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What is this part called and where can I go to purchase it online.?
I own a 99 Ford Ranger( 4wd,v6,3.0). Had a pretty serious coolant leak and noticed it was coming from a broken barb that connects to y shaped coolant hose. Anyway, the barb is part of a nut that screws into the block just below the thermostat housing. On the top of that nut, the coolant temperature sensor screws into a threaded port. This part basically houses the temp. sensor. I have looked on ford website and numerous other, including engine diagram. Can't find the specific name of part so that I can order it. Does anyone know what it is?
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years agoWhat can i do for privacy on our deck?
My wife and I have a problem with a neighbor who lives across the road that constantly watches us and what we are doing while smoking cigarettes in her yard. I need to know what websites will help me get some ideas for lattice work or something that will give us some privacy. Any suggestions. Can't do the privacy fence thing.
5 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agowhat is, in your opinion, the best guitar tab websites on the internet.?
Some sites have multiple tabs but they are just the simple chords of a song and at times they are just guesswork. I want tabs that are right on for bands such as soundgarden, alice and chains, led zepplin, and ect. Can any guitar players help?
2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agomy wife is pregnant and it seems we argue allot more lately?
My wife is pregnant and is very excited and so am I! We have been arguing more lately though. It seems like no matter what I do to make more money, make her comfortable, or make her laugh is only temporary. Within a days time she is asking for more and it gets me upset. The end result is an argument and I don't know what to say to make things better between us. Any suggestions from experienced couples?
15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoI quit my job today, it was a long time coming my boss is rich?
I have been woking in retail for about three years now. I show up to work all the time and have really learned my job well. I am a good person and love to talk to people. I have been overwhelmed though with my new position in customer service. My boss and his family own the bussiness and they are stuck up rich pricks. They don't give any raise incintives and could care less about thier employees. I was put on the spot today and was on my last straw. I decided that it was high time I found something else. Instead of finding something first I quit, is this bad?
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoIs it the diaphragm?
My wife started using diaphragm as birth control and shortly after that I had a fever of 103, lower back pain, burning sensation, and the chills. The doctor diagnosed me with a kidney infec. We didn't quit using the diaphragm an now my wife has the same symtoms and is going to the doc tommorow. My pain in the lower back is coming back and I have sceduled another apointment myself. Is it the diaphrahm and is it possible that we both have a kidney infec.
1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade agobest answers gets points!!?
how many square does a roll of 15 pound felt cover, how many square does 23 bundles of shingles cover, on cobra ridge vent is it a hand nailed product a nail gun product or both, what type of wood is best for running across the bottom of a poll barn horizontally, and what is a sufficient amount of siding screws for 38 inch wide siding per square.
1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agowhat should I suggest to family about anxiety?
I have a fam. member who has been struggling with a serious case of anxiety. Has seen three or four different doctors and none of them seem to do anything about it. I have seen for myself that it is affecting fam and friends and marriage what should I suggest. I know that meds aren't always safe but they need something to get them through this. They have tried herbal remedies to no avail. Why is this not taken morre serious?
4 AnswersMental Health1 decade agois there any type of legal action other that a restraining order?
is there any legal action other that a restraining order that can be put on a person to keep them from affecting your family, work, voicemail, friends, ect.
5 AnswersFamily1 decade agoMy younger brother is unreasonable and unresponsible what do i do?
I am 28 and have a brother that is 26. He and his wife and toddler have moved in with my mom and dad. He continues to lose jobs and his track record with work is causing difficulty in him finding other jobs. No one in my family can approach him with this issue without violent outburst and he doesn't feel he needs any help. The only help he feels he needs is a place to live and financial. Mom and Dad are broke and I'm am getting so upset that I have built a wall between us. When I do get around him the things he says regarding this issue make me want to beat him. What do I do?
9 AnswersFamily1 decade agoI asked a question about moving in now I have one about moving out.?
If I moved in with a woman because I found that I was in love but the only problem is how her 11 year old feels about it. See I have no kids and I have went and gotten rings for marriage and we have set a date but I am starting to see some really bad things ahead with her son not ever respecting me as a stepfather and I see some real issues with his adopted father. It is causing us alot of stress and I just want to know what is the best way to get out of this without hurting her to much or her son. I have mixed feelings on leaving her and I feel like she has a right to have a man in her life. He is an only child though so what he says has always gone. I am normally a really stong person and know what I need to do but I admit that this has me stumped and weak.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoI moved in with a woman that I am in love with. We have decided to get married but her 11 year old son objects
She and I have talked to him all the way through the process of me moving in. We have kept him informed of everything to make sure that he is comfortable with such a big change. Tonight in an argument with his mom he stated that even though he said he was happy he really isn't with the situation. We have already bought the rings, and we have the date set. I am in a position were I am starting to have second thoughts because her son literally blows up when they argue and is destructive. I don't know if I can learn to father a kid that is not mine and will show no respect. What do I do any suggestions?
25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoDoes constantly playing chess make a person smarter?
Chess is a very strategic game and takes allot of thought. If you were to play it all the time as a hobby do you think it would make you a smarter person. Kinda like reading all the time.
8 AnswersBoard Games1 decade agoWhat is the best website for tablature on scales of any sort for guitar?
I know of a few websites that offer tab for cover music but I am looking for a web site that will give me good tab for blues scales, major scales ect.
2 AnswersMusic1 decade agocan doxycycline be us for severe chest congestion?
most people probably havn't heard of doxycycline but it is an antibiotic and I've searched yahoo health and other related sites and some say that it is used for that and some don't? So if anyone knows much about that antibiotic then let me know whats up.
5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoIf tatooing and piercings are a sin then how can you repent for them since they are permanent.?
I tried to answer a question asking if piercings and tats are sins and I don't believe they are but if they are how could you be forgiven for them since they will always be there
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIf there was one thing you could take with you when you die what would it be?
37 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago