong if someone wants to focus on them SELF for awhile? I don't see anything wrong with being alone. I started to think, "Why do people feel they need someone else? Why are they sad if they are alone?" It's called self-love.

    My mom says, "You're only saying that because you never had anyone. You're putting up walls." I mean...I don't see the point. It is true that ANYONE can hurt you, but I have my whole life for that stuff. I can choose to focus on me and other parts of my life. My mom just doesn't seem to think someone can choose to be alone, and be happy.

    Help or advice? Thank you! :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Survey: Do you still buy music CDs?

    Okay I am not going to go into TOO much detail on this, I really should not have to.

    When I buy my music, I love to go to the store and buy a physical copy of a music CD that I would like. I love it when they have Deluxe or Special versions that have extra songs or DVDs with them! It's very enjoyable!

    I know a lot of people get their music off of iTunes. I never have. I love to hold the CD and look at it right in front of me, and page through the booklet with the pictures and lyrics. I love to take the CD and/or DVD with me so I can listen to it wherever I go, especially in the car!

    I want to find more people who are like me. Do you still buy CDs? Especially at stores like Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, FYE, etc.? I cannot be the ONLY one. If I was, heck they would not sell them anymore. I love to buy them and see it in front of me and play it! Anyone else still do the same? :) No hate please! Thanks!

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • I am attracted to guys but I don't like the thought of 'doing stuff'?

    I have always considered myself straight, I am a girl and I have always liked guys. I mean REALLY liked them. I never had an actual boyfriend, never been kissed etc. I do have an online boyfriend who is very respectful towards me. I do LIKE him but, well he lives far from me so I don't consider anything THAT serious about it. But I enjoy talking to him and he likes me a lot.

    When it comes to anything sexual, I do not want to offend anyone but I don't really like the thought of a mans...private. Especially when having sex, to me...the look of it...and the way he puts it in a girl, I just think it's weird. It's like I am a little kid or something. I am not, I am a high school graduate!

    But the way some women or men use sex, and people have multiple people they've had sex with, I find that pretty revolting. And no matter how much I am into a guy, I can't imagine me ever being okay with his private anywhere near me! I just don't like it and the look of it...I mean again I know you cannot help that but it's weird. To me sex is weird and almost never used anymore for what it's supposed to be. I can't even begin to ever imagine myself being pregnant.

    I do not know what to make of this? To be honest I have found myself more interested in looking at buildings or architecture. It's really fascinating and you don't have to think about all that human stuff with it. Not everyone, but a lot of men and women these days have no boundaries anymore, and some pretty bad stuff goes on in this world, including sex related things. I just don't want a part in it. I wish to be a normal young lady who is not creeped out or dislikes the look of a dick, but I just am. I don't know if ALL girls are like that, I mean I know a girl who got pregnant at 14 and every time I see a girl who is pregnant I think, "See! She's not afraid of it! Why are you?"

    I HOPE someone here can help me or give me some advice. I asked on here because I really don't know where else to go. I don't feel like I fit in at ALL with girls or women around my age. They seem to not mind it and I do. Help or advice please? Thank you!

  • Poll: Do you think women should take their young sons into the womens restroom?

    If the boy is 5 or older, do you think a mom should take her son into the womens restroom or do you think that she should take him to the mens room? By that age they should be going in the mens room? What is your take on this? Thanks!

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How do I get my friend to understand her online boyfriend is NOT her real-life boyfriend?

    I have a good friend whom I talk to about every day, hang out with, etc. etc. I am trying to look out for her best interest here.

    She met this guy on Facebook named Andrew. We are in Pa and supposedly he is in Ca. She says he drove past her house twice in a white car, driving to the NY airport to go to Italy. Already that makes no sense! He looked at her for "4-5 seconds," did not say anything, and just drove away.

    Anyways, she has bought a wallet and 2 shirts, one for him and one for his twin brother. I do not know how she will get it to him...but anyways...she said today this kid we knew from school told her he still has feelings for her. She says, "I don't want him! I have Andrew!" HOW do you HAVE him!? You never see him or hang out with him. I mean really. She says he is her "real-life" boyfriend.

    I do not know if this should matter or not at all but my friend tells me she has autism. She is fine for the most part, at least as much as I can tell, I mean I am only trying to look out for her. I doubt honestly that if Andrew met someone, he'd say, "No, I have Amy." (If this matters, she is 18 almost 19 and he is 21) I do not know the best way to explain it to her. Every time I try, she gets pretty mad or annoyed. Any suggestions? Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What do you think of someone putting fake dreadlocks in their hair?

    A girl in my class just ordered, "dreads" as she calls them, and they're fake looking dreadlocks. She says they will stay in for about a year or two if she takes care of them, and they're basically like extensions, but dreads. I think, even though she is a white girl, it looks pretty and different! It's something i would probably never do, I mean who comes up with these ideas? I said, "That's so different I can't get over it!" and this OTHER girl said, "I can. WOW that's bold." I agree with the other girl as well.

    What is your take on someone doing this? I will link a picture she posted of the dreads in her hair. Thanks!

    3 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • How long should the grieving process take after losing a loved one?

    I would like some opinions please. After losing a loved one or someone close to you, how long should you grieve for them before you try to move on or continue with life?

    I am asking because my mother seems to have a hard time with death. She has lost several people in her life, in 2004 her husband (my dad) and most recently, her brother, (my uncle). It is difficult on my whole family because my uncle died suddenly without warning and it took a few days to find him. :| It's a long story but my mom had a major meltdown at the family gathering, and I just sat there watching, feeling bad. My other uncle says she has a problem with death, and even after my dad died almost 10 years ago she still loves him very much and thinks of him everyday, it is tough for her.

    But how long do you think should take for the process or grieving? Do you think my mom needs further help...I mean she seems to be in a major rut, especially now because of her brother's sudden death as well.

    Thank you to anyone who helps me on this.

    8 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Should age really matter in a friendship?

    I'd like some opinions on this please! :)

    I am a girl who recently turned 18. One of my best friends is actually 12, turning 13 this year. I feel like, even at her age, she can really understand me in a lot of ways! I like how I feel like she is a younger sister to me, and I can help her out because I have been where she is, like I have already dealt with a lot of things she is feeling.

    The only thing is, maybe it is the mood I am in, a lot of the times we're on the same page but sometimes she can be a little extra silly sometimes. She finds things funny sometimes I just do not understand. I wish sometimes that she was closer to my age, and she is mature in some ways. But sometimes she tries to give me advice on things, and I am not saying she does not give good advice but sometimes I think, "You have to remember she is a few years younger then you are."

    Is there anything wrong age differences in being friends at all? I mean...I don't know maybe it's me but I figured I'd ask. Thank you to any answers I can get.

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago